Preach it, metatron.
I agree, get the best out of life and don't let the past dictate your future. Expecially when it comes to your happiness!
JoinedPosts by Dogpatch
Undoing Watchtower Damage
by metatron inundoing years of damage caused by the deceit of watchtower ideology.
isn't easy.
i'm still adapting to "seeing the world anew" and.
Can Anyone Actually Live By JW Rules/Suggestions?
by Skeptic ini seriously doubt that anyone could actually live strictly by the jw rules and "suggestions" give by the society and the congregation.
like the catholic church, there are now so many rules you cannot follow them all.
unlike the catholic church, the dubs to not allow you to use your head and deviate when you want.. i remember my first wife struggling to live by dub rules.
Their preoccupation with rules is proof they are not Christians of the first century sort, here's why.
"Rules" for Christian Living
by Randall WattersCommenting on the intrigue of human relationships and the trials men place on one another, Watchtower Circuit Overseer Floyd Kite once jokingly told me that "half of us are here to test the other half." As a devout Jehovah's Witness and an organization man, I was determined to be the "half" that tested the others. I kept close watch on other's conduct, as a Bethel elder and overseer.
Actually, the world is full of "spiritual" policemen, but the efforts put forth by such ones to control the lives of others is often less than welcome. Yet some will say, "Doesn't the Bible have certain things to say about our conduct and our outward appearance?" Yes! Are these to be considered as laws, or just helpful suggestions? How far is a Christian to go in counseling others? How do we view Christians who go to war, or who vote or hold public office? Let a former "policeman" give you some ideas.
The concept of living under Law is not bad in itself. Yahweh established a perfect Law with Moses and the nation of Israel. Jesus later came, not to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it (Matt. 5:17). That meant that the laws contained therein were not wrong, outdated or prudish. Jesus came, not to say that the Law was too hard to keep, but to establish an even more exacting standard. This he did when he summed up the Law in two commands: "You must love the Lord your God with your whole heart, mind, and soul, and you must love your neighbor as yourself." He says, "On these two commandments depend the whole Law...." (Matt. 5:20; 22:39,40)
Jesus' death on the cross released us from a yoke of servitude to a written law (Col. 2:13-15). Yet, ironically, he promoted more absolute standards. He went a step further and clarified how one could fall short of God's standards by what is in one's heart, even if outwardly obeying the Law. In other words, Jesus revealed the principles undergirding the Law as being the standards to strive for. By teaching such a perfect standard of conduct, Jesus advocated a quality of faith and commitment that is actually unattainable for fallen humans, were it not for divine grace.
For instance: According to Jesus, not only is the ACT of adultery a sin, but the very passion of lust is a sin! (Matt. 5:27,28) Not only is stealing a sin, but coveting your neighbor's belongings or his wife in your heart is sin. Not only is marriage sacred, but getting a divorce can make one an adulterer in God's eyes! (Matt. 5:31,32) Not only is bringing harm to your brother a sin, but calling him a fool will make you liable to Gehenna! (Matt. 5:21,22) Additionally, if you are insulted, you should turn the other cheek. If a soldier asks you to walk a mile, walk two with him. If another asks for your overcoat, give it to them! You are to pray for your enemies and do good for those who persecute you (Matt. 5:38-40, 43-46). Who can then say that the Christian has it easier than the Old Testament Jew?
The difference is, God has given us the new birth and a new nature (1 Peter 1:23). A "seed" of righteousness is planted in us when we are born from above. God comes to live IN us (through the Holy Spirit), enabling us to partake of his holiness (Romans 8:9-11). Jesus made this possible through his death and resurrection (Heb. 9:11-15). We are redeemed and declared righteous. Jesus then takes that "seed" in us and forms it into a mature Christian, thereby sanctifying us. He trusts us to walk in that new nature that we now possess. We die to the old, corrupted nature of the fallen flesh (2 Peter 1:3,4). Were it not for this new birth and its accompanying grace, our condemnation would be greater than under the Law of Moses, for Jesus' standards are more exacting and comprehensive than the Mosaic Law. Jesus said we are to be perfect (Matt. 5:48).
