It has been awhile since I've posted anything, but I got this e-mail from someone who is on the edge of falling out of the Borg due to mental stress. I've attempted to verify the information, even called the United Nations, but haven't gotten to a person who can say if this meeting happened. Need help!!!! My gut says this is a contrived experience with many details just not adding up...but you never know. If it is a falsehood, I think it needs to be rebuffed.
I quote from the email that was sent to me on Monday, October 20, 2008 by the stressed out JW...
We had an interesting experience at our recent assembly. Though he has never been to college, this brother who grew up in the truth is so talented that he was able to obtain a high paying job. A while ago, his company assigned him to give a talk to the United Nations. He worried over what to speak about. After much deliberation, he finally managed to prepare his speech and showed it to his sister for her to read. His sister is also in the truth. As she read the proposed speech she couldn't believe her brother would deliver it, so she asked him if he was going to give that talk to the United Nations to which he replied yes.
Well, he talked about the fighting and total disunity of the world and citied the major cause of it all -- religion. After stating a series of facts and statistics, he explained that there is one group that will never be found in that category - Jehovah's Witnesses - and then went on to show why that was the case. He spoke at length of the sovereignty of God's kingdom and how that kingdom will unite the plant.
The talk wasn't given to the whole UN, but rather to a division of it having to do with economics. When he finished, he nervously wondered how his speech had been received. Eventually the chairman, who like the rest of the committee held a variety of university degrees said that the last thing he expected to hear about at that time was religion. He went on to say that there was certainly no doubt that religion was the cause of so many problems. You can imagine our brother's relief?
Later, as the meeting was breaking up, he approached the three members of the committee with a question: So, when are you going after religion?
They were stunned. They asked him: How do you know that is what we have planned?
Our brother quickly replied: The bible foretold it in much detail.
After consulting together for a few moments they declared that it would be happening soon because everything was already in place. As they left the room, one turned to our brother and quietly said -- Whatever your mission, get it done quickly, for it won't be long now!
Wow! Talk about excited. This surely shows Jehovah our God has entrusted the truth of his word to the right organization!"
Latest United Nations-End of Religion-End of World alert
by Questions1 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Because you give us this 3rd party information are we supposed to believe it?
Are you kidding me?
This is total BS!
I'm just as skeptical as you. As a result, I think this is just the type of rumor and junk yellow journalism that the Watchtower allows -- to be rebuffed. Its an email sent to me...I'm not spouting it off as if it it is truth, and now I learn this story has been floating around for two decades. Typical Watchtower Intelligence Agency grapevine communications.
Ha. I have heard of this one before. Just an hoax. Sorry.
..Another JW Urban Legend..
i "heard" that comment in a talk years back...
a tactic in the strategy of keeping
the r&f expectant and fearful....seems to have a long shelf life!!!
Guest with Questions
Not having ever been a witness, not believing anything coming from them, I also think this just another silly story going around.
But I do believe that there is something going on at the UN that should concern us all. It may not be the end of Religion but I do believe that Islam wants world domination and this may be the first step. When we continue to hear of Christians being killed in the Islamic countries for voicing their beliefs one has to wonder about their protection. I don't believe that Islam wants to protect all faiths, just their own. I have provided some links. Sorry for the mess. I'm always in a hurry but felt this was important.
Press Release United Nations
The Commission adopted by a roll-call vote a resolution on combating defamation of religions (E/CN.4/2004/L.5) by 29 in favour, 16 against, with 7 abstentions, by which it welcomed the report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism entitled ""Situation of Muslim and Arab peoples in various parts of the world""; expressed deep concern at negative stereotyping of religions and manifestations of intolerance in some regions of the world; urged States to ensure equal access to education for all in law and in practice; expressed deep concern that Islam was frequently and wrongly associated with human rights violations and terrorism; noted with deep concern the intensification of the campaign of defamation of religions, and the ethnic and religious profiling of Muslim minorities in the aftermath of the tragic events of 11 September 2001; and expressed deep concern at programmes and agendas pursued by extremist organizations and groups aimed at the defamation of religions, in particular when supported by governments.
The Commission also urged all States, in conformity with international human rights instruments, to take all appropriate measures to combat hatred, discrimination, intolerance, and acts of violence motivated by religious intolerance; urged all States to ensure that all public officials in the course of their official duties respected different religions and did not discriminate on grounds of religion; strongly deplored physical attacks and assaults on businesses, cultural centres and places of worship of all religions; called upon the international community to initiate a global dialogue to promote a culture of tolerance based on respect for religious diversity; called upon the High Commissioner for Human Rights to promote and include human rights aspects in the Dialogue among Civilizations; and requested the Special Rapporteur to examine the situation of Muslim and Arab peoples in various parts of the world with special reference to physical assaults and attacks against their places of worship, cultural centres, businesses and properties in the aftermath of the events of 11 September 2001 and to submit a progress report on his findings to the Commission at its sixty-first session.
In favour (29): Argentina, Bahrain, Bhutan, Brazil, Burkina Faso, China, Congo, Costa Rica, Cuba, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Honduras, Indonesia, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Paraguay, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Togo, Uganda and Zimbabwe.
