Free2bme, hit it right on the head!
I noticed that they alway's ended up with the spritual brothers too.
back when i was attending kingdom halls, our circuit had a lot of 'drop dead gorgeous' women, many whom were married to the geekiest looking guys.
i always asked myself, "how did these 'dorks' do it"!.
was this because selection was limited, or was this just a peculiarity in our area?
Free2bme, hit it right on the head!
I noticed that they alway's ended up with the spritual brothers too.
last year i seriously thought of going to the summer district convention for a day or two just to listen to the information once again now that i've been out so long.
i thought it would be interesting to hear it "as an outsider" - but i just could not make myself go.
i found too many other things that i would much rather spend my time at during the summer months.. so i thought it would be fun to list a few of the things i have actually done now instead of going to assemblies, meetings, or field service:boating/water skiingfishingcampingstudy dance (i danced in my first public performance this past summer!
I think I'm going to take some finance classes. I got a feeling I will be supporting my JW mother and sending my little brother to college. I need all the knowledge I can get.
Am I like stupid? I don't get it
for those who didn't attend meetings for a while, imagine that you just walk into your kingdom hall 10 minutes before a meeting.
what would be their reaction?
It would push the numbers up and confuse the hell out of them. They'd be so piss trying to figure out how many annointed really are left.
Come on you guy's let's do it!
i can't help but wonder why if there is really some ground shaking announcement coming that the elders already know, then why has no one posted any real information about it?
i was under the impression that there are active elders on this forum.
why are they holding back?
So in a way, we are being controlled also. We are also in expectation of the "Big announcement", just like all the JW's
since we have faded from the hall most everyone avoids us except for a couple of young ones that will stop by for a visit .
last night a young woman in her twenties came over we talked about several things, and she brought up that a while back she had seriously thought of suicide .
i asked if there were reasons as to why ?
You are so right. One of the coolest sister at my old KH when I was growing up was a young and independant. I think I meant her before. But anyway she worked fulltime and was a fulltime pioneer. Very smart, took some college classes, so she had a decent job. But the brothers were always up her ass. She did so much with young sister and brothers. Taking us boweling, skating, ice skating, plays. She put in major time and she alway got shitted on for having an independent spirit. Who else was putting in time with us? None of the elders were. She eventually moved because they became so unbearable after she moved out her mom house into her own place. They claimed she was going to end up Df'd because she had too many oportunities to for wrong doing.
Well she left and basically all the young people in the congergation went down fell. It was crazy. I know they even threatened to take away her pioneer privilige if they even heard rumors about her, because they told her to stay put.
Some of those elders are power hungry!
for those who didn't attend meetings for a while, imagine that you just walk into your kingdom hall 10 minutes before a meeting.
what would be their reaction?
I really want to partake at the next memorial, just freak them out. We should stage a mass return for the memorial just so we could partake of the emblems. It would be so hilarious, I do care about how they would react to that. AHHH the horror on their faces. lmao
for those who didn't attend meetings for a while, imagine that you just walk into your kingdom hall 10 minutes before a meeting.
what would be their reaction?
We aren't nutter.
august 28, 2006 .
to all bodies of elders and traveling overseers
dear brothers, .
Where do you come up with these cover's for the WT. That was amazing!
what do you think?.
i have a hard time accepting the fact that intelligent men truly beleive the creator has a special arrangement with them and somehow they are being used in a special position because of one scripture about the faithful and discreet slaves.. they should all be locked up in a nut house for beleiving that.
Your serious?! They never overturn them? Your right, the elder are not 100% of the time.