We can only hope to be "perfect" if we walk in the new nature (Gal. 5:16,17). We must be born again (John 3:3,5,7). How common is it to see the old nature of religious men and women trying to reach some artificial standard of conduct laid out for them by a religion or church, thinking that by doing so, they are somehow holy. Yet, the apostle Paul makes it plain that if we seek to justify ourselves by following laws or rules, we are still under condemnation, and Christ is useless to us (Gal. 2:15-21). All of the holy acts of all religious men are as filthy rags to God, unless they are performed by those whom he has regenerated by the Spirit (Isa. 64:6). It is the Spirit in us enabling us to do true works of righteousness, not our old nature.
Now the stage is set for comprehending the difficult sayings of Jesus, especially in his Sermon on the Mount.
Christ does not make concessions for our weakness by lowering his standards. He expects us to allow the indwelling Spirit to dominate our lives. To the extent this happens, we are able to follow his perfect standards.
While Jesus makes no concessions to his standards, he is rich in mercy and forgiveness when we fall short of them. He knows we will sin many times along the way (Heb. 4:15,16). He points us towards perfection. We are to keep our eyes on what he wants us to be at all times; not on some lesser, more attainable goal. Yet, he knows that we will grow old and die without attaining perfection (Phil. 3:12-14).
This can be most frustrating at times! It means that we will never reach a plateau in our Christianity. The "mountain" is higher than we can climb, and God has not set up "camps" on the slopes for us to live in; yet he allows us to make wayside rest stops to refresh ourselves and then continue on. Then, upon Christ's return, his work in us is completed as we are transformed into perfection as in the twinkling of an eye (1 Thes. 4:16,17; 1 Cor. 15:51-53).
So, just what part does the church play in making rules for Christians?
God's Work, Not Ours
In the realm of Christian religions, there are 3 approaches used in advocating standards of conduct:(1) The strict approach - a code of conduct is laid out as "necessary," and it is strict enough that only a few Christians will follow it, producing an appearance of righteousness.
(2) The merciful approach - a middle-of-the-road code of conduct is promoted that is workable (attainable) for most or all believers.
(3) The perfection approach - Jesus' perfect standards are advocated, which are really principles to be followed from the heart rather than laws.
Some churches, and all of the cults, choose method #1; many churches choose #2.
However, not only do the first two approaches fall short of Jesus' moral precepts, but the system designed for the few (#1) condemns the many and exalts the few; whereas in actuality, if RULES are to be followed, ALL are actually condemned because ALL will fall short of perfect obedience to those rules! System #1, therefore, provides a false sense of security. It is also substandard to the third approach.
System #2 is unbiblical as well. To water down the principles Christ gave and to replace them with a substandard law code is not acceptable to God. He will not tolerate sin, nor lesser standards; that is why Jesus had to die for our sins. He will only work within the perfect approach.
As Christians, we expect God to mold us and to perfect our conduct and our character. We cannot by ourselves mute the power of sin within us (nor can others do it for us!). The typical "religious" way of coping with our flesh can be likened to monitoring our outward conduct so as to look holy. This was the game of the Pharisees, yet inside they were rotten to the core (Matt. 23:27). Though it may seem a noble cause to try and alter our own heart's desires, it cannot be done through living by a law code, whether it be strict or lenient.
So we drop the law code idea. We see Jesus' lofty standards for what they are and we realize that we will never obey them perfectly, at least in this life. That's why we are saved by grace! So we quit following rules and allow the grace of the Holy Spirit to do his work in us. We learn to become more like children as regards humility and simplicity (Matt. 18:3). We accept our inability to sanctify ourselves. Prayers are offered for the Holy Spirit to work changes within us, giving us a new heart; a pure heart. We are praying for a miracle; something that cannot be accomplished through obedience to laws and rules. God softens and shapes our hearts to the extent that we allow the Holy Spirit to work within us.
The Symptom Warriors
Chances are that you will come to understand these principles of grace versus law before some of your policemen - type friends do. Most of the time these "symptom warriors" mean well. They believe they can legislate spiritual growth. (Certainly life would be boring without someone to tell you how to dress and what movies to go see, what music to listen to, etc.)The desire of the symptom warrior is to change your conduct so as to be more acceptable to God. Sort of like the Watchtower approach, right? Most of us have played this game at one time or another.
