Thanks for your supportive words folks, it helps.
Scully, thanks for asking about Ben (my teenage son). He's undergoing intensive elder scrutiny at the moment, with continuing indoctrination sessions, sorry, bible studies every Wednesday night with one of them. But despite that he's turning into a very mature and sensible lad (as far as teenagers can!). He is biding his time, like many youths in the congregation, and not saying too much. But he is taking no active role in the congregation, has stopped going in field service, and tells me that he will never be baptised as a JW.
Ben is busy making plans for his life (NOT pioneering!). He loves the stage, singing, acting and dancing and I am trying to maintain his options as best I can. One day he will be famous; he has the drive and talent to make it. Of course he has the constant barrage of negative comments from all members of the family who are still JWs about the lure of Satan's world but he just smiles to himself and ignores them.
What I don't want is for him to suffer the complete breakdown in faith that I experienced. I lost my faith completely in God and that has been an awful weight to bear. I have told Ben that losing faith in a religion shouldn't mean losing faith in God and he should explore other options, particularly in the Christian faith. I have mentioned to him the possibility of attending the church where some of his school friends go and he seems keen on that idea.
He may go with them to church tomorrow, that'll really freak his mum out if she ever finds out!