Actually, the strategy was created by the dubs, and then patented by Conservatives and Liberals in their quest to turn fantasy into reality. Theocratic strategy is employed everyday starting when a dub knocks on a door and continues on talk radio and extremest cable news networks.
JoinedPosts by Questions1
Question about Prodigal Son parable
by tsar_robles inwell, after much thought put into it i decided to send a letter requesting reinstatement.
i met with the jc and tried to reason with them on the prodigal son parable... how the father in this parable did not put his son through a waiting or probationary period, etc but rather embraced him on the spot... their answer was that the 'walk' to his father's home represents meeting attendance... in other words, the 'works' that befit repentance... any ideas???.
i reminded them that in the last 3 years i've attempted to attend the meetings and yet the anxiety that developed brought me tangible unknown illnesses and symptoms that were unbearable and thus had to stop attending... i was told that i had to find a way to make meetings though; that i'd not die because of that.... i was asked how long did i attend meetings in my last attempt and i said about 4 months... "well, that's about 48 meetings... so say you went to 30 meetings..." i said: "no, i hardly missed any meetings and when i did i made sure the p.0.
Hello, I've posted here a few times over the years, have read many of the comments regularly, and have had opinions on different issues but didn't write. Then I read this and thought to myself 'enough is enough'. So, I'm responding with a sense of love, deep understanding, and a plea for the author of the post to consider this: spirituality leads to freedom. I'm going to respond from the position of someone who has been around the block of few times with the organization. I'm a third generation JW who is 37, works in the media business, is very skeptical by trade and nature, who was baptized at 17 and 20 years later had an elder ask if I made the right decision to get baptized to which I said no. Please bear with my thoughts, because I honestly feel pain for the poster and will give brief comments on their post. 1. I met with the JC and tried to reason with them on the prodigal son parable... how the father in this parable did not put his son through a waiting or probationary period, etc but rather embraced him ON THE SPOT... their answer was that the 'walk' to his father's home represents meeting attendance... in other words, the 'works' that befit repentance... any ideas??? Me: I haven't attended meetings regularly for over 10 years, I personally hit the wall, went to the "elders" and told them I hit the wall, to which they looked at me like I was an alien who was asking for an immigration card at a shoe store. My point is that in all of my dealings with the borg, I've never heard anyone make the correlation that actions in the parable were associated with specific behaviors. Walking home and meeting attendance...oh please, thats laughable. Works that befit repentance start inside, which will lead me to other points later. 2. I had to find a way to make meetings though; that I'd not die because of that... Me: I don't know what the posters condition is and don't want to assume but from the way you express yourself there seems to be a personality disorder or mental illness involved...yes I Doctors do prescribe medicines for these types of conditions...a la NFL running back Ricky Williams who was prescribed medications because of a social disorder. Second, why exactly are you officially out of the borg...kicked out or wrote letter wanting out? As you know, there is a different process to get inside based on those circumstances. Lastly, saying you won't "die" is one of the best examples of Christian love I've heard off...rofl. 3. I was asked how long did I attend meetings in my last attempt and i said about 4 months... "well, that's about 48 meetings... so say you went to 30 meetings Me: Equating a person's spiritual value to numbers counting alone is one of the reasons I don't have regular dealings to do with the borg. The first century Christians, if you study their actions, in general didn't feel the need to be convinced to go to somebody's house to hide out and worship God. These people were compelled due to love for Jesus example, their understanding of the future, and appreciated the need to be with one another. How else could those early Christians go to areas of the world where they knew death was waiting but still followed through with their commitment? I've come to the conclusion that if a person wants to associate with an organized religious group but doesn't feel compelled, something is missing either in them or the bait that the religious group is selling is lacking. I think of the story of Philip baptizing the Ethiopian Eunuch basically sight unseen. The point here is that the Ethiopian had intense interest and was compelled to follow the path based on the teaching and there was no need to make him jump through man-made hoops. It would stand to reason that a person who is outside the scope of the organization but wants back in, should be given the same opportunity as a newbie because they are compelled for love of the organization (notice I didn't say they are compelled due to love for God and his Son) to suffer fools to get back in. 4. I kept getting scolded and questioned why I had not been proactive in spiritual things such as getting my wife a home bible study, and I said: 'well, she did want a bible study but that person she made arrangements with