However, since we cannot really see the hearts of others or accurately perceive where they are in their relationship with the Lord, we often observe and react to outward symptoms. We are ever ready to point out symptoms to our brother that indicate his walk with the Lord is "not what it should be." Because we lack the faith that God controls this process of perfecting his saints, we suggest to our brother that if he would only correct the symptom, his heart will change for the better. We believe that if "Mark would only stop smoking, he would not feel so guilty and could approach the Lord easier." "If Joan would quit watching soap operas, she would love the Lord more and her marriage would improve." "If Johnny would quit watching Music Television (MTV), he could read the Bible more." Seldom do we stop and think that we are approaching the whole thing backwards. Why not get them interested in the things of God, and let God do the work? If you can't get them interested in spiritual things, stripping them of their fun certainly won't work! Besides, we may be reading the symptoms wrong in the first place.
But wasn't Jesus very strict as to what we can and can't do? Didn't he make many statements regarding the living of a sanctified lifestyle?
Misunderstanding Jesus' Words
When we consider the "difficult sayings" of Jesus regarding moral issues and our conduct towards others, we need to take several things into account. The setting, context, and intent of his words are vital. Yet we must not explain away the obvious moral messages there, reducing their impact by our misinterpretation of the passage. When Jesus says to love our enemies and to pray for those persecuting us, it is obvious that we are to be free of hatred towards persecutors of the faith, even though that may seem difficult or seemingly impossible to us under certain circumstances (Matt. 5:44-48). And, just because we can't quite live it perfectly, we should not change the meaning of Jesus' words, but allow his grace to cover us. This is the whole point - there are many areas of life in which we will find we cannot live up to Jesus' standards. Rather than changing the standards, though, we learn to live a life of falling short while the sacrifice of our Lord frees us from condemnation and guilt (Rom. 8:1). He works in our lives with a view to perfection (1 John 1:8-10; James 3:2).Hard Decisions
While Jesus speaks out against lying, fraud, thievery, fornication, etc., there are some areas of conduct and responsibility in which he is silent. This is true with issues such as self-defense, going to war, involvement in community affairs, etc. Jesus does not tell us whether or not we should consider going to war as a part of our obligation to defend our brothers or our nation, nor does he tell us to stay away from governmental affairs or political office (though he does tell us not to put our trust in such things). He does not speak out against self-defense (though he does speak about our reaction to threats of aggression or challenge--Matt. 5:39. For a more complete discussion of the issue of self-defense, politics and war, see war - the chapter on "War, Evil and Self-Defense"Though the Bible says we are transferred into the kingdom of God even now (Col. 1:13), we must also function in this fallen world, the kingdom of Satan (Eph. 6:12). The two kingdoms are at odds with each other, yet we must function in both. On issues related to secular obligations and supporting the government, Paul's words in Romans chapter 13 can help us:
Let every person be in subjection to the superior authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. (Romans 13:1)
While God has established the secular authorities so that there is a measure of order and justice in this fallen world, they are not a part of his perfect kingdom. At times, they are directly opposed to the interests of his kingdom, and we must obey God as ruler rather than men when our loyalties divide us (Acts 5:29). While this is sometimes a black and white issue, such as when a government requires us to bow down to its leaders or to stop reading the Bible, etc., it more often lies in the gray areas. Such decisions should be very carefully weighed.
We may say, "What would Jesus have done?" Well, Jesus advocated his own lifestyle. It is interesting to note that he made no concessions for other lifestyles. Because of his higher calling, it was not proper for him to concern himself with the affairs of government or secular obligations. But note that the reason is the higher calling; NOT that such concerns are wrong! He also did not concern himself with having a place to sleep or what to eat tomorrow! The lifestyle he advocates is not lived by many persons, to be sure. Yet there are many brothers in Christ who advocate that we follow PART of Jesus' lifestyle, yet are silent as to living the rest of it! Isn't that rather inconsistent? What it boils down to is this - Jesus standards are absolute; if you are reaching out for his lifestyle, then do not teach the need to embrace part of it and reject the rest, or you, too, will be a hypocrite. At the same time, love your brother who is aspiring towards a life like Christ's, and do not judge him. If he advocates going to war and you strongly disagree because Jesus would not have done this, ask yourself if you are living the rest of Jesus' lifestyle yet. Are you continually preaching the Word, allowing yourself little rest, and staying up till the dawn in prayer at times? Have you foregone marriage for a higher calling? Do you have no place to lay your head, and no steady income? Yet to use the argument, "Do what Jesus would have done" suggests that we should apply this across the board.
We do seek to do what Jesus would have done, of course; but a lifestyle is something you grow into, and help from above is necessary along the way. To tell a person just to "do what Jesus would have done" may be the right answer, but you had better be ready to help that person understand why Jesus would have done certain things, and that they can only be done through the help of the Holy Spirit. The individual needs to know that we cannot change our pattern of life all in one day, either; God is willing to patiently work with us.
