I am somewhat obsessed right now with this cover of Hey Ya by Obadiah Parker
JoinedPosts by LisaRose
What Music have you Been Listening to this Last Year ? Post You tubes if you Like !
by flipper inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wktxjuyiat4.
the life saving message
by jookbeard inthe life saving message of death and gloom brought to a town centre near to you!.
It takes four JWs to man one literature cart? That's four hours service time being reported, while people surf the internet and the public walks by avoiding eye contact, for every hour that cart sits there. Very efficient if you need your hours, completely useless for preaching "this good news of the kingdom".
If Trump is Impeached...the alternative is Pence ...
by tor1500 init's me again...with the question, if trump is impeached, the alternative is pence....well, it's not really a question but your thoughts...... who is he ?
& where did they find him ?
thoughts..... tor.
Charles Darwin never thought of evolution as anything other than a theory. He hoped that someday it would be proven by the fossil record but did not live to see that, nor have we . . . And now that we have recognized evolution as a theory, I would simply and humbly ask, can we teach it as such and can we also consider teaching other theories of the origin of species?" — speaking before Congress, July 11, 2002
The awake on my doorstep
by days of future passed ini occasionaly get a magazine left on the porch of my house.
this time it was an awake.
is the world out of control?.
Of course they have to portray the world as hopeless and out of control, as all doomsday cults do. Fear is useful when manipulating people.
If Trump is Impeached...the alternative is Pence ...
by tor1500 init's me again...with the question, if trump is impeached, the alternative is pence....well, it's not really a question but your thoughts...... who is he ?
& where did they find him ?
thoughts..... tor.
Interesting article in the New Yorker.
I think the dems are better off under Trump, as long as he doesn't start a nuclear war.
Pence has strong ties to the Koch brothers, and is a supporter of their agenda, he is very conservative socially, as governor of Indiana he supported a law that would make it legal for businesses to discriminate against gays.
Past child abuse comes to bit me in the butt
by Still Totally ADD inhere i am 63 years old, out of the cult going on 8 years, went through a year of therapy back in 2007, been working very hard to become the person i have always wanted to be.
but what happen to me a few days ago just blew me out of the water for the past two days.
i am now finally coming to grips with my emotions and understanding what caused me such distress.. here's what happen.
I am sorry you are still dealing with the repercussions of this abuse, but glad you are getting it all up and out. Sounds like this person has issues of their own, because her reaction seems crazy.
I hope you continue to heal.
Do you or did you experience too much intrusion into your personal life by the elders in your congregation?
by UnshackleTheChains ini ask this question because i have personally experienced first hand the control and intrusion into my personal life by the elders at our hall; and for virtually trivial things or non issues!
what's more, i regularly hear of individuals moving to other halls because they were stumbled by the thought police....er, i mean these elders.. have you had any such experience?
have your elders been a bit ott over trivialities?.
Mostly no, they couldn't be bothered, for which I am grateful. I think it was because my husband was disfellowshipped and I was off and on irregular in service. I now realize I was doing a very, very slow fade for most of the thirty years I was in.
From enemies to friends: Did it really happen?
by StephaneLaliberte inyesterday, they showed the story “from enemies to friends” at the kingdom hall.
my mother in law told me about it as she was touched by the story.
so then, later in the evening, i searched for the video and found it in the january 1st 2017 broadcast.
I don't think the organization ever let facts get in the way of a good story. I believe most convention "experiences" we're either greatly exaggerated or just plain urban legends, borrowed from other religions and tweaked to fit the JW perspective.
Hello Again
by everbrighterhal ini'm sorry if this is in the wrong category!
i am formerly adimmedlight, or something close to that.
i have been lurking here a few years now and while i did make an account before, i used a fake email (i no longer remember it, since it was made only to log in the one time i posted.. )because i was so paranoid people in my home town would discover me and "out" me.
Welcome, thank you for sharing your story, glad you are moving on in your life.
I found it was fairly easy to realize that the Watchtower wasn't the truth and most of what they taught were simply opinions, what was harder was rooting out the deeply ingrained guilt about everything. Somehow the idea that I need to be perfect in everything was really hard to get rid of, It was so deeply ingrained in a subconscious level. I found meditation to be helpful for that, also for freeing myself up creatively. I am more artisan that artist, but greatly enjoy the creative process ( I have a small business making vintage style signs out of reclaimed wood). If you haven't tried meditation, I like the guided meditations by The Honest Guys on You tube to be very helpful.
It's funny how those stupid Kindom Maladies still give me ear worms sometimes, even though I have been out for 18 years. Is the one you are thinking of the one that goes "Kiss the son, lest God be angry and you perish on the way"? It does sound a bit like Hark the Herald Angels.
Lisa 🌹
"Worldly" boyfriend has never met my JW family, and might never will.
by BL_Poet inpublic service announcement: i am not going to write a whole backstory on myself, i just simply want to get to the point.. i have been disfellowshipped now for almost 3 years, for i had a baby out of wedlock, not by my current boyfriend, but by a guy i was dating at the time- don't judge me ;) lol- my current boyfriend and i have been dating for a year now.
i've met his family-only his parents, and his cousins family, of whom i knew before i met him, thus how i met him through a bbq- at the time, he knew i was a single mom, and didn't know too much of my backstory.
as you can imagine, i had to tell him about how my babies father and i didn't work out, due to his wandering eye, and how i had little to no support due to being disfellowshipped, or as the "world" knows it by- disassociated- from my religion.
Sounds like you have had a rough time of it.
You don't owe your boyfriends family a long explanation. Just say that you and your family are estranged, as they couldn't accept you having a baby out of wedlock. As you get to know them better you can expand, but Jehovah's Witnesses aren't the only religious nuts out there, just the ones that make it a requirement to shun.
Yes, they may give you the side eye, but they will get to know you and get over it, so dont dwell on it.