JoinedTopics Started by unbrainwashed
JWs are gossip mongers
by unbrainwashed inonce i left the jw social scene and started hanging out with "worldly" people a lot more, i realized that these "worldly" people don't gossip nearly as much as the witnesses.. i didn't realize it at the time but now i can see how much of a gossip-based social structure it all was.
jws absolutely thrive on gossip.
has anyone else noticed this?
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 8-6-2006 WT Study (CHOSEN NATION)
by blondie in"it is you jehovah your god has chosen to become his people.
are jw children born into god's chosen nation?
after pentecost 33 c.e., every individual...had to make a personal dedication to god and be baptized.
What book are they studying at the book study these days?
by unbrainwashed inhaven't been to one in a couple of years.
i know they just finished the daniel book.
what are they studying now?
How would the Governing Body treat Jesus if he were on earth today?
by unbrainwashed in.
they would criticize him for "independent thinking" and eventually disfellowship him for apostasy for not going along with their religious system and doctrines, don't you think?.
oh wait...that's kind of like what the sanhedrin did to him 2,000 years ago..
Are you happier out of the org?
by dobbie inhi everyone i was just wondering if those of you that have left the org for whatever reason, have found your'e much happier than when you were in it?probably a daft question but i tried to talk to a friend about how i was feeling about a few things and why i don't go to meetings and she said would i really be any happier out than in?it just got me thinking about why i joined in the first place, because i was lonely and down, although i still am several years later it seems!have you found life better on the outside?did you feel a sense of freedom or was it really hard to adjust?when i try to explain what i find hard in the religion they can always say something back that then makes me think i was wrong in the first place and it is the truth after all - aagh!
Finally downloaded the application for America's Next Top Model. :)
by stillAwitness inwell, i been "living in sin" for about 5 days now and aside from an elder asking if i was gonna still do a talk i was scheduled for this past monday (i told him no of course.
he knows i moved out and only asked about my literature) i finally worked the nerve to download the application for this season's america's next top model.
i've been modeling for some time now and i figured what the hell...i have nothing to lose but $3.95 in postage.
Please help - convention info
by unbrainwashed ini decided to skip the convention for the first time this year.
i have been telling everyone in my congregation that i went but just didn't see them there.
a few nosey individuals are getting suspicious and they are trying to find out if i really went or not.
Russel a zionist
by cousin Z incharles taze russel was a zionist, yet today's wt has nothing to do with it.
what happened, what scriptures do they use to defend their position and why do they talk so much about the end of the world yet when you bring up israel, the ingathering and how the world is focused on destroying israel and the jews,they totally discount it as nothing.