On Giving Advice
Giving advice to a Christian friend is not something to take lightly! It is better to point to what Jesus said or did that bears on a subject, rather than telling them what to do in a given situation. Let them make their decision according to their faith and commitment. To insist that others follow certain standards of conduct such as dress codes, movie or music preferences, types of recreation, business decisions, etc. means that we are making our own standards for another to follow, rather than allowing them to make a personal moral decision based upon their understanding of God's perfect standards. God is the only one qualified to give us laws to follow, which he did in the case of the Ten Commandments. Yet, no one could keep them! Therefore, God did away with law, and established a better arrangement. Do we have the right to introduce laws when God has done away with law? (Gal. 2:16-21) To do so puts us under a curse (Gal. 3:10)!Following rules for Christian living is of the flesh; letting the indwelling Spirit live through you is true Christianity. Paul says,
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.
For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.
However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him. (Romans 8:15,9)
We need to have the faith that if our brother loves God, he will seek to walk in the Spirit. If he seeks the things of the Spirit, God will perfect his heart. OUR part is to encourage our brother or sister in their walk so that this love for God will be there in the first place. As we encourage and strengthen the faith of our brothers and sisters, they come to love God more, and this seed of love is nurtured by the Holy Spirit.
We seem to have been taught that some sins are much worse than others. After all, adultery or murder are far more serious than lying or stealing, aren't they?Not so, according to the Word of God. While more visible sins may have a greater negative effect than others, all sin is deadly, in terms of its effect on our relationship with God. God hates sin, because it separates us from communion with him - that is the bottom line. We were created in his image, and he cannot stomach our self-degradation. It is like seeing part of himself marred and distorted.
If all sin, including the "secret" sins of envy, lust, covetousness and slothfulness are evil, then why do many "symptom warriors" jump on Christians who fall into the more visible sins, but then wink at the secret sins? Usually because in their hearts, these "warriors" have a distorted view of sin. They do not understand that the whole issue is not outward appearances, but maintaining a relationship with God, and God hates secret sins every bit as much as the visible sins. Those who practice sin will not inherit the kingdom of God. Yet, the Christian who falls into sin can continually come before the throne of grace for forgiveness and restoration. Yes, even the "symptom warriors" can be forgiven of their secret sins!
How Rules Affect Your Flesh
From the first year of our life, it is a built-in mechanism of the sin nature that we will rebel. By far the most common word first learned by toddlers is "No!" Why "no" and not "Yes"? Because our flesh is selfish, it wants its way or it will pout, lash out or seek revenge.Before we learn and really believe that certain practices are morally wrong, we may not suffer a guilty conscience. But once we believe they are wrong, our flesh becomes reactive and through its natural rebelliousness it prompts us to seek the pleasure of sin all the more. Things that we view as sinful (whether or not they really are in God's eyes) will titillate the flesh when we do them, not just because the act may bring pleasure to the body, but because rebellion is a fallen pleasure in itself (Pro. 9:17; Job 31:26-28).
This can be seen in its extreme form in ritual Satanism, where everything holy is blasphemed; pleasure being derived from the very act of blaspheming God. While that may sound revolting, the same sin factor is at work in all of us. It's just that some of us allow it to take us farther along the road to degradation than others.
Though we have died to the old sin nature if we are born again, the flesh can still plague us in the same manner if we fall under law once more. We need to understand the principle of being set free from the endless cycle of sin and guilt, by living in the Spirit:
For while we were in the flesh, the sinful passions, which were aroused by the Law, were at work in the members of our body to bear fruit for death. But now we have been released from the Law, having died to that by which we were bound, so that we serve in newness of the Spirit and not in oldness of the letter. (Rom. 7:5,6)
If you have a tendency to put rules on other Christians where the Bible does not give rules, you might be surprised to know that doing so is like trying to cure the sick with the AIDS virus! There are far more effective ways of promoting good conduct in others. Study the methods of Jesus in relating to others, and you will have success. -
USA Today on Prince
by Dogpatch inusa today on prince.
check out this short article:.
USA Today on Prince
Check out this short article:
Net Soup! -
Convergence of Technology and Society
by Dogpatch ini wanted to share this from a friend and former jw, an excellent piece of information re convergence:.
the new convergence of technology and society.
by steven luz.