never came over"... them: "well, you should've followed up on that, blah, blah" Me: This is another example of authoritarian behavior that the borg has mastered. Because of that, I ask where is the spirituality meter that would help us gauge our growth. Field service time, meeting attendance, how many times you comment in a meeting, that is behavior more conducive to government leaders of which many got big attention in the 20th Century...Pol Pot, Hitler, should I go on. Those guys all utilized quantitative tools to gauge how diligent the masses were in supporting far fetched ideas. Again, the masses over time weren't compelled to follow the leader, they were forced, programmed, or done away with whenever they showed a degree of intellectual freedom. Second, how exactly did the Gestapo find out that you did not get the bible study for your ADULT wife? Even as head of the house, if you're out of the scope of organizational procedure, you're not even supposed to be involved in her theocratic education (unless she's worldly). Third, love and compassion would not make allegedly spiritual people demean the struggle of a person possibly dealing with a mental illness or personality disorder that is probably organic in nature. 5. after a mental struggle in which the options I weighted were to either carry on with my life and pretend to ignore everything my life i left behind, or grow resentment against everything or Me: Spirituality is the most beautiful aspect of life. Meditating, reading sacred scripture, praying, enjoying conversations with people of various religious traditions (rather or not I agree with them or not) makes a person whole in my opinion. When you are compelled to grow and understand your connection to every human and everything in the universe and that the active force that keeps things going, then happiness and humility follows. I tell my friends one of the best things that ever happened to me was to realize that - I am a human being and part of creation. Until you get free mentally for yourself, the struggle and mental circus you're living will continue to weigh you down.Don't pretend, realize what is real and happily follow it. 6. the last option was to do what I used to do in the past when confronted by wicked elders... which is follow JC's example of humility and wisdom... meaning do the thing that will not give them any room to find excuses or justifications to reject me... Me: Don't judge these people because then you are no better. Compassion, humility and love, are fruits of the spirit. All is good, Genesis tells us that. Mankind is just tweaked due to sin, or whatever reason that balance is missing on a day to day basis (sorry for ranting, but I don't like seeing people hurting and then be hurt). Showing humility and saying it are two different thing. You're caught up in a cycle that you won't win if you try to appeal to these elders sense of humanity (they have none). Follow Christ's example because in your heart it is right, not to protect yourself and do as you say, "not give them any room to find excuses or justifications to reject me." People who live a spiritual life aren't rejected, they transcend organizations, man-made doctrines. People will run to you because of joy and peace of in your soul if you're free. 7. so I decided that I will start attending both the hall that I attended recently (which is close to home) and their hall as well... if they ask me why, well, it's very simple... I meditated upon it and realized that my previous degree of deviation from the godly ways requires this much 'works' that befit repentance....Yes, it is for my family's sake Me: This is the action of a person who is a slave to their environment. You are a human being with rights to be happy and live in peace. God loves you, loved you before you were born. If you plug into him and his active force, you win, no matter what happens to your flesh. Release yourself from guilt. Lastly, your reason to get back in isn't based on sprit or truth, its because of flesh and you won't win in the end. I apologize if my thoughts seem preachy, but you're hurt and more than anything you need encouragement. Recently I was told by a sister with a son in prison (who is trying to stay alive and needs protection) is participating in a group bible study. The son gave an answer allegedly that didn't follow JW organizational thought and the brothers felt like it was their duty to tell this grown man's mother his mind and heart were not in the right place. I saw her crying in a store here in the city I live in. I talked to her, gave her a hug and listened. And I told her that love, prayer and the realization that life is difficult but it's still good and that we are human beings and God's creation is what she needs to remember and share with her son. Regardless of the infinite stupidty of men who follow a book written by other men who claim to know what God knows, you have a right to dignity, love, peace, compassion, and forgiveness. Attempt to find your spiritual course, weed out what you don't believe and hold on tight to what you do. Peace be upon you and your family
Latest United Nations-End of Religion-End of World alert
by Questions1 init has been awhile since i've posted anything, but i got this e-mail from someone who is on the edge of falling out of the borg due to mental stress.
i've attempted to verify the information, even called the united nations, but haven't gotten to a person who can say if this meeting happened.
my gut says this is a contrived experience with many details just not adding up...but you never know.
