BRANCH REPORTS from Dec 00 to Mar 01
Dec 13-2000 Writing Correspondence Dept report.. Millions besides JW's read Society publications. Readers have questions they want clarified, or advice about a personal problem. Such questions include, `When Jesus was impaled, were the nails put through his palms or his wrists?' Or, `I need help with a weakness,' or, `As part of my job, my employer wants me to put the roof on a church,' or, `Can I take karate as a form of exercise?' Some may be extremely depressed & suicidal. Some simply write to thank us for information they have received in our literature. Writing Correspondence is made up of 10 bros & 7 sisters. It is part of Writing Dept under the supervision of Governing Body (Hereafter GB). We receive approximately 800 letters & 250 telephone calls a month. When a letter is received it is scanned into a computer for an electronic copy. If the person has written before, it links all previous letters received & the bro. who handled earlier correspondence. This bro will be assigned the latest letter. The address & zip code are verified. Thus, there is no need for paper copies to be filed. Bro assigned will read the letter & do research before writing a reply. It is then sent electronically to another bro for proofreading; then a secretary prepares a paper hardcopy.
There are three general categories of letters: 1. Scriptural or doctrinal questions. 2. Personal problems. 3. Persons that have trouble applying Bible principles in their life. Scriptural issues. One may ask how Jesus was impaled. Research shows that the Greek word translated as hand can also include the wrist. As the palms could not have sustained the full weight of the body, illustrations in the Society's literature show the nails going through his wrists. At times religious fundamentalists who fancy themselves authorities on the Greek language will argue how a certain Greek word is translated, in an attempt
to justify teachings such as the trinity. Sincere questioners are given information on the matter & are invited to do research on the subject. Personal problems. 12192 Our Kingdom Ministry Ques. Box gave guidelines on doing personal research in the Bible & Society publications, or approaching local elders for answers to Bible questions before writing the Society. Yet more information may be needed, such as when one is struggling with overcoming a weakness, or feel they have lost Jehovah's favor. They may be suffering from demon harassment, or a widowed mother may be concerned about how she will raise her children in Jeh's ways now that her husband is gone. In such cases they may write, & we are here for them. We will draw attention to God's Word & will suggest information in literature that will help reassure them of Jeh's love for them & provide relief. Applying Bible principles in life. `Is it all right to work for the YMCA? `My doctor is suggesting a medical procedure involving the brief removal my blood, adding a solution to it, then re-introducing it into my body.' `Can I have two or three holes in my ears?' `Can my children play a certain video game?' You name it, we have handled it. Some question the accuracy of the New World Translation, or ask why the translation team is anonymous. We can direct them to secular authorities that praise the accuracy of the NWT, & point out that the translators of the NWT wish all honors to go to the author, Jeh God. We maintain a database of common replies & may give a basic reply if we receive the same question.
Sister thanked us: `I re-read your responding letter many times, & gradually my anger subsided. I saw 1 needed to learn more about Jeh's love. My problem was embarrassing & I didn't want to approach anyone face-to-face.' 21-year-old sister wrote, `Your letter helped me back on the road to the truth. I have recently been reinstated.' 14-year-old sister wrote, `I wish I were dead. I feel I can't do anything right.' After replying, we later received a second letter, `Your answer meant so much. It was like a letter from a very best friend. I appreciated your reply & your asking the brothers to visit. I have accepted a personal Bible study, & next month hope to be baptized. I want to pioneer when I qualify.' We hope this information has helped you to understand what we do in Writing Correspondence. It is our desire to work to Jeh's praise & benefit our brothers.
Dec 18 2000 GB:Taiwan report. 21 prisoners in jail for refusing to join the military were pardoned & released. All on probation - probation lifted. 19 of the 21 released were JW's.
Dec 20 GB: Germany report: Good news! Significant partial legal victory for JW's in Germany. Dec 19, 2000, Germany's highest court issued a landmark decision. Government may not require a religion to pass a test of loyalty to the state in order to obtain a corporation of public law status. Though the German Constitutional Court did not grant JW's a corporation of public law status, it did overturn a lower court decision denying such status to JW's in Germany. Our case was sent back to Berlin Federal Administrative Court to reanalyze & decide the legal question on the basis of the criteria in the Constitutional Court's written opinion. We are pleased with this significant development & look forward to a complete victory & favorable resolution of our status as a corporation of public law in Germany. This decision from Germany's highest court may have a favorable impact on some of our other pending cases in Europe, such as the ongoing tax matter in France & Moscow court case, which is scheduled to be heard first week of February 2001. We thank Jeh for this good news from Germany, & we pray for his continued blessing on these legal matters.
