Not a believer for quite some time now, just don't see it.
JoinedPosts by LisaRose
Since leaving the JW Organization, who is believing?
by Issa ini left the jw organization last year during summer.
maybe some of you can relate.
who of you are agnostic or an atheist?
Avoiding Service Tips?
by Kohanic inback again!.
so as i'm still pimo and living under my parent's roof, how can i get out of service?
cause i really don't want to go and i feel dirty just knowing i could be influencing someone into this garbage..
Don't worry, the odds of actually influencing anyone by means of the preaching work is practically non existent anyway. 😉
Local elder dies of starvation
by Steel inwell , not really.. our hall recently had a secret collection for our head elder who is almost on the verge of becoming homeless.
i guess he lost some cleaning contracts because his clients were just sick of his no shows because of his pioneer work.
there is always something more important to do than earn a living.. this is the same assholes he is always shaming people to not doing enough.
1 Timothy 5:8 But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
Prophecy question as hysteria sets in
by Isambard Crater ina load of j.w's in my family and the congregation i attend as a pimo have been saying the end is very close because the anglo american world superpower is clearly still the king of the south, and russia is now clearly king of the north due to persecuting and banning the religion there and seizing property.. i've forgot what the religion used to teach and maybe still does, about the timing of all this king of north + south stuff, the attack on all religion by the u.n and then the attack on j.w's who will be left standing.
i mean, i thought jehovah was going to put it into the u.n's minds to ban or attack all other religions, then the attack on j.w's, but witnesses seem to think the end is so, so close because russia has banned them.. it's sad, as some dubs i know have sold their homes and made other big decisions so they can pioneer in these 'very last of the last days'..
It's simply wishful thinking, every notable world event or change results in people speculating that the end is at hand, it happened many times throughout the thirty years I was in the religion. I think people are just sick of the endless requirements of JW life and want to believe it will soon end, even if that comes at the cost of billions of lives.
Disassociation and being young, experiences?
by Kohanic inok so im new here~ hey-yo!.
i found this site cause i've been looking around at experiences of people leaving 'the truth' as i've been wanting to leave for some time now.
it's interesting as y'know i'd never seen it from the other side as its apostate literature and all that jazz lol.
I agree with others, better to wait until you are on your own to leave the organization of possible. Good for you for getting an education, once you have that you will be fully in control of your life and can do as you please.
You are going to have a great life!
Annoying jws
by Jrjw ina 'concerned' jw in my congregation rang me earlier and said she's noticed my daughter sits miserable at the meetings and said she's a right miserable girl in general.
i said she's happy and hyper when she's not at the meetings they're just really boring and she doesn't want to be there.
apparently i'm a bad parent coz she feels that way.
I have a hard time dealing with bullies also, it's just not in my nature, although I am getting better. It's hard to overcome the conditioning that says you must be nice all the time, even when others are not. Just practice a few phrases that will work in multiple situation, say them over and over until they come naturally, like "I appreciate your concern, but she is just fine (or I am fine)", then walk away. I also like "Oh really? Interesting." said in a tone that conveys you don't actually find it interesting at all.
Never feel you have to explain yourself, that just gives them ammunition, the less said the better, you will never win an argument with people like that.
Kleenex Head Covering
by jwundubbed ingrowing up a woman in the cult was pretty bleak.
most of the adult women i knew were either depressed sad women or an embarrassment to me.
i was typical kid in that regard.
Yes, some women did "wear the pants in the family" (which is, by the way, a sexist term), because we are all unique individuals. Some women just have stronger personalities, they are not going to be subservient no matter how much the organization tells them they should. It's a spectrum, just as some men are less stereotypically masculine.
It doesn't change the fact that most women bought into the idea that they were less than and acted accordingly. I have been out of the cult for seventeen years and still have problems at times standing up for myself and expressing my needs, it's partly my nature and partly the teachings of the religion. Deep rooted beliefs like that work on an unconscious level and are very hard to overcome, I have made progress, but still have a ways to go.
Hi, all...I'm a faithful JW who is sick of lies about us
by James Donalds ini was baptized 30 years ago and have been in the faith for over 35 years.. our organization isn't perfect.
but i'm sick to death of seeing stereotypes about us.
we are not mindless automatons.
So you are a Jehovah's Witnesses who obviously doesnt acually believe what the organization teaches. How does that disprove the stereotype of believing JWs, who actually follow the direction of the organization?
Flat earth vs round earth
by Jrjw inmy brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
It's pretty much like believing the Watchtower. If you look only at one point of view, rely entirely on cherry picked bits of information and ignore reason, science and logic, then you can be persuaded to believe just about anything.
Conspiracy theories thrive because people want to imagine they are smarter than others and have special, inside knowledge. It takes a willful ignorance to maintain a belief in a flat earth.
Education is the antidote, spend an hour on Wikipedia looking at evidence of a round earth, then you will never fall for that particular stupidity.
A Former Jehovah's Witness shares her me too story
by LisaRose in
when i was 23 years old, i started dating a (jehovah’s) witness boy and we’d go out to some dance clubs.
there was a night in particular where i had too much to drink.
Another Me Too Story:
I was asked to relate an experience by another poster, who wishes to remain anonymous. She has never told anyone, because she was too ashamed and embarrased. It is like many stories I have read over the years, both here and elsewhere in the way she was treated by the elders. She was digitally assaulted by a so-called "professional" brother who worked in the medical field when she was 19 and under anesthesia.
I woke up on the table convulsing and shivering and he'd pulled out my breasts from my bra and shirt also. He had to call an ambulance because I wouldn't snap out of my convulsive state and he would face malpractice if I didn't receive the appropriate medical attention. I spoke with the hospital personnel once I'd come to properly. They called the police who then ran a report and had two detectives investigate the brother. It got back to my congregational elders and they forcibly insisted I meet with them to discuss the details. I said "no" because it was too traumatic for me. They kept pushing and even went so far as to say that the accused had formed a counter case with HIS elders against ME. I told the elders firmly that I deny in advance anything said and that if they had further questions, they can contact the detectives and/or the police. My elders kept pushing and pushing, saying "if someone were making an allegation against me, I'd at least want to hear what they were accusing me of!" I cried and said I wasn't interested because it would hurt me even more, adding insult to trauma. From then on, I couldn't even look my elders in the eye because of the disapproving looks they had on their faces. It felt like they were accusing me with their eyes for hiding something. All because I didn't want to get in that back room with them and listen to what the man who I'd been sexually assaulted by had said to vilify me. "
I am sure it was very difficult for her to tell this story, she told me that at one point she typed it and then back spaced it all out. Obviously she felt it important to get this story out and I am so glad she did, kudos to her for taking the risk. The more women who tell their stories, the easier it will be for others. No woman should feel embarrassed and ashamed because of the actions of the men who assault them.