Hi SS,
Do you really live in Greenland?
Tell me more about what life and dubs are like there.
Randy -
Convergence of Technology and Society
by Dogpatch ini wanted to share this from a friend and former jw, an excellent piece of information re convergence:.
the new convergence of technology and society.
by steven luz.
I wanted to share this from a friend and former JW, an excellent piece of information re convergence:
Going Faster- But Where?
The New Convergence of Technology and Societyby Steven Luz
Giant steps in the advancement of information technology have accompanied remarkable improvements in the quality and efficiency of transportation. Emerging economies have benefited from access to technology products as well as their workforce’s opportunity to provide the labor in manufacture of these products. The availability of unlimited information via the Internet has coincided with the advent of increasingly cheap and unfettered mobility of the world’s population, even as efficient shipment of freight has opened technology employment to the third world. This convergence of events will empower a greater percentage of the world’s citizens than ever before.
Wonderful information technology products are already “shrinking the globe.” Chat rooms, news groups and special interest websites assemble participants from around the world to discuss myriads of topics. In time, the declining cost of telecommunications will enable video teleconferencing between people in remote areas and urban centers. The social and intellectual enlightenment afforded by such technology products is self-evident.
This generation’s advances in energy and transportation technology are somewhat less obvious. These less-appreciated offshoots of the information revolution have already opened new labor markets, thanks to the application of modern technology. Hi-tech and low-tech products are manufactured differently than before. Today, manufacturing capital chases labor anywhere in the world. An “American” camera assembled in Canada may be constructed from plastic parts molded in Mexico, glass ground in Germany and electronic chips manufactured in Korea. Families formerly farming fields of grain are now not only working in the hi-tech world, but also becoming consumers in that world.
Penetration of technology deep into the emerging economies is now creating a sort of global “suburban-technology-sprawl.” Innovative thinkers in the societies that benefit will ensure that more social mobility and political self-determination accompanies this new geographic mobility.
Here in the developed world, we easily gather information to support and execute our important decisions and satisfy our curiosity. We can conveniently research the qualifications of our political candidates in newspapers, magazines and public records of their activities. We can also freely travel and arrange delivery of products we want. Most take for granted the mature infrastructure, which supports our access to rich sources of information and allows us the mobility we so cherish. All this information in the hands of individual citizens has a way of keeping the government in check. In many democratic governments, staffers poll the informed populace before making weighty decisions. This environment of access, openness and influence took generations to develop.
Our freedom to act on informed decisions empowers us in ways that have not been widely available to the population of most “emerging economy” nations.
In fact, the ignorance of the masses in these areas has perpetuated a hording of the knowledge capital by those who wish to continue their domination. When some event sparks a questioning of the motives of these dictatorial regimes, clever propaganda can smooth over the cognitive dissonance of the naive villagers. In some cases, subtle forms of bribery and even martial law have been employed to prevent such outspoken questioners from upsetting the status quo.
Some of the great businesses of the world, however, have begun to spread the wealth of information, freedom and power, perhaps unintentionally. Some time ago, the need for relatively cheap labor, combined with lower shipping costs and efficient methods of shipment, met up with a trainable emerging market workforce. Companies in all sectors need this cheap labor. Soap, shoes, cars and computers can all be manufactured in emerging market locales. A manufacturing workforce can exist anywhere in the world, as long as it has accessible roads and proximity to international freight terminals. In short order, millions of people who were previously nomadic hunters or subsistence farmers became manufacturing or technology workers. The corporations that built this infrastructure were likely concerned with enhancing their profits. Information, freedom and power can flow across this same infrastructure.
As the new emerging market factory workers adapt to their new roles, their standard of living clearly increases. The evolution of developed society provides clues to the pattern of the emerging market society’s changing status. Formerly a society of farmers, the United States matured first into an industrial society, then to a consumer-oriented society. Social mobility followed their geographic mobility. Exposure to the tools and the writings of this societal progress gave our economic forefathers impetus to explore new ideas. Enhanced income and proper employer practices gave them more time to develop their ideas. Thoughtful contemplation was no longer the exclusive domain of the few. Eventually, there was a growing marketplace for education, health care, the arts and even political activism. The growing informed class has now achieved a level of freedom and self-determination few expected even a generation ago.
This same pattern promises to replicate itself at warp speed as the penetration of prosperity follows the industrial revolution into the world’s emerging markets. Powerful factors will increase the speed of this transformation.