JW's are not new to struggles over freedom of worship. In past decades they resolutely withstood oppression from Stalin, Hitler, & Hirohito & others. In USA especially during first half of the 20th century, JW's won numerous legal victories in the highest court of the land & thus defined & established civil rights & liberties that citizens still enjoy today. 165,000 Witnesses in Germany.
Dec 27 GB Conventions report: Conv's are happy occasions. (Deut.16:15) 1889 in Allegheny, PA first of what would become known as conv's. 225 attended & 22 baptized. 1950 only one USA conv. held at Yankee Stadium, NY. English & Spanish. Sessions. Attendance -123,707 with 3,381 baptized. 1999 USA had 201 dislconv's in 14 languages. Attendance - 1,481,258. 8 International Con's since 1950. New World Translation of the Greek Scriptures was released 1950. 1958 entire world assigned to attend "Divine Will" International Conv at Yankee Stadium & Polo Grounds, NY. Many still remember traveling to cony with bumper stickers on their vehicles. Attendance-- 253,922 with 7,136 baptized at Orchard Beach. 1963 around the world Convs concluded at Rose Bowl, Pasadena, CA with 118,447 attending. 1978 there were 20 International Convs. Simplified hot meal provided with precooked standard items. This eliminated 70,000 volunteers buying food & trucking it to cony site & food preparation. 1987 hot food was eliminated. 1990 each brought their own food. 1989 literature provided at no charge. Cir & Dis/over's for years served weeks doing pre-cony work. With all the simplification they now only help out during their cony week. Sound system not adequate at most cony sites for clear lisitening. JW's put in sound system resulting in all attending being to hear well the cony program.
Jan 5, 2001: 110th class of Gilead received their foreign assignments. Two couples (4 students) were assigned to Bulgaria, Madagascar, Russia, Senegal. One couple (2 students) was assigned to Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Ecuador, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Peru, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia.
"Behind the scenes" Report on Moscow trial given at London Bethel
Victory Feb 23 2001 will undoubtedly rank as one of the most outstanding court victories in our modern theocratic history. It was faith-strengthening & moving to see Jeh sanctify his name. Case has been hanging over Russian JW's more than 5 years. Case could easily have gone against us, & would have meant severe restrictions for JW's in Russia, hindering their preaching-work, literature distribution, meetings, & all other activities, not only in Moscow but also in the rFst of Russia & surrounding republics.
Paul Gillies from London was appointed by Bklyn to travel to Moscow to handle press contacts & dealings with foreign officials. He managed to get parliamentarians, embassy people, human-rights people, media people & many others interested in the case to be present in the courtroom. Paul : `The week was one of whirlwind activity. When asked: 'Have you been to the Moscow Circus?' I could say 'Yes, I have been to the JW's trial.' Background: In 1997, a law on "freedom of conscience & religion" (meaning the opposite) was passed engineered by Orthodox Church who hate JW's. It had clauses directly written as weapons against JW's. Court case began 1998. In 1999 the court appointed 5 experts, 4 of who were backing the charges against JW. They did so by quoting each other: 'I believe so because he says so.' - Acts 25:7. Feb. 23 the court was to make it's decision on our case. Morning worship at JW Soc. Moscow office concluded with a prayer in which the JW Russian elder bluntly stated what he wished Jehovah to do: 'Let the prosecution say words that will come out as nonsense.' Jeh must have heard the prayer for one of the expert witnesses said: 'If all in Russia were JW's, all would just sit around loving one another, & who would then go out & defend Russia?' This was not even taken up by the judge. Another expert witness began by using derogatory names about JW, calling them a dangerous cult, etc. The female judge immediately stopped her saying: 'JW's are recognized as a known religion. I will not have them referred to as a sect or anything else in this courtroom. Re-state your entire testimony using different language.' Another expert claimed: 'Everybody knows that the name Jehovah is not to be found anywhere in the Bible.' Bibles were handed out to the lawyers & the judge, & for 45 minutes the defense was able to show one place after another in which Jeh's name appears in the Russian Bible, including the Makarios translation.