Hey folks, I posted that little article, which was sent to me by a burned out JW. I'm a reporter, raised in the organization, baptized and now inactive for over 10 years. Mentally free is what I tell my friends. Anyway, the post is just that, a post of an E-mail that a JW sent me, and is an example of the JW grapevine that's been active since the a few guys in the 1800s decided to to take the over and under on when the end of the world would begin. I'm glad some folks who've been around the block inside the organization were able to tell me that this is just another mutation of an old story. Personally, I didn't get -- JW-nervous -- about the deal, and actually thought folks should know and maybe find a way to debunk this. It's amazing how much untruth revolves around the "Truth". As for the young lady who seems to be a little disturbed about the story (she could be pulling all of our legs) I'm curious if she was raised in the organization because that would explain a lot of her reactions. Word of advice to the young lady, don't believe everything you read. I'm a reporter and I don't trust something unless it passes my own test. The Internet is a good tool to use to research, but it's just that a tool. Machines don't rule us...otherwise you take the fear that the organization nurtured in you and allow other factors the same amount of power. The life we lead now, in the present moment, can end at any second with or without divine live and if you're afraid, then head back to the Kingdom Hall.
Latest United Nations-End of Religion-End of World alert
by Questions1 init has been awhile since i've posted anything, but i got this e-mail from someone who is on the edge of falling out of the borg due to mental stress.
i've attempted to verify the information, even called the united nations, but haven't gotten to a person who can say if this meeting happened.
my gut says this is a contrived experience with many details just not adding up...but you never know.
Thanx for the kind words. I'm just learning again how to use this system and ended up putting the same story on four or five times. Then you have a Nimrod who wants to get all uptight about the fact that the story is third party. Now if you've been in the organization for just six months, you know that third, fourth, fifth, etc party news is how rumors in that or any other organization operates. Its just sad that the email came to be a few days ago, and people are still promoting it.
Latest United Nations-End of Religion-End of World alert
by Questions1 init has been awhile since i've posted anything, but i got this e-mail from someone who is on the edge of falling out of the borg due to mental stress.
i've attempted to verify the information, even called the united nations, but haven't gotten to a person who can say if this meeting happened.
my gut says this is a contrived experience with many details just not adding up...but you never know.
I'm just as skeptical as you. As a result, I think this is just the type of rumor and junk yellow journalism that the Watchtower allows -- to be rebuffed. Its an email sent to me...I'm not spouting it off as if it it is truth, and now I learn this story has been floating around for two decades. Typical Watchtower Intelligence Agency grapevine communications.
Latest United Nations-End of Religion-End of World alert
by Questions1 init has been awhile since i've posted anything, but i got this e-mail from someone who is on the edge of falling out of the borg due to mental stress.
i've attempted to verify the information, even called the united nations, but haven't gotten to a person who can say if this meeting happened.
my gut says this is a contrived experience with many details just not adding up...but you never know.
It has been awhile since I've posted anything, but I got this e-mail from someone who is on the edge of falling out of the Borg due to mental stress. I've attempted to verify the information, even called the United Nations, but haven't gotten to a person who can say if this meeting happened. Need help!!!! My gut says this is a contrived experience with many details just not adding up...but you never know. If it is a falsehood, I think it needs to be rebuffed.
I quote from the email that was sent to me on Monday, October 20, 2008 by the stressed out JW...
We had an interesting experience at our recent assembly. Though he has never been to college, this brother who grew up in the truth is so talented that he was able to obtain a high paying job. A while ago, his company assigned him to give a talk to the United Nations. He worried over what to speak about. After much deliberation, he finally managed to prepare his speech and showed it to his sister for her to read. His sister is also in the truth. As she read the proposed speech she couldn't believe her brother would deliver it, so she asked him if he was going to give that talk to the United Nations to which he replied yes.
Well, he talked about the fighting and total disunity of the world and citied the major cause of it all -- religion. After stating a series of facts and statistics, he explained that there is one group that will never be found in that category - Jehovah's Witnesses - and then went on to show why that was the case. He spoke at length of the sovereignty of God's kingdom and how that kingdom will unite the plant.
The talk wasn't given to the whole UN, but rather to a division of it having to do with economics. When he finished, he nervously wondered how his speech had been received. Eventually the chairman, who like the rest of the committee held a variety of university degrees said that the last thing he expected to hear about at that time was religion. He went on to say that there was certainly no doubt that religion was the cause of so many problems. You can imagine our brother's relief?
Later, as the meeting was breaking up, he approached the three members of the committee with a question: So, when are you going after religion?
They were stunned. They asked him: How do you know that is what we have planned?
Our brother quickly replied: The bible foretold it in much detail.
After consulting together for a few moments they declared that it would be happening soon because everything was already in place. As they left the room, one turned to our brother and quietly said -- Whatever your mission, get it done quickly, for it won't be long now!
Wow! Talk about excited. This surely shows Jehovah our God has entrusted the truth of his word to the right organization!" -
Latest United Nations-End of Religion-End of World alert
by Questions1 init has been awhile since i've posted anything, but i got this e-mail from someone who is on the edge of falling out of the borg due to mental stress.
i've attempted to verify the information, even called the united nations, but haven't gotten to a person who can say if this meeting happened.
my gut says this is a contrived experience with many details just not adding up...but you never know.
