Kitty i laughed when i saw your thread cos your question is the exact thought that came into my mind yesterday!I was thinking about saying to my elder f in l that if they had to serve God and do all this ministry studying no celebrations etc etc but at the end they'd all be dead forever like everyone else would there be any JWs?I think not - but they probably would'nt admit it . Basically i came to the conclusion that it is a selfish religion because all they think about is living forever in paradise, yes lots of other people worship God and want to go to heaven or whatever but their whole lives don't seem to be fixated on that one thought like the jws are.
Posts by dobbie
Question for JW believers...or whoever wants to answer
by kittyeatzjdubs ini often wondered this myself a lot growing up, and i must know.... if there was no paradise hope, no promise of living forever or having your dead loved ones resurrected....would you still serve your god and follow the organization?
would you have ever began studying with the witnesses for that matter or stayed in the ''truth'' if you were raised in it?.
because isn't that the golden ticket that jw's wave in front of their studies or interested ones?
I have a question(s)
by I.Wonder ini am new to the site, although i have been a lurker for quite some time.
i was very nervous to create an account.
all of the people i work for and with are jw's and we are all family.
Hi I.Wonder my husband has such a big problem with the ministry he hasn't been out for 7 years and apart from the odd counsel they've let him be over it. I was going out right up to this year but have stopped everything now because personally i don't believe alot of it anymore so don't feel right talking to others about it. What i used to do to get around this was to just offer the magazines straight out without getting into discussions, i used to do it once a month and then i'd have an hour to put down and wasn't irregular.Welcome !
Read any good books lately?
by I quit! ini picked one up today i'm really enjoying.
"screwed, the undeclared war against the middle class" by thom hartmann.
i am finding it to be very insightful into why jobs are being sent overseas.
I have just read a Georgette Heyer bok set in regency times i have all her books before that i read Agnes Grey by Ann Bronte who i think was much underated i also enjoy Agatha Christie and at the moment anything on veg growing as we've just taken on an allotment and are total beginners. I love it that i can now read what i want without feeling guilty, before i used to have these mad spurts where i would try to study every little thing for the meetings ministry etc and i'd waste hours doing it and still not understand it!I also like reading money management books and childcare books.The books i read the most though are toddler books for my boys - and some of them are very enjoyable!
Crumpet - yes but i can't watch it on New Yrs Eve cos i'll be busy trying to kill off Arrowstars threadkillers thread so we can start a new one for 2007!
Yes i loved the first version shame its not on tv often looks like will have to wait for the new one to come out on dvd - nicholas cage is much nicer on the eye than edward woodward!
have fun editing this jaracz picture
by What-A-Coincidence inso what do you think he is scheming by his looks?.
"i will choke every single apostate on jwd if that is the last thing i do" - teddy jackarse.. .
Stop it now before i wet myself laughing!
have fun editing this jaracz picture
by What-A-Coincidence inso what do you think he is scheming by his looks?.
"i will choke every single apostate on jwd if that is the last thing i do" - teddy jackarse.. .
LOL Was an Elder once thats so funny i've got the giggles now!
Sorry knew i'd muck it up am half asleep!
I saw this film was due to be released in UK 1st September and couldn't wait cos i loved the original film and i LOVE Nicholas Cage i think hes got a gorgeous accent, anyway i digress, i saw it advertised for 3 morning showings at our local Odeon but could'nt go so waited to see if it was on the following week at nighttime and since then they have not shown it at all!Has the film been a big flop or something only i was really looking forward to seeing it, i can't understand why they advertised it for ages and then only showed it 3 times, other films like Pirates of Carribbean has been going on for weeks.Is it worth buying when it comes out on DVD?Cheers