A pile of JW literature was present in the courtroom, since one of the key questions was whether our literature contains divisive & subversive material. Much time was spent reading aloud portions from JW literature. Example -Family book.' When parts were read out, many would nod their heads & say `this was good stuff. After considerable readings from JW literature the judge asked the 'expert witnesses' if they knew about the good points made in the books. They had to say yes. Judge asked: `Why didn't you not mentioned that to the court, then?' Experts said to the judge: "they thought 'there was no time' for it at the hearings."' An expel t, Mr. Nabulsin, tried with sweet words to say that he liked JW's & that they were good people. Their organization was bad. Judge asked: "How can an organization be bad if it only consists of people who are good?" Expert replied: "When he read in JW literature they attacked his church, he 'felt insulted." Our lawyers, however, had found this man's own writings from the last few years. Lawyers read aloud portions that were filled with anti-Semitic, nationalistic, racist information. Judge asked: "Did you write this?" He answered: "Yes, let them read on, I am enjoying this."
5th expert witness, Ivanenko, gave a very fine witness, though being a non-Witness expert explained each Witness has a personal relationship with Jeh & acts on his/her own initiative. The other 4 expert witnesses turned out to be "Balaam's asses," unwittingly telling the truth. An apostate brought many books that he wanted to read from. But the judge only wanted him to tell about his own experiences as a JW. So he had to explain why he became a JW, that no one forced him, that he was a JW for many years, that he himself decided how much money he wanted to donate & how much time he would spend in the ministry, etc. Now he gets paid by church groups to speak against JW's. An expert was asked for specific reasons why he believed JW's were guilty of 5 points that they were accused of. The prosecutor said that she would deal with that matter in her final summary. The judge did not accept that but wanted to hear what this expert witness could say on the 5 points. He could not say anything definite & the prosecutor quickly dismissed him when she saw that he was making a bad impression. A JW, ex-boxer, is JW who was disfellowshipped & now reinstated. He gave many good reasons for the practice we follow. "You can't fool God," he said.
Our defense attorney, Galina Krilova, argued masterfully. On the question of Armageddon she said that this is a joyful hope for Christians & referred to Rev 21:3, 4. She also used some revealing comparisons between JW's & Russian Orthodox Church, for example, on the question of immorality. Both JW's & the Church preach that immorality is wrong. But only JW's practice what they preach.
A faithful JW who spent many ears in prison - first during WW2 & later in Siberia - was asked by prosecution: "Did you fight for Mother Russia during the Great War (WW2) for the Fatherland?" - "No," he answered. -'"Millions were dying for Mother Russia & you were not even fighting?" - He replied: "No, because I was living in Romania at that time." There was laughter. Prosecution's material was taken straight from Website of the apostates. Prosecutor read some of it aloud; if asked what it meant, she probably wouldn't have understood it.
JW Canadian lawyer, John Burns, gave a strong defense. At one point a witness claimed that JW's are banned in Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, France &other countries. John Burns jumped up & shouted "That's a lief" He sat down & quietly said to a bro. next to him: "Don't worry, I've got to jump up & shout once in a while, otherwise they won't respect us." In the end, Burns gave a forceful summary. He quoted Acts 5:30, 31: "Leave these people alone. You may find yourselves fighting against God." When read from the Russian Bible, this comes out even more strongly, because it says: "Back off!"
When the judge retired to her chambers prior to her decision, nobody was able to tell what the decision would be. Her body language did not tell anything. Logic, justice, & fairness left no doubts, but who can tell in Russia what a verdict will be when things like justice do not count? While waiting in the corridor, a lawyer went up to our Public Affairs brother from Russia & said to him: "Are you praying to your God right now?" - The bro. said: "Of course I am, & I can assure you that millions of JW's are doing the same." The lawyer replied: "Well, then we will just have to see which side God is on!" The answer soon came. But up till the very last minute, the outcome was uncertain. When the judge came out, she just briefly said: 'The prosecution's charges have been rejected on all counts. The prosecution will pay the costs.' There was a moment's silence, then the JW's in the corridors started to cry out: "We have won!" The happiness was tremendous. The visiting bros. got progressively covered in lipstick.
