Fresh from the "press":
Re: Local Design/Construction Department Broadcast
Dear Brothers:
The work of constructing and maintaining theocratic facilities throughout the UnitedStates branch territory is indeed great! (1 Chron. 29:1) With this in mind, we are pleased to informyou of a special meeting to be presented on Saturday, January 31, 2015, at 3:00 p.m. EasternStandard Time (EST) to all elders and circuit overseers in the United States branch territory.The meeting will be approximately two and a half hours in length and will includepresentations by members of the Local Design/Construction Department, the United StatesBranch Committee, the Worldwide Design/Construction Department, and a member of the GoverningBody. Additionally, a new, dramatically different Kingdom Hall design will be released atthis meeting. (bold mine) Exciting developments in constructing and maintaining Kingdom Halls will be discussed,including how all in attendance and others can support the arrangements.
While we apologize for giving you short notice, (too much for planning, bold mine) we encourage all elders to be in attendance.However, arrangements are being made to rebroadcast the meeting at a later time for thebenefit of elders who are unable to attend this important meeting on the date noted above becauseof a circuit assembly or other circumstances. Details concerning this arrangement will besent in due course.We are confident that this meeting will be an informative and faith-strengthening experiencefor all. Please be assured of our warm Christian love and best wishes.Your brothers,c: Circuit overseersPS to circuit overseers:You may attend at any convenient participating location. As noted above, a list of KingdomHalls and their event coordinators will soon be provided. If you will be unable to attend thespecial meeting on January 31 or if attending this meeting would require the use of a substitutecircuit overseer (for example, if you are visiting a congregation that has a meeting on Saturday),then it would be best for you to benefit from the rebroadcast that will be shown at a later date.