Against (16): Australia, Austria, Croatia, Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom and United States.
Abstentions (7): Armenia, Chile, India, Mexico, Nepal, Peru and Republic of Korea.
Organization of the Islamic Conference
American Centre for Law and Justice,2933,432502,00.html
U.N. Anti-Blasphemy Resolution Curtails Free Speech, Critics Say Monday, October 06, 2008
By Jennifer Lawinski
Religious groups and free-speech advocates are banding together to fight a United Nations resolution they say is being used to spread Sharia law to the Western world and to intimidate anyone who criticizes Islam.
The non-binding resolution on ""Combating the Defamation of Religion"" is intended to curtail speech that offends religion -- particularly Islam.
Pakistan and the Organization of the Islamic Conference introduced the measure to the U.N. Human Rights Council in 1999. It was amended to include religions other than Islam, and it has passed every year since.
In 2005, Yemen successfully brought a similar resolution before the General Assembly. Now the 192-nation Assembly is set to vote on it again.
The non-binding Resolution 62/145, which was adopted in 2007, says it ""notes with deep concern the intensification of the campaign of defamation of religions and the ethnic and religious profiling of Muslim minorities in the aftermath of 11 September 2001.""
It ""stresses the need to effectively combat defamation of all religions and incitement to religious hatred, against Islam and Muslims in particular.""
But some critics believe the resolution is a dangerous threat to freedom of speech everywhere. The U.S. government mission in Geneva, in a statement, told the U.N. Human Rights Council in July that ""defamation-related laws have been abused by governments and used to restrict human rights"" around the world, and sometimes Westerners have been caught in the web.
Critics give some recent news events as examples of how the U.N. "blasphemy resolution" has emboldened Islamic authorities and threatened Westerners:
-- On Oct. 3 in Great Britain, three men were charged for plotting to kill the publisher of the novel "The Jewel of Medina," which gives a fictional account of the Prophet Muhammad and his child bride. reported U.S. publisher Random House Inc., was going to release the book but stopped it from hitting shelves after it claimed that ""credible and unrelated sources"" said the book could incite violence by a ""small, radical segment.""
-- An Afghan student is on death row for downloading an article about the role of women in Islam, also reported.
-- In December 2007 ""a court reportedly sentenced two foreigners to six months in prison for allegedly marketing a book deemed offensive to Aisha, one of the Prophet Muhammad's wives,"" the U.S. government said.
-- A British teacher was sentenced to 15 days in jail in Sudan for offending Islam by allowing students to name the class teddy bear Muhammad in November 2007.
-- In February 2007 in Egypt an Internet blogger was sentenced to four years in prison for writing a post that critiqued Islam.
-- In 2004, Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh was murdered after the release of his documentary highlighting the abuse of Muslim women.
""It’’s obviously intended to have an intimidating effect on people expressing criticism of radical Islam, and the idea that you can have a defamation of a religion like this, I think, is a concept fundamentally foreign to our system of free expression in the United States,"" said former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton.
Passing the resolution year after year gives it clout, Bolton said. ""In places where U.N. decisions are viewed as more consequential than they are in the U.S., they’’re trying to build up brick-by-brick that disagreement with this resolution is unacceptable.""
Kevin ""Seamus"" Hasson, founder and president of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, a public interest law firm in Washington that opposes the resolution, said it is a slap in the face of human rights law.
""The whole idea of the defamation of religion is a Trojan horse for something else," Hasson said. "When you talk about defamation, you talk about people being defamed and people being libeled, but ideas can’’t be defamed. Ideas don’’t have rights, people have rights.""
He said the resolution is a shield for Islamic fundamentalists who retaliate against perceived offenses and want to make Islamic Sharia law the law of the land. He said the resolution passes under the guise of protecting religion, but it actually endangers religious minorities in Islamic countries.
""Who could possibly be in favor of defamation?"" Hasson said. ""God may well punish blasphemy in the hereafter, but it’’s not the government’’s job to police in the here and now.""
Paula Schriefer, advocacy director for Freedom House, a member of the Coalition to Defend Free Speech, agrees.
""You have to remember that many of the governments that are pushing forward this idea are not democratic governments,"" she said. ""Citizens of Pakistan or Egypt, who have been two of the ringleaders of this movement, are frequently put in prison or arrested. Even if they’’re not arrested, the fear of being arrested creates an environment of self-censorship.""
Floyd Abrams, Visiting Professor of First Amendment Law at the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism, said that while Americans are protected by the Constitution at home, the U.N. resolution could affect those who travel to countries with anti-free-speech laws and isolate Westerners who oppose restricting religious dialogue.
Neither the Pakistani, the Indonesian nor the Egyptian missions to the U.N. responded to requests for comment. All three are members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
This is to guest with questions... The article by Jennifer Lawinski is from Fox News... I don't know how familiar you are with Fox, but nothing that comes out of it is without bias.
The gullible will inherit the earth...
There is a serious disconnect in this teaching.
I have asked a couple JWs about this and got no answer. If the UN is going to go after and end false religion, and JW "truth" is the true religion, then what is there to fear as they would go unmolested? So to speak.
Why the skulking around and talk of having to go underground with meetings?
Makes no sense.