It has been awhile since I've posted anything, but I got this e-mail from someone who is on the edge of falling out of the Borg due to mental stress. I've attempted to verify the information, even called the United Nations, but haven't gotten to a person who can say if this meeting happened. Need help!!!! My gut says this is a contrived experience with many details just not adding up...but you never know. If it is a falsehood, I think it needs to be rebuffed. I quote from the email that was sent to me on Monday, October 20, 2008 by the stressed out JW... "From a Circuit Overseer in Georgia...Brother Steve Kormendi We had an interesting experience at our recent assembly. Though he has never been to college, this brother who grew up in the truth is so talented that he was able to obtain a high paying job. A while ago, his company assigned him to give a talk to the United Nations. He worried over what to speak about. After much deliberation, he finally managed to prepare his speech and showed it to his sister for her to read. His sister is also in the truth. As she read the proposed speech she couldn't believe her brother would deliver it, so she asked him if he was going to give that talk to the United Nations to which he replied yes. Well, he talked about the fighting and total disunity of the world and citied the major cause of it all -- religion. After stating a series of facts and statistics, he explained that there is one group that will never be found in that category - Jehovah's Witnesses - and then went on to show why that was the case. He spoke at length of the sovereignty of God's kingdom and how that kingdom will unite the plant. The talk wasn't given to the whole UN, but rather to a division of it having to do with economics. When he finished, he nervously wondered how his speech had been received. Eventually the chairman, who like the rest of the committee held a variety of university degrees said that the last thing he expected to hear about at that time was religion. He went on to say that there was certainly no doubt that religion was the cause of so many problems. You can imagine our brother's relief? Later, as the meeting was breaking up, he approached the three members of the committee with a question: So, when are you going after religion? They were stunned. They asked him: How do you know that is what we have planned? Our brother quickly replied: The bible foretold it in much detail. After consulting together for a few moments they declared that it would be happening soon because everything was already in place. As they left the room, one turned to our brother and quietly said -- Whatever your mission, get it done quickly, for it won't be long now! Wow! Talk about excited. This surely shows Jehovah our God has entrusted the truth of his word to the right organization!"
Latest United Nations-End of Religion-End of World alert
by Questions1 init has been awhile since i've posted anything, but i got this e-mail from someone who is on the edge of falling out of the borg due to mental stress.
i've attempted to verify the information, even called the united nations, but haven't gotten to a person who can say if this meeting happened.
my gut says this is a contrived experience with many details just not adding up...but you never know.
It has been awhile since I've posted anything, but I got this e-mail from someone who is on the edge of falling out of the Borg due to mental stress. I've attempted to verify the information, even called the United Nations, but haven't gotten to a person who can say if this meeting happened. Need help!!!! My gut says this is a contrived experience with many details just not adding up...but you never know. If it is a falsehood, I think it needs to be rebuffed. I quote from the email that was sent to me on Monday, October 20, 2008 by the stressed out JW... "From a Circuit Overseer in Georgia...Brother Steve Kormendi We had an interesting experience at our recent assembly. Though he has never been to college, this brother who grew up in the truth is so talented that he was able to obtain a high paying job. A while ago, his company assigned him to give a talk to the United Nations. He worried over what to speak about. After much deliberation, he finally managed to prepare his speech and showed it to his sister for her to read. His sister is also in the truth. As she read the proposed speech she couldn't believe her brother would deliver it, so she asked him if he was going to give that talk to the United Nations to which he replied yes. Well, he talked about the fighting and total disunity of the world and citied the major cause of it all -- religion. After stating a series of facts and statistics, he explained that there is one group that will never be found in that category - Jehovah's Witnesses - and then went on to show why that was the case. He spoke at length of the sovereignty of God's kingdom and how that kingdom will unite the plant. The talk wasn't given to the whole UN, but rather to a division of it having to do with economics. When he finished, he nervously wondered how his speech had been received. Eventually the chairman, who like the rest of the committee held a variety of university degrees said that the last thing he expected to hear about at that time was religion. He went on to say that there was certainly no doubt that religion was the cause of so many problems. You can imagine our brother's relief? Later, as the meeting was breaking up, he approached the three members of the committee with a question: So, when are you going after religion? They were stunned. They asked him: How do you know that is what we have planned? Our brother quickly replied: The bible foretold it in much detail. After consulting together for a few moments they declared that it would be happening soon because everything was already in place. As they left the room, one turned to our brother and quietly said -- Whatever your mission, get it done quickly, for it won't be long now! Wow! Talk about excited. This surely shows Jehovah our God has entrusted the truth of his word to the right organization!"