Feb 23 was the birthday of Patriarch Alexei. His various dealings as a KGB agent etc. are stated in Apr 22, 2001 AWAKE!. This victory was quite a birthday present for him. It must be remembered, though, that although we have won this case, the prosecution is going to appeal the decision. And even if we win again, we may face many other court cases. There is still the re-registration issue, the situation in Georgia, & many other issues. But in any case, Jeh obviously wants more work to be done in Russia. There must still be many more people there who need the truth. A battle is won, but the war is not over.-Isaiah 54:17.
Feb Latin America Zone Report: Panama. 9,878 pubs. 4 missionaries each have over 50 years of missionary service. Together they have served 209 years. EXP: Sister whose experience is in Feb 15, 1978 WTr article "Using the Tongue in Panama." Was at the zone meeting. She was born with undeveloped arms and legs. She lies on her stomach all the time. In spite of the severe handicaps, the truth has made her a happy person. Baptized when 15 on Jan 9, 1978 she attends all meetings on a special bed made for her. Zone bro. met her after the program. This faithful sister encouraged him. During the meeting you could see her turning the pages of the Bible with her tongue. She takes notes with a pencil in her mouth. She is enrolled in the Ministry School & aux. pioneers using the phone that she dials with a pencil held in her mouth. Ironically, her mother has not accepted the truth in spite of the good things she has seen in her daughter. So if we think we have problems, we should think of this sister & count our blessings.
Chile: Special program in stadium in Santiago 73,000 listeners. Over 62,000 pubs. 3% increase. Over 48000 Bible studies. 3,815 new pubs. People are affected by social pressure. They like to study, but don't want to identify themselves with JW'. Many live together without benefit of marriage. Because divorce is illegal in Chile, it is difficult for Bible students to correct their immoral situation to become unbaptized pubs. Women especially are not willing to separate due to economic reasons or because of the time it takes to get the paperwork done. JW's do not give up encouraging students. Some make changes & have deep love for the truth. EXP: Oswaldo received notice on his job that he would have to work on Sundays. He told his supervisor that his contract was for Monday through Friday. Also, he said, `I am recently married & need to spend time with my wife. And it is the only day that I can give something to God.' His supervisor said he would be fired at the end of the month. Oswaldo was the only one of about 3,000 employees who did not work on Sunday. He kept going to the meetings, putting his trust in Jeh. One morning, a high level manager from France visited. He stopped at Oswaldo's desk & congratulated him for his fine work & said: `You're the only one who does not have his computer filled up with games, & you do orderly work.' Oswaldo thanked him & said that he would be leaving the company. French man asked, `Why? Have you received a better offer?' He said, "No" & explained his situation. Day's later Oswaldo was invited to attend a private meeting with his supervisor & high level French manager. The air was tense. French manager said: `Oswaldo, you will not be working on Sundays, & seldom on Saturdays. You will also be given additional responsibility in the company.' That same week he was baptized & his studies& a coworker were present. Within a few weeks, there was a restructuring of the company. Many of those who worked on Sundays were fired. Months later the supervisor was fired. Oswaldo now serves as an aux. pio with his wife.
Lima, Peru. Over 67,000 pubs. 8% pubs increase 3rd consecutive year. Over 100,000 Bible studies. Well over 100% meeting attendance for all meetings. 20% of pubs are pios. Many Gongs have 50 to 60 pios. Cir & Disloverseers were commended. To visit some Gongs they travel by horse for three hours. Other Gongs six or seven hours by truck. At times they walk three or four hours to reach Gongs in the mountains. Some have to visit Gongs alone because it was not safe for wife to come along. Cir & Dis overseers have a fine spirit, set a fine example for Gongs, zealously take the lead in field
service. With over 100,000 Bible studies, only 7,323 new pubs started service. Part of reason is the same as in Chile; many live together & are not married. Peru newspaper reported 60 to 70% living together are not married. Very difficult for people in Peru to get marriage papers. It may take many years. Yet, some change. EXP: town's people feared very aggressive man. He said he would hit any Witness who knocked on his door. Sister knocked he listened & said, `what you said is quite interesting. Come back tomorrow so that my wife can listen.' Following day Bible study was started with him & his unwed partner. They progressed, legalized their marriage & got baptized. EXP: 268 pubs live & preach in a town of 11,000 population. In spite of a ratio of 1 pub to 42 people, 61 new pubs started last year.
