Anyone from the UK remember Mystic Meg?
Jeez was she scary?!
The Psychics convention has been cancelled due to unforseen circumstances.
Anyone from the UK remember Mystic Meg?
Jeez was she scary?!
The Psychics convention has been cancelled due to unforseen circumstances.
does anyone take any responsibility for what happened in 1975?
maybe i should say what didn't happen in 1975!.
i mentioned 1975 to my still devout but not so fundamental jw mum.
RE: 2005 as the next date to look forward to.
Yes, this stems from the Watchtower of Sept 15 1997.
Page 14, paragraph 21 states: ‘God has been using the anointed for over sixty years now’ (since 1935). The Society subliminally link this to a comment in paragraph 10 about Elijah’s term of serving (70 years) thus suggesting that the day of Jehovah may come in modern day 70CE.
1935 + 70 = 2005
Of course, the society can never openly say that is what they mean – they have to leave it to the bro’s to read between the lines…it is certain that they will, as you say, the R&F need the proverbial carrot of an imminent Armageddon to keep going. When 2005 passes without the end coming the Society can say “well, we never said it would come’s was just a few who, eager to see the end…etc etc” (you’ve heard it before).
See also Watchtower Oct 1st 1997. ‘Confident in Kingdom Hope’ Page 23 – reinforces idea of importance of 1935.
How many times over the next century are we going to see JWs hopes rise and then become dashed?
Why can’t they see how manipulated they are?
Because they don’t want to. They cannot break free of the psychological opium of religion.
Faith, it matters not in what, soothes away the pain of reality.
Have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth?
this is from the back cover of the june 15 wt entitled the wounds of a friend.
it highlights the usual double-standards........ .
the apostle paul saw the need to administer some correction to first-century christians in galatia.
I agree. I read the mags more avidly now than ever I did when a practising JW. I find them so fascinating in an anthropological sort of way. They would be just so damn funny if it wasn't for the fact that good people actually believed this crap. However, I deem it the responsibility of those who have escaped to analyze the inane dribblings from the GB, exposing their lies and presenting the truth in forums such as this - hopefully preventing others from making the mistake of believing this dross called 'spiritual food'.
Have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth? Hey, that's a good profile signature!
june15 wt contains some very helpful assistance in identifying those having gods backing.
having read the article......i am no wiser! surprises there i guess!
The magazine lays down eight identifying characteristics which supposedly support the claim that they, and only they, have God’s backing. Based on Jesus’ comment “by their fruits you will recognise them”, the article lists the proofs, or ‘fruits’ that identify the true religion:
1. They base their teachings on the bible.
2. They use and publicize God’s name, Jehovah.
3. They reflect God’s joyful personality.
4. They base their conduct and their decisions on bible principles.
5. They are organised in the manner of the first-century Christian congregation.
6. They are submissive to human governments and yet remain neutral.
7. They are impartial in working “what is good towards all.”
8. They are willing to suffer persecution for doing God’s will.
The first point that I would like to make is: WHO decides which fruits are the important identifying characteristics? Any religion could present entirely different ‘proofs’ which would be just as valid scripturally.
Some of these ‘fruits’ rely on an interpretation of the bible peculiar to Jehovah’s Witnesses, for example the issue of neutrality. Some of the fruits are generic, that is, they apply to most Christian religions, for example basing their teachings on the bible.
1. They base their teachings on the bible.
All Christian religions say the same. One interpretation is as valid as another. Has the Society never taught anything scripturally incorrect? Might the Society be teaching anything scripturally incorrect now?
2. They use and publicize God’s name, Jehovah.
The following encyclopedias consider the name "JEHOVAH" to be FALSE: Merits Student Enc.; Encyclopedia Americana; The Jewish Enc.; Encyclopedia International, The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible; The New Catholic Enc.; The Universal Jewish enc., Encyclopaedia Britannica etc.
J.W.'s own "Aid" book admits on pages 884 & 885 that "Jehovah" originated with a Catholic monk about 700 years ago! What is the correct spelling of God’s proper name; “Yahweh” or “Jehovah”? If Jehovah’s Witnesses maintain that “Yahweh” is more proper, why do they misspell it “Jehovah”? If the name of God is so important, and you are going to use it, then should you not only pronounce it correctly, but spell it correctly too?
