Yes, it does give you a buzz when that happens doesn't it? I've definitely noticed more disaffection in the ranks lately.
More often than not though, these people say that they are fed up but stay anyway, it's the 'where else can we go' mentality.
hello gang!
i just wanted everyone to know that tonight i had some drinks with a dub who is planning on leaveing.
she is fed up with all the dub bs and is wanting to df herself.
Yes, it does give you a buzz when that happens doesn't it? I've definitely noticed more disaffection in the ranks lately.
More often than not though, these people say that they are fed up but stay anyway, it's the 'where else can we go' mentality.
my most painful confession
note to simon: i will use some expletives, but i hope that they will be retained as this is intended to be an otherwise civil and thoughtful post to all my fellow ex-jws.
please read on, as this is most painful.
Au revoir Amazing.
Your name was always one that I looked for on this board. A stalwart of common sense and decency, your influence was always for the good. I will miss your posts.
Best of luck with your health,
what are some of your favorite jw catch phrases?.
"food at the proper time".
"spiritualy weak".
Using special buzz words is a recognised technique for controlling groups of people.
By using words which have special subliminal meanings to a select audience, the writer can powerfully suggest things without actually saying it. Also, a whole set of behavioural systems can be enforced with just a few words.
For an up to date example of this from the latest Watchtower see my post here:
2 elders mentioned in their parts in the tms and sm, that just because a person is a witness, it doesn't mean that they they are acceptable association.
if someone misses a lot of meetings, rarely goes out in field service and is not the best example, we should not want to associate with such ones.
i clearly see a line being drawn in the sand.
The Society have been worried for a long time about bad influences within the congregation, especially from the young. It appears that the problem of youths living double lives has come to the attention of the leaders. And its not just being passed on verbally by the elders.
The February 15 th 2003 Watchtower, on page 26, has this to say:
Surprisingly, some difficult trials young ones face may come from within the congregation.
Although your teenage child appears to be in good spiritual health, inside he may be struggling with a divided heart. For instance, Megan faced worldly ideas stemming from other youths who came to the kingdom Hall:
"I came under the influence of a group of young ones who saw Christianity as boring and as an obstacle to having fun. They said things like: 'The minute I am 18, I will leave the truth', or 'I can't wait to get out'. They shunned young ones who said anything to the contrary, calling them holy ones." ( anyone spot the hypocrisy here? dm)
It takes only one or two with a bad attitude to egg on the rest...In many countries, there have been sad cases of Christian youths getting into trouble because they followed the crowd. (Presumably not the Great Crowd! dm)
This article is also full of those irritating catchphrases spoken about in another thread: 'young ones' 'worldly ideas' 'the truth'
This article is a very powerful mind control exercise targeting parents unable to think for themselves, who will now do the Society's dirty work of watching their children's behavior.
Scary huh?
Edited by - dmouse on 29 December 2002 6:0:46
lets say you were born prior to the 20th century and found yourself on the titanic on the night of april 14, 1912. your a male.
all the lifeboats are either going or have gone.
what would you have done in order to try and survive?
A jumbo size can of 'creeping crack cure'?
It depends on the circumstances, if I knew what I know now I'd strap together stuff that could float and paddle away from the ship at the earliest opportunity. I know it was a long drop to the ocean though, so maybe I'd chicken out, and then again there's the problem of sitting in that freezing weather in wet clothes.
Oh I don't know! Tell us!
hi all, my name is eric, i'm 22 years old i live in kansas, and i am the new guy on the forum.
just looking to meet some people who, like myself, have decided that being one of jehovah's witnesses was not for them.
i stopped going about 1 1/2 years ago and have been feeling quite alone.
Hi Eric, welcome to the board. This is definately the place to be for Ex Jws
Have you tried other boards? Sometimes we get flame wars here but I just ignore those. I don't post much nowadays but I still enjoy reading other's posts most days.
Hey, if you've only just found us I bet you don't know about the UN scandal, or the pedophile problem among the JWs?
Anyway, like what CoonDawg said, relax and take what you want from this site, and don't let the few idiots ruin your day.
There are lots of really great human beings here.
many opinions have been expressed on this board as to what is killing the society today.
i am positive that issues such as the un scandal, the pedophile issue, etc.
are having a negative effect and contributing to a general slackening off and sense of malaise amongst the rank and file.
I wholly agree. '1914' and its associated teachings is a ticking time-bomb that will not go away easily.
Soon, within 15 years, there will be no one left who was alive at that time. Even now, I would imagine that only 1% of the existing population was born on or before that date. The generation HAS passed away.
The current magazines are still plugging 1914 though, I guess there is still some fight left in the old guard. Once the old-timers with any clout die off then the next generation of GB will probably abandon the 1914 doctrine.
As you say, 1914 already seems so long ago - it has a finite shelf-life. Looking at past examples I would expect the society to drop it without warning in 2015. And millions will swallow whatever bullshit the GB come out with, so I don't expect even that to 'kill' the society.
march 8th 1974 issue, pages 13-16:.
The articles once more reveal the misogyny at the core of the WBTS.
new strategy to da/df millions who have left.
i'm wondering if there isn't a new policy of da'ing all those who no longer attend or are inactive "publishers" (find that in the bible!).
i've read a number of threads on this board whereby people are now being hunted-down, nazi-fashion, if when queried, "are you one of jw?
A possible explanation:
'Inactive ones' are more likely to go on apostate sites and find incriminating evidence against the tower. The information they hold could potentially be very damaging as they reveal it to active JWs. The Society need to prevent the still loyal JWs from accessing this information (an informed JW is an Ex-JW). The best way to do this is to stop them talking at all to anyone who might be a threat - hence a possible purge. The congregations can enforce a no-talking policy with anyone who trys to reveal the truth by DAing them.
Just a thought.
i watched a movie on tv the other night called "the others" with nicole kidman.
it got me thinking about ghosts.
of course, my jw thinking automatically kicks in and tells me that its.........come on, you all know the answer.......demons.
It depends how you define ghosts. I have never, in all my 41 years, experienced anything spooky.
Yet too many sane people have seen things that are impossible to explain by current scientific understanding.
SOMETHING is there that we don't yet understand.
However...I find it difficult to believe that intelligent spirit creatures would spend an eternity scaring the crap out of folks by moving their knick-knacks around, or reducing the temperature in the hallway.
I believe there are a number of explanations. One is simply misinterpretation of a normal event, either because you are tired, drugged or drunk, or otherwise susceptable for some reason (been watching ghost films!). Another possible explanation is a temporary or permanent mental imbalance - causing hallucinations which can appear to the person experiencing them as totally real (they are NOT lying). Of course there is also the possibility of malicious pranks, liars, and people can be tricked into believing in ghosts by fraudulent spirit mediums or someone with a vested interest (Scooby Doo anyone?). There are as many different possible explanations as events.
I have a personal theory about this. What about the possibility of a phenomena that science has not quantified yet - the possibility that images, sounds, etc can be recorded in the surrounding environment, just like we record such things on magnetic tape today. The earth is a huge magnetic and electrical system. Maybe under certain circumstances an actual event, perhaps beyond just sound and images, can be 'recorded' in the very ground or building itself - only replaying under certain atmospheric conditions which trigger it off. Such a replaying would fit the apparently mindless yet realistic activities of so-called 'ghosts'.
'Ghosts' are real...but what the #&$ are they?