Well, anybody can sue anyone for anything, so there's that.
But there does seem to be a certain mindset of avoidance of personal responsibility by some people and a willingness to blame others for everything. I once heard a program on the radio that tried to make a case that poor people are being preyed on by the fast food industry. They gave the case of a woman who was overweight from eating fast food hamburgers for lunch because they were cheap and convenient. She had a long commute and said she just didn't have time to make her own lunches. I found it to be patently ridiculous. It takes five minutes to make a sandwich, you cannot tell me that woman couldn't spend a few minutes less sitting on the couch every day, she chose to be lazy and blame her weight on others. We all have the same number of hours in the day after all.
Which is not to say there isn't some culpability by some food industries. It's now well known that the sugar industry buried some information about how unhealthy sugar was back in the sixties. Still, it's up to us as consumers to educate ourselves about nutition. I personally don't find an occasional fast food burger to be a problem, but I skip the soda and fries. Mostly I try to eat a lot of fruits and veggies, moderate protein, eat very little sugar, limit bread and potatoes and don't worry about healthy fats. I am 63 and a healthy weight with low blood pressure, blood sugars and cholesterol and no medications for any of it.