One factor is the global information revolution. Many emerging market governments do not offer what we would call freedom the press or free trade. However, growing access to advanced telecommunications technology makes many government restrictions on traditional media less important. Today’s mobile phones can access uncensored news reports. In moments, interested students can learn about current events. Shrewd entrepreneurs can quickly make markets in products. Anyone with a networked computer can meet counterparts and execute transactions across the globe. Individuals with investment capital can even allocate their funds into international ventures with varying degrees of risk. Some of the more nefarious operators have used technological means to defraud the gullible. Unfortunately, traveling con artists have haunted the highways for centuries. They too are using more modern tools to sell their snake oil. Nevertheless, ingenuous entrepreneurial endeavors can be more easily implemented than ever before, and the principal caveat emptor is no less important today.
Most importantly, centralized control is made obsolete by an uncontrollable source of accurate information. As this information becomes more freely available, political abuses of all types are much more difficult to smooth over with propaganda. Further, widespread attention can quickly be brought to bear upon these leaders, who are often quite concerned with saving face and appearing civilized in the international arena.
Additional engines accelerating societal enlightenment are the same factors that enable industry to rapidly train and deploy a workforce in emerging markets. Rapid introduction of cheap, efficient transportation and experienced managers who can quickly impart knowledge and skill prime the pump for a population’s quick adoption of enlightened thinking. Our more mobile society promotes free movement of the wise teachers among those with hungry minds. Government leaders have thankfully facilitated the introduction of infrastructure improvements to advance international commerce and their tax base. The ability to freely assemble and petition the government for a redress of their grievances is made possible by these same improvements. In this case, the unintended consequence of this development may be the obsolescence of centralized government power.
Among the Internet’s thousands of chat rooms and websites, many focus on political issues of emerging market nations. Participants and readers from Nigeria to China can view and analyze their governments’ actions and policies. These participants can quickly begin to cultivate a mature position on the way their leaders act, and compare notes with their counterparts in democratic lands. They do not need to reinvent the wheel. This international forum is also replete with historical accounts of political influence and revolution. Neither is there a shortage of altruism in those with the wherewithal to exert political influence externally. It is so easy to make friends with people in faraway lands. Friends help friends, and with computer generated plane tickets also now available on the Internet, friends can easily meet friends in all reaches of the globe. Many political activists with international aspirations would also like to help elevate the working masses in third-world lands. Here again, ease of instant communication, combined with cheap transportation of influential people and the tools of progress promises to provide the leverage to unwind political power from the dictatorial strongmen to the increasingly well- informed majority.
The world is only beginning to utilize the synergies of the new technologies available. Continued enhancement of energy technology will add more cheap fuel to the enlightening engines of information technology and transportation technology. Soon, many of the auto factory workers in Mexico and Korea will be able to complement their new intellectual status with totally unfettered movement across international borders. Citizens from all around the world benefit from being technology consumers, and refuse to sit still being just consumers. Every day, innovative people put increasingly more powerful tools at our fingertips. As the emerging market’s consumers graduate to producers of the advanced thought these tools facilitate, the marketplace of ideas will increase exponentially. Even as the third world’s workforce benefits from our need for their cheap labor, we in the developed nations shall be further enlightened and empowered by our exposure to the infinite knowledge base that they have contributed to.
up at:
Randy Watters -
my rewards
by Dogpatch infew people enjoy their work as much as i do.
here is a sample why.
to all of you who have websites, i know you get similar notes and cards.
I thank all of you very much!
Happy holidays.
love and peace,
Randy -
Watchtower Propaganda
by JosephAlward inmany have argued that articles in awake!
in recent years show that watchtower was letting itself be told what do by the purple beast, namely, promote the united nations in its writings.
i can understand how many might quickly find support for this claim, for there are, indeed, many articles in awake!
The main problem with your reasoning Joseph is that the Watchtower of 20 years ago would never do such a thing. They are becoming WORLDLY, and that is why so many old-time faithful witnesses are leaving. Compromise may be good for the sake of the 6 million Witnesses, but it is fast becoming an entirely different religion, not unlike many others who have lost the ability to excercise extreme authoritiarian attitudes.
The ones who applaud the WT for this move are a new generation who never felt a lot of the extreme idealism, such as the party card issue in Malawi, etc. The idealists are leaving in large numbers, with the people remaining being no more than Protestant parishioners who still feel they are of the exclusive elite. But the foundation of "