Child Abuse Policy of JWs
This has been discussed thoroughly on these threads:
There are stories told and heresay presented that the WTS has a bad policy but where is the proof? Here are the claims that are made:
1. The elders are told to keep child abuse in house so as not to bring reproach upon the organization.
2. The elders are told to discourage anyone from reporting it to the police, even dfing you if you do or at least threatening you with dfing.
Stories are great but you must admit that there are many out there who will say anything to discredit JWs. There are also some who have a bad memory and of course there are cases where the elders may have ignored JWs policy and botched the case.
Proof would be WT letters or publications that make statements that reporting child abuse to the police should be discouraged and/or anyone doing so may be DFed.
He said, she said is not proof. And I will gave an example of this. Many point to Vicki Boer and say, see there, the elders told her not to report it to the police and they even called the WTS so they must have told the elders that. But what did the facts of the case reveal in court?
The Judge in the case said: "The defendants (elders and WTS) did not instruct the plaintiff not to get medical help. She chose not to seek professional help herself against the advice of the elders and Mr. Mott-Trille. The defendants did not instruct the plaintiff that her father's abuse should not be reported. On the contrary, the defendants directed Mr. Palmer (the abuser) to report himself to the C.A.S. and then followed up directly to ensure he had done so.....
I have already ruled that I do not accept Ms. Boer's evidence that the elders told her not to seek medical assistance and not to report the abuse to the authorities. These were important points about which she was certain in her own mind. Her memory on those was inaccurate."
This is why he said she said stories are not verifiable proof. So please present the proof that the WTS has told elders to discourage anyone from reporting child abuse. And for those who want to know the truth here is the proof that the WTS has the very best child abuse policy of all religions.