I have been posting on this board on and off for about two years now. It has been a tremendous help to me to read other people's experiences, to laugh, cry and just plain identify. However, something weird is going on with me in the last six months and I am totally freaked out. So I am not sure where else to turn. I wonder if anyone can give me some advice.
For the last year and a half I have been so happy to have left the organization. When I learned the truth about the truth, it was like coming out of a state of hypnotism. I woke up to see that financially, physically, mentally, etc I had been living a nightmare and the affects of being a witness were not good. BUT I could forgive myself and move on - I had no problems with this. I think the sheer thrill of having control of my life, for the first time in my life, has carried me for the past year and a half. I have been on a kind of high, in the sense that I have so much hope for my future and am delighted to think I can use my talents to create a life I have always dreamed of.
However, for the last six months or so I have going through (what I think) are classic fear of death symptoms. I don't know what else to call it. It has finally hit home that this life is probably all there is - I can never be totally convinced there is a God. At first I didn't really think about it. But now it is affecting me especially at night. I have been waking up gripped with fear of the eventuality of my death. It's like I can feel all of the people who have existed before me - I can feel their lives, hopes, dreams, hear their voices (no I am not literally hearing voices!). Sometimes I imagine death so clearly, the light slowly extinguishing, what it would be like to see my life flash before my eyes, the fact that IF I have time to think before I die I would probably end up contemplating something completely uselss like why didn't I ever get my bicycle fixed or why didn't I pick up milk from the grocery store. The idea of non-existence is terrifying me.
Has anyone gone through this? Is this just a phase that I will come to grips with, or should I get my butt to a therapist tomorrow? I am wondering if this is the last phase in taking that (was it blue?) blue pill - like in the Matrix - the last vestige of fantasy land fading. But how will I face this with courage? I read once that the sensitive and clever can never be happy. Well clever is debatable in my case (not sure I even spelled debatable correctly) but sensitive is definitely me. I have always had highly tuned intuitian and empathy. Being around people sometimes completely drains me, because I feel so much, that I have been fairly introverted my entire life. Being a witness really helped block this out - it truly made me the closest to unfeeling that I will ever be - but I don't have that block anymore.
I do prefer leaving the fantasy behind, I want to face reality but am afraid this death thing will be a tough one - can anyone offer any suggestions?