Latest United Nations-End of Religion-End of World alert
by Questions1 init has been awhile since i've posted anything, but i got this e-mail from someone who is on the edge of falling out of the borg due to mental stress.
i've attempted to verify the information, even called the united nations, but haven't gotten to a person who can say if this meeting happened.
my gut says this is a contrived experience with many details just not adding up...but you never know.
It has been awhile since I've posted anything, but I got this e-mail from someone who is on the edge of falling out of the Borg due to mental stress. I've attempted to verify the information, even called the United Nations, but haven't gotten to a person who can say if this meeting happened. Need help!!!! My gut says this is a contrived experience with many details just not adding up...but you never know. If it is a falsehood, I think it needs to be rebuffed. I quote from the email that was sent to me on Monday, October 20, 2008 From a Circuit Overseer in Georgia...Brother Steve Kormendi We had an interesting experience at our recent assembly. Though he has never been to college, this brother who grew up in the truth is so talented that he was able to obtain a high paying job. A while ago, his company assigned him to give a talk to the United Nations. He worried over what to speak about. After much deliberation, he finally managed to prepare his speech and showed it to his sister for her to read. His sister is also in the truth. As she read the proposed speech she couldn't believe her brother would deliver it, so she asked him if he was going to give that talk to the United Nations to which he replied yes. Well, he talked about the fighting and total disunity of the world and citied the major cause of it all -- religion. After stating a series of facts and statistics, he explained that there is one group that will never be found in that category - Jehovah's Witnesses - and then went on to show why that was the case. He spoke at length of the sovereignty of God's kingdom and how that kingdom will unite the plant. The talk wasn't given to the whole UN, but rather to a division of it having to do with economics. When he finished, he nervously wondered how his speech had been received. Eventually the chairman, who like the rest of the committee held a variety of university degrees said that the last thing he expected to hear about at that time was religion. He went on to say that there was certainly no doubt that religion was the cause of so many problems. You can imagine our brother's relief? Later, as the meeting was breaking up, he approached the three members of the committee with a question: So, when are you going after religion? They were stunned. They asked him: How do you know that is what we have planned? Our brother quickly replied: The bible foretold it in much detail. After consulting together for a few moments they declared that it would be happening soon because everything was already in place. As they left the room, one turned to our brother and quietly said -- Whatever your mission, get it done quickly, for it won't be long now! Wow! Talk about excited. This surely shows Jehovah our God has entrusted the truth of his word to the right organization!
Upcoming Elders Schooling
by Questions1 init's no secret that the "organization" has increased it's cia, national security clerance only super-secret attitude in regards to the elder school that is going to be conducted soon.
a few days ago, i had a conversation with an elder who has been in the fold all of his life practically.
in keeping with the conversation style of jws, the gentleman told me that nobody knows what exactly will be taught at the meetings, but in his backdoor conversations with some brothers who seem to be tuned into the bethel's officially, unofficial, communications network, the elders are going to be taught "post-armageddon" teachings.
It's no secret that the "Organization" has increased it's CIA, National Security Clerance Only super-secret attitude in regards to the elder school that is going to be conducted soon. A few days ago, I had a conversation with an elder who has been in the fold all of his life practically. In keeping with the conversation style of JWs, the gentleman told me that nobody knows what exactly will be taught at the meetings, but in his backdoor conversations with some brothers who seem to be tuned into the Bethel's officially, unofficial, communications network, the elders are going to be taught "post-Armageddon" teachings. The brother then went on to explain that the time of the end is closer than ever before. He backed his assertion with more information he obtained with a brother with ties to Bethel. Alledgedly, the feeling is that the prophecy of the King of the North and South has been fullfilled and that the cry for peace and security might not be an actual statement, but a shared emotion that the two superpowers share for a brief time. I found that explanation interesting in that it keeps with the Organization's continued effort to explain world events in an "as you go basis". This elder told me he doesn't think the system will go much longer, "I don't think it will last another four years. We are really close and if you haven't gotten your act together, you need too." He then stated that something is different because the organization is moving to the "country", "they are quiet now, not taking such a hard stand on things. It is as if the word has been preached." I looked at the man, and just shook my head, no need in explaning, true belivers are just that. I just wonder what these older brothers actually felt when WW!, WWII, the Cuban Missle Crisis...etc...made them feel and speculate about?