My sister did the same thing (After 30 years away), so she could see her new baby grandchildren. She didn't see she had a choice. Sucked it up and got reinstated. Worked for her. I'm glad I have no one left in the org I want to see that bad. Blech.
JoinedPosts by LisaRose
My Story..... Need advice on reinstatement Letter.
by jrjr4189 ini've been a member of the site for a month, but have been reading the posts for a lot longer, however this is my first post.
i was raised a j-dub by my mother (my father wasn't religious) with my sister and brother.
i was pretty much convinced by my dub friends, bible study conductor, and mother that i should get baptized when i was 15 and decided to go for it.
Has being a Jehova's witness totally shattered your faith?
by Silvia Plath injust because the watchtower society is wrong doesn't mean that there is no god, nor does it mean there is a god.
it would interesting to now how former members have adjusted thier cosmology, or whether they are now atheists and why.
i personally see religion as a more personal matter, rather than belonging to an organization.
Still believe in God. Not sure about anything else *bible, Jesus, Chrisitianity*. Never thought I'd get to that point, but here I am.
Fair minded person with a fair point of view
by keo15929 ini have been one of jehovah's witnesses for about 9 years before i became inactive.
i just had some comments i'd like to make.. i think the reason why i'm inactive now is because i've come to a point in my life where i feel obligated to admit that i just don't know.
at one time i was as fiery and zealous of a witness as anyone could be but i had this nagging feeling that i really didn't know what i was talking about when i was witnessing to people.
Keo, very well stated. I'm new to this forum but I allready see that people come to different beliefs and thought after leaving the org. But that's OK. If we wanted to be with people who all thought the exact same way, we would still be JW's.
I liked your statment: Why would God design animals to be blood eaters if blood is so sacred to him.
It makes me think of my little cat, cleo. She's only 6 pounds, a little daintly thing. But she is a hunter to the max. Mice, Voles and Bunnys are all fair game for her. I know what she has been up to when she shows up with blood on her nose. For some reason, she never cleans her face like other cats and I have to clean off the evidence.
What Things Did You Hate About Being A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus in.
anything in particular?
It's a tie for me:
BORING Freakin' meetings.
Knocking on doors
Constant guilt
Must We Worship God as Part of an Organization?
by Angelica in.
i have finally verbalized that it is time to leave the organization.
the question becomes, must we be part of an organization?
Bizzybee I love your response.
Linear thinkers, looking for certainty, uncomfortable with the unanswerable, and unable or unwilling to look between their ears, afraid of what they might find there or of what they night not find.
This was my experience also. At first after leaving the orgainization I felt a loss, I had no paradym of thinking to guide me. I was afraid, as I has seen some leave and just do crazy things. But I didn't know what religion to change to, as none appealed to me. Gradually I no longer felt the need to be in an orgainized religion. I'm not against it, in theory, just not as it applies to me! I didn't lose all moral thought and beliefs, and I am still a spiritual person. I trust my gut, intuition and intellect to guide me. I don't have all the answers and don't feel the need to have all the answers.
As my *much wiser* daughter said, "Mom, it just third grade logic". Oh yeah, DUH!
Do you feel you were trapped in a destructive cult?
by mavie ini'm interested in knowing your thoughts on this matter.
do you think the wtbts is a destructive cult?
a destructive cult is defined as "a group which violates the rights of its members and damages them through the abusive techniques of unethical mind control.
I never felt I was in a cult. I just felt like a square peg in a round hole, always thought It was a problem we me. Finally figured out it was a problem with THEM.
My marriage is over because Jehovah was not the third string
by Chasity1 indoes anyone remember that saying from their dub days?
i heard through the family grape vine that is why my marriage is over.....because jehovah was not in it and did not bless it.
it did not upset me them saying this.
I left the JW's and married an unbeliever. 6 years and the honeymoon is still going strong. I couldn't be happier. Don't need no 'third string'
I came home to find my wife crying over THAT article.
by jambon1 ini came home today to find my wife crying whilst reading the 'when a loved one leaves jehovah' article.
its been a good few months now and i can appreciate how she feels.
but it just irritates me how my disagreeing with this religion has such a catastrophic effect on our everyday lives.
I think you need to cut your wife some slack. She has some feeling over all this that the article stirred up, it's probably good for her to cry a bit, it hasn't been that long, and she is still coming to terms with it all. I'm sure it's painfull for you to have her think these things, but you know it just comes from the brainwashing and BS, so just keep being the good man that you are, that is your best defence. Reassure her that you love her no matter what.
The Myth of Certainty.
by Blueblades inhow important is it for you to be certain about something before you act on it?
example: certain about the watchtower having the truth.
then certain that they don't have the truth.
When I left, I still thought it might be the truth, just knew I couldn't do it anymore, didn't work for me on any level at all. I just walked away from it. At first it was hard, I felt it was a loss, I greived over losing my faith. But I knew I couldn't go back. It was uncomforatable at first, but It gradually got better and better. Don't have any answers, I've come to believe sometimes you have to accept that there are no pat answers to everything. It's been over 6 years and I've never been happier. I feel I've grown as a person, more emphathetic to others, more sure of what I want in life. Living without the constant guilt of never doing enough is wonderful!
Were your parents a different religion before JDubism?
by Crumpet ini know an awful lot here are 3rd and 4th generation - but were there any who's parents become dubs as adults?
i'd be interested to here what it was that made an adult become a jw when not brought up that way?.
i'll relate my parents experience shortly...but its something i;ve been thinking about a lot.
Hi - new here to the forum. My mom attended Presbyterian and other protestant churches. I don't remember my dad going to church. We all got babptized in '69, I was 13. They were very zealous and both died "faithfull". I think it was just something that worked for them, answered some questions they had. My mom was chronically depressed and had a 'nervous breakdown' before my birth ( I was the last of 6). She believed "The Truth" cured her of all depression and was contemptuous of those who were depressed in the cong. It seemed to me she was still very depressed but in denial, as she was so negative. Five of the six were not in the truth by the time she died (I was the last one out), and she agonized about it. Torn between wanting contact and feeling guilty about it. I visited her the year she died and we had a nice time even though I had made the final break by then. Then I got a letter saying that she enjoyed the visit but didn't want to see me anymore, as she felt bad. By that point it didn't bother me, I had said my goodbye. Then she complained that I didn't call. Never could win with that one. It was kind of a relief when she finally passed away