Love the stories!
Your name should be "NEW BOY BRADBURY" the author of the Bethel Chronicles.
the the worst thing, someone could call you at bethel, was a "jack".............. as in " that guy is a real jack, he doesn't work at all".
the other term not used very much anymore, was "pot licker" used basically the same way.there has been some bad things done at bethel.
you name it, someone has done it...........but the absolute worst possible thing, a bethelite could do is be a theft!
Love the stories!
Your name should be "NEW BOY BRADBURY" the author of the Bethel Chronicles.
The only reason to marry is to have and raise children. My freind could not have children of his own but has been living with the same woman for 25 yrs. They dont need a peice of paper to prove their love!!!!!
every year about this time the wife and i have our yearly talk about selling everything and moving to a tropical location.
we are getting more and more serious about this as the years go by.
we have even made a financial plan.. one of the possible destinations are the caymans because of its openess to other nationalities.
San Diego is ok but after living there it would not be my first choice. Lived in socal 18-24 always on the beach and the part that depressed me was waiting every day to see if the haze would burn off by 2pm.
every year about this time the wife and i have our yearly talk about selling everything and moving to a tropical location.
we are getting more and more serious about this as the years go by.
we have even made a financial plan.. one of the possible destinations are the caymans because of its openess to other nationalities.
Middle Tn is where I live and also have a beach house in the pan handle of Fl it still can go down past freezing in the winter in Fl and the water is swimmable only April-Oct. So year round swimmable was my goal with equal travel time from Tn.
The Caribbean seemed the logical place. My first consideration was that of language (I speak English). So Jamaica was the first place on the list to check out, due to the sheer beauty. Mountains rain forrests and rivers make up this paridise. The locals were always working an angle, it became tiresome.
The Caymans were ruled out due to topography. When the last Major storm hit there, all land in the Caymans was submerged by a minimum of 4 ft of water.(very flat) So if you were there buildings stuck out of the water but the closest unsubmerged land was Cuba or Jamiaca each >100 miles away.
In Dec. the Us Virgin Islands became my next adventure. They speak english and the US$ is the currency. My intentions were serious about a move there. I brought along my banker who grew up and is very well connected in the USVI. His ancestors arrived there in the early 1800s. I was presented the island at its best. To make a long story short. After spending time there, my realization was that Island life takes some getting use to.
If you have an intrest in USVI. has a relocation package. Which includes newspapers, maps, the local homes for sale mag, and The Settlers Hand Book. If memory serves me corectly the paclage was about $30.(worth every penny) I also ordered a USVI telephone book, This has to be done through the tele co. The area code for the USVI is 340 so calling it is a simple long distance call and long distance is included on most cell phone plans. With a Virgin Moble phone (no contracts) you can activate it as USVI phone then you have a local # when you arrive. Just give 00802 as the zip during activation.
My main sugestion is to rent for several months before you buy. Any where you might like to live.
just want to take a poll.
no need for explinations, just for or against.. me- against..
But then again it takes all kinds.
just want to take a poll.
no need for explinations, just for or against.. me- against..
Once being a school teacher, my feelings were that of true sadness when a parent removed a child to be home schooled.
Another social misfit in the making. (lacking peer interaction skills to fit in, hence a misfit)
this is a touchy topic for some because of strong beliefs about god's nature.
many believe that the nt bible is a law book, designed to give us exacting instructions and formula on what to do and not to do.
on prayer to the holy ghost (holy spirit), the new advent says:.
I truly believe that the Holy Spirit will use you to help other people by putting you in the right place at the right time. I try to be this person that the Holy Spirit acts through. My beliefe is that by being the person that the Holy Spirit Uses many blessings are that person's also .
93. god will destroy all non-jehovah's witnesses at armageddon.
-in conversation jws call watchtower headquarters "the society".
2. watchtower study.
Tell anyone that questions the authanticty of your words to just show up as a visitor on jwd. Explaining that a slight bit of research will prove your word correct. As their religion will be shown to be a false prophet with any sort of research.
lets do like the watchtower does, and put verses after just about every sentence we write.. lets see how we can also manipulate the bible as good as the watchtower.. .
ok, i'll start.
all that i write on jwd is inspired by god .
"Come,men! Let me take some wine; and let us drink intoxicating liquor to the limit. And tomorrow will certianly turn out just as today, great in a very much larger way."
Isa 56:12 NWT
a bit long, but i really need to vent, and i really need your replies.. my uncle is a jw, his wife and son and daughter-in-law are jw's, too.. they all moved away from family over 15 years ago, serving where the need was greater.. they went out west to new mexico, then other places.
they all broke off all contact with their .
parents (my uncles parents who are my grandparents, and my aunt's parents who i don't know well).
Maby he's in the "witness protection program".