Welcome, thank you for sharing your story, glad you are moving on in your life.
I found it was fairly easy to realize that the Watchtower wasn't the truth and most of what they taught were simply opinions, what was harder was rooting out the deeply ingrained guilt about everything. Somehow the idea that I need to be perfect in everything was really hard to get rid of, It was so deeply ingrained in a subconscious level. I found meditation to be helpful for that, also for freeing myself up creatively. I am more artisan that artist, but greatly enjoy the creative process ( I have a small business making vintage style signs out of reclaimed wood). If you haven't tried meditation, I like the guided meditations by The Honest Guys on You tube to be very helpful.
It's funny how those stupid Kindom Maladies still give me ear worms sometimes, even though I have been out for 18 years. Is the one you are thinking of the one that goes "Kiss the son, lest God be angry and you perish on the way"? It does sound a bit like Hark the Herald Angels.
Lisa 🌹