If an organization has to resort to hiding the truth and silencing victims, it has already lost all integrity, especially since they have criticized the Catholic church for years for the exact same behavior.
Their hypocrisy is what brings reproach.
as we all sadly know, a common expression used by the society and elders in cases of abuse, or scandals, is "if you talk about this, you will bring reproach on jehovah's name!".
this is uttered in order to deter making something known.. but really, if it is a case of abuse, is not the act itself the thing that brings "reproach on jehovah"?.
making it known is not the problem.. rather hiding it, or not disclosing it to authorities is the thing that brings reproach!.
If an organization has to resort to hiding the truth and silencing victims, it has already lost all integrity, especially since they have criticized the Catholic church for years for the exact same behavior.
Their hypocrisy is what brings reproach.
look what an ex-bethelite has to say about the spirit channeling he saw first hand up at wallkill:.
now i believe rayven's story of horror at brooklyn bethel:.
Sounds like this guy just went from one conspiracy theory (The devil is out to get you, only the Watchtower can save you) to another (The demons are controlling the Watchtower). People can "channel spirits" all they want, it's nothing but channeling their own misguided thoughts back to them selves. People can delude themselves in a lot of ways, it's kind of amazing really.
I once worked with a guy who had conversations with a "being from another dimension". It scared me at the time because I was a JW, I thought he was talking to a demon, now I know the guy was just batty, but also funny. He once sang me The Blue Bird of Happiness in its entirety. He used to call me Lumpy, so I asked him why, since I was a skinny young thing at the time. He said I was the kind of woman who gets lumpy when I'm older and he was right.
i haven't been here for about 10 months and just looked over some topics to update myself, well i came back for a very particular reason... my family was, father, mother, sister and i... the split up (4 years ago), only my father remained jw, my sister left but lives with him, and i've been living by myselft over the last months sharing an apartment with my girlfriend (worldly) an his brother (worldly) (we are a "modern family" hahahaha).... so the relation with my father have been in many different phases the last 4 years, having in mind that he cheated my mom with her best friend (woman) within the congregation an married her just few months ago... so today it's my birthday and i called dad and told him that i had a great time anyway and that to be "even more pagan" i set up my christmas tree today.... he had never questioned me for dating and living with my current girfriend nor tried to "bring me back to the congregation", but he replied to me: "hey, talking about being a pagan, i'm not confortable with things now because i want us to como closer together again and do more things like having lunch or whathever and your are now df, can you talk to the elders and take back the letter you sent them da-ing so we can share more?".
i don't know what to do, i really mean what i wrote in my d.a.
letter, i needed to vent what i think of the borg now, i'm no way taking it back, those are like my luther's theses ... i can't believe my father divorced my mother on no biblical ground, continued dating her best jw friend, and 3 years later they got married and are a happy respectable "christian" couple... and now he suddendly is not confortable with me because i sent a letter to the elders telling them i no longer believed the same shit they do... my sister simply stopped attending meetings and dated worldly boys, celebrate xmas, birthdays and stuff, but with me is different just because i have a clearer idea of who i really am and i'm trying to live by that.. i thinks this whole thing is unfair, he is totally blackmailing me, it's been years to get to this friendly level with my father, and now he is adding this awful pressure.
Ask your father if he wants you to lie, because that is what he is asking you to do. Ask him if he is really taking the moral high ground here if he is going to shun you for telling the truth about what you believe.
last night my wife prepared dinner.
chicken and veg.
as she was cooking the chicken it gave off the most vile smell.
Chicken processing practices vary a lot, some places have pretty good practices, some not so much. Many places are moving away from the methods that caused the problem with your chicken to more humane methods, they have a conveyor belt that gradually changes the content of the air so the chicken dies peacefully, no shock needed.
There is also a huge problem with antibiotic resistance bacteria and a huge cause of that is antibiotic use in chickens, so more important than organic is looking for chicken that is raised without antibiotics.
In the U.S., Perdue Farms made the switch to antibiotic free chicken starting in 2007 and today all their chicken is raised antibiotic free.
From the book "Big Chicken" by Maryn McKenna, from an NPR story.
When we give animals antibiotics, those antibiotics, for the most part, are given in their food and water. So they go into the animal's guts. They make some of those bacteria [in the gut] resistant. ... That bacteria contaminates [the animal's] meat. We eat the meat. And then we develop the foodborne illnesses that ... happen to be antibiotic-resistant. ...
The terms "cage free" means nothing when buying chicken, meat chickens are never put in cages, hormone free also means nothing, it's illegal to use hormones in chicken.
McKenna's aim in writing the book is not to scare people away from eating poultry; rather, she hopes to improve the quality of the chicken we consume. "I think meat eating is going to remain with us as a culture," she says. "Therefore, I want to see meat producing get better, get better for the animals and also get safer for us. I do think it's possible to get there."
Here is a link to the full story from NPR
the setting: i live in a big house as a renter of one bedroom.
there are four other bedrooms and roommates.one of the more recent move-ins is robert.
robert drives a very large blue truck with a 50mm machine gun mount on the hood, stenciled lettering: zombie assault vehicle, and --well...i've come to think of him as robert the zombie killer.then, there's a young fellow with wild, long, bizarre hair, and another guy with dozens of tats... fun and roommate games___ i received the text about an hour after i arrived back at the house.
It sounds like an episode of Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia, you should turn that into a screenplay.
In one episode Danny Divito's character plans to propose to his prostitute girlfriend, but she dies before he can pop the question. After much discussion they end up dragging her out into the hall and leaving, "because she would have wanted it that way".
taking a walk down memory lane at those looooonnnnngg, tedious conventions... .
(boy, they weren’t kidding when they spoke about being long-suffering and having endurance!).
but what were some of your convention highlights, or lowlights, from back in the day?.
Dodger Stadium, with two small children, a real test of endurance. We had those clip on umbrellas in an attempt to not to die from the sun, but it was still really hot. Cranky, tired children and an hour long bus ride at the end of it, next day get up and do it again.
this is my first post and hopefully i can get some advice and input.
i have been actively involved with the organization for a little over 10 years now.
i began studying in high school, got baptized and my family fortunately did not.
I don't see how being honest about your reasons for leaving would be hurtful to your friends. They might not like it, but I doubt if anyone is going to be crushed by the news that you no longer feel this is God's organization.
Keep it brief, keep it kind, but don't pretend
i am now officially 'inactive' so am no longer chased by an elder a for a report.
the congregation i belonged to never had much time for me anyway, i said once i could drop down dead in the k.hall and no one would notice.
so i never expected anyone to be particularly bothered that i wasn't there and they aren't.
Some people make better cult members than others, please don't take it personally, it's not a measure of their feelings for you, but of their fear, fear of displeasing God or fear of what others will say, or the elders.
The pain will diminish with time and as you make new friends, and you will make new friends.
i started studying with witnesses about 21 months ago.
started going to meetings in march 2017, went to the memorial and attended my first convention.
i love it.
You have dodged a bullet, learning fairly early in your association that this organization will never accept you for who you are, which tells you that this is not, nor ever could be, the truth or anything you want to be a part of. They most likely will want you to assume the gender of your birth.
Walk away and be happy, many of us wasted years before we figured it out.
it's bitter sweet to find a site like this..i was born in the truth.
when i was 16 i given the option to stop going.
father and mothers family are both witnesses.
You should consider yourself as having gone through a traumatic event and may suffer from PTSD, just as anyone who has suffered a traumatic event, especially since you have family that continues to perpetrate the abuse. Give yourself permission to do whatever it takes to deal with this and move on.
Not to criticize you, but referring to this sham of a religion as "the truth" tells me that you may be still internalizing some of the Watchtower ideology. These are loaded words that they use to keep people mentally enslaved. There is nothing about this religion that has anything to do with truth. I get it, old habits die hard, it took years for me to root out this mindset, but just be aware that is part of the reason it's so hard to break free