Ecuador: 6% increase 2nd year in a row. 74 missionaries zealously make disciples. Some have served for decades, others are just starting. Peru Bible study activity is good, but like the other countries, few Bible studies become unbaptized pubs because of the marital status. EXP: Cong made special effort to cover all its territory with Kingdom News No. 36. This included a town that takes about an hour to reach by vehicle, over rough, unpaved roads & crossing two rivers. 20 JW's made the trip. People showed keen interest in tract. No one rejected JW's visit. An entire family listened to the message. They said, `You must return.' Sister offered a Bible study to two women. One said, `Please come to my house first to conduct the study. I will have lunch for you.' The other said, `No, come to my house first. I will prepare you a meal.' The interest was so great that the 20 JW's returned in two weeks. Many asked to have meetings. Over 400 attended & enjoyed Organization Behind the Name video. Over 50 Bible studies started. JW's visit area every week.
COLUMBIA: 107,613 pubs. 7,952 new pubs last year. 153,754 Bible studies. 99 new congs formed in 2000, about two congs every week. Spec. Pios very productive. Branch arranged for 25 groups of temporary spec pios to work from Sept to Dec in areas that have no witnesses. 99 bros. & sisters appointed. They spent over 56,000 hours in more than 60 cities & towns. Placed 1,152 books, 3,057 brochures, made 13,459 return visits, started 1,077 Bible studies.
Dominican Republic. Very Catholic country, but in name only. 1945 married Gilead couple arrived, first 2 pubs. First day they started 2 studies. 1946 a branch was started. Now 23,234 pubs.- 3% increase. 57 new KingHalls needed. 135% attend Sunday meetings. Over 100% attendance for all meetings. Through the years 150 missionaries have been assigned, 51 now including graduates of the 1st, 2nd & 4th classes of Gilead. 55,158 attended special meeting. Same problem of other nearby countries, many will study but are not legally married so they cannot become pubs. EXP: Woman not married with 5 children started to study. Continuously asks him to marry her. On their anniversary of living together he asked her what she wanted, `A new dress?' She replied: `Only thing I want is a little piece of paper!' He said, `Later.' She always brought his lunch to the factory. On anniversary she asked JW couple & a judge to come to his workplace. She brought a clean shirt & tie for him. She told her husband to wash up & put on the shirt & tie for an appointment they had. They got married at his work & she is now our sister.
Jamaica. The work began in 1897 when 2 Jamaican working in Costa Rica learned the truth & returned to Jamaica. 1906 branch established. 1913 Bro. Russell visited. His talk attended by 3,800. EXP: Bethelites father was a lay preacher in Anglican Church. He heard Russell's talk in 1913, recognized the truth, quit the church, has been JW ever since. Over 11,000 pubs. Many leave for other countries. It is said there are more Jamaican Witnesses outside Jamaica than inside. 193 congs. EXP: Sister H-T-H work met 14-year-old girl who had a 6-month-old baby. Girl accepted Live Forever book. Her mother a Rastafarian - opposed JW's stand on blood. Study started with the girl was outside the house. Sister met the mother shopping, explained our stand on blood, told her husband recent surgery without blood. Mother softened, invited sister inside her home. Girl is unbaptized pub, mother continues to study. She has trimmed her hair, stopped using profane language & stopped smoking. 6 members of the family are serving Jeh.
RWANDA, AFRICA": JW's asked village chief for some property to build a KingHall. He asked, `Where do you want it?' Bros. responded: `Next to the cemetery.' Chief was very surprised, as Africans are very superstitious about the dead. Villages are far off from cemeteries. Chief asked, `Why do you want the KingHall next to the cemetery?' Bros. replied: `Because Jeh has promised to resurrect the dead. We do not want them to have far to go.' What faith in Jeh's promises! 151 congs. Bros built 120 KingHalls & an Assembly Hall last year. Bros. imprisoned for refusing to take part in night patrols with local militias have all been released.