3. They reflect God’s joyful personality.
Don’t make me laugh, more JWs suffer depression than any other similar group. They are the most miserable bunch of moaners you could ever wish to meet.
4. They base their conduct and their decisions on bible principles.
All Christian religions say the same. JWs take it a step further and base their conduct and decisions on the opinion of the ruling few (The GB).
5. They are organised in the manner of the first-century Christian congregation.
So what? Besides, what are the Governing Body if not a ‘proud clergy class that honours itself with high sounding titles and elevates itself above a laity.’? (Their words, see paragraph 11).
6. They are submissive to human governments and yet remain neutral.
It’s only their brains that remain in neutral. It could be argued that ‘paying back Caesar’s things’ meant that we go along with the system as far as it goes, which includes helping to decide who gets voted in. Again, you read your bible and you makes your choice. Both choices are equally valid.
7. They are impartial in working “what is good towards all.”
No they’re not, relief programs after a disaster are invariably aimed at the brothers, help to outsiders in coincidental. As a young JW I was always discouraged from providing money to charities in case it was run by a church! Just think of all the help that JWs COULD have given if it weren’t for the ‘Armageddon will solve all the problems soon’ stagnation of thought and action.
8. They are willing to suffer persecution for doing God’s will.
True, not only willing but some positively seek it out! Like many cults, JWs, mistake a general disdain for stupid beliefs and resulting ‘persecution’ as proof of God’s blessing. If I said the world was flat I would be persecuted, but it doesn’t mean I’m right.
that got you to read this!
what country are you from?.
i find it encouraging to see where different posters are from in the world, especially for me, if you are from the uk or europe.
Hi Y'all, I'm in Leicester, England.
Some say if God was going to put a suppository in the world this is where He'd put it!
warning !.
the following "dictionary" may be very discomforting to true believers of jehovah's organization.
if you ask too many questions about these things you are told " jehovah will make it all clear in time.
I've got one! I've got one! (repetition for emphasis!)
"Worldly wisdom" = Scientific facts that totaly disprove what the Organisation teach. Of course, scientists cannot be trusted since they used to teach that the world was flat, so anything they say nowadays can be simply dismissed as the ramblings of demon-inspired lunatics.
well im going to be unpopular here.
i am still in jw orginization, in fact i just went to a meeting tonight and even had the privlege of caring microphones.
i'm being set up as an example in the congregation...and guess what else...i dont believe anything!!
Not from what I've heard...witness chicks are worse than worldly ones. I guess it all comes from the fact that as soon as youngsters become of a certain age they are pounded with sex advice from all sides - the JWs, especially the older ones, are absolutely obsessed with sex.
Anyway Fence, I suggest you come here and ask your questions. I know how hard it is not to be able to talk with anybody. It is very therapeutic to air your concerns. At least here you'll get an honest discussion with a range of views and not just the WT dogma. If you want to keep connections with your family don't force their hand by being openly anti-JW - they will HAVE to follow their programming and shun you. If they are still under the hypnotic power of the Society then they have no choice. JWs have no freedom to make any of their own decisions above what flavour juice they buy.
like a lot of others here, i gave higher education a miss when i left school (1980).
under the encouragement of the society i pioneered for three years instead!.
now i clean windows for a living.
Yep, I used to clean toilets!
At the age of 37 I enrolled in University and am currently undertaking an education degree (I want to be a (great?) teacher!).
I'm now 40 with one year left before I get my degree.
It seems that a lot of people go back to education once they leave the bOrg.
just curious many say that the org monitors dbs, but anybody have concrete proof of this??
oh by the way at the recent ca dbs were mentioned from the platform!!!
the thought was "some jws were visting jehovahs witness discusssion boards and trying to correspond with some"...might not be exactly what was said(not an actual quote)...they mentioned put a doubt in your mind and start questioning your beliefs!!!
They probably do, maybe even pay some third party to do it for them, so none of their slaves are tempted.
It seems that the magazines do cover some of the issues raised on apostate sites, in a half-assed way that only JWs would accept.
If that is the case then we should expect a big downer on paedophilia in the mags any time soon.
the latest discover magazine (may 2001 pg.16) has an interview with.
evolutionary biologist michael rose.
he has engineered an enormous.
I hope you are right, metatron. Hell, the thought of dying scares the shit outta me! I wanna live forever, give me the pill - now!
"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work - I want to achieve it through not dying" - Woody Allen.