A FRIEND came by and opened his car trunk. My reply, as a friend, was where do we bury the body?
Just Kidding
i got a weird call from a work mate last night.
she's going through hell for the past year or so with her soon-to-be ex, who had been carrying on an affair and stopped sharing their family expenses.
long story short, he's out of the house now and has left her and their kids out in the country without any transportation.
A FRIEND came by and opened his car trunk. My reply, as a friend, was where do we bury the body?
Just Kidding
has their ever been an xjw cruise?
i wonder if there would any intrest?
i read somewhere that cruise lines do specialty cruises on their normal routes.. uwuf
when and where do the dubs do this
has their ever been an xjw cruise?
i wonder if there would any intrest?
i read somewhere that cruise lines do specialty cruises on their normal routes.. uwuf
Has their ever been an xjw cruise? I wonder if there would any intrest? I read somewhere that cruise lines do specialty cruises on their normal routes.
i have a friend whose mom was df'd when he was still a baby.
his dad was a witness as well but sadly died when my friend was just a infant.
his question to me on the weekend was why can't non jws (or df'd) .
I want to my dead body to be entombed as Pharaoh Russell's was in a pyrimid. HAHA
i think as the prices of gas, health care, housing and other things continue to rise, the jw without a great education will struggle to put much in the contribution box.
it got me to thinking, how much did my family put in the contribution box at the kingdom hall.
this is what i estimate for the final 5 years i went 1994-1999.... $10.00 per week for about 5 years.
Maby once when I was a kid. My dad figured he had contribuited enough for the family. Donated the ground and paid the, Yes Paid, the bros to build it.
I once got a line on some seats and ask khs in the area $100. Some were appualed. But one lucky cong had seats for a C note. Cheap even in the 70s.
i hate to do this but i've got to say something about a certain elder that used to get me so annoyed when he prayed.
it's like he had his prayer prepared on a script with a few fill in the blanks here and there.
it's probably been over a year since i've heard him pray but i know his prayer by heart.
Great Post
I always hated when a prayer was offered that turned into a 20 min. sermon for the cong.
a few days ago my wife commented on a letter sent out to all congregations (in the u.s.a.?
) regarding donations.
se said it was long and boaring, but in the end there where a few points she remembered.
My father used to make the remark ;"That the society pushed their prepare for the new system by pioneering and not to be materialistic agenda verbaly while all the time they were accumulating real estate like crazy. I am glad pops followed their example! Now his jw realitives refere to him as wealthy.
He also pointed out that the CO & DO were actually a paid position. As all their expenses are covered by the congs. There was always talk of the CO that would be assigned to the wealthier circuts.
I also came to realize that the bethal speaker who had a little bit rank and was adept in his public speaking abilities stood the chance of having one of the j's putting money in his pocket and sometimes on a regular basis.
(i do not normally do long posts, so bear with me.
) i've decided to take it upon myself and look at a few quotes from the august 2006 awake on blood.
the wts writes:.
On the blood issue, maby some of the old men in power, as they grow ever older, may also see a possible need for the oxygen the RBC carries in their own bodies. This need arising out of disease brought on by age. So it might be a partial reason for them to jump the band wagon of policy change.
i'm not sure if its just me, but i've noticed that every time i drive through the "ghetto part of my city" ok maybe ghetto is a poor choice of words but poor neighborhood, i always see jw's out in the streets.
i live in the same city only in the better part and i hardly ever see jw's on my street?
not that i am complaining about it but, i was thinking do they target lower income families, or in their eyes uneducated people for their ministry?
The offer of one's own a vine and fig tree appeals to the poor, the rich already own the vineyard and orchard.
i was wondering how many people say blessings, grace or prayers before eating meals.
do you do it every meal, during entertaining?
in a restrauant, alone?
I don't. BUT
An aquaintence of mine, whom I would call a Bad Dude (gang banger) , humbled me. As before he ate his meal, he offered a silent prayer at a restaurant. I ask him about this. He told me that he always asks the Lord to bless his meal.