Thanks everyone for your advice, opinions, etc. I'm going to research it more thoroughly and go with my gut feelings on what I feel is truly correct. My hubby went to Home Depot for tools the other day and came home with the flag and when I walked outside it was hung. He said it was because of Monday being Patriot's Day (9/11) and he was showing respect. I think it was because he's become so bitter and angry at the organization and what he's lost out on over 25+ years.....that he is just going full force. I on the other hand, had a very strange, uncomfortable feeling come over me but that's what we're trained to feel right?! I didn't really know how to react. In my years out of the 'false' I always celebrated July 4th to the hilt and had no problems with the flag. But, after coming back and then being baptized, even though we are now DA' still just feels a little weird. As far as the pledge of allegience, I haven't told my kids what to do or not to do because they will want to know "why" and I don't really know that answer (factually) yet. Again, I appreciate more comments, info. :)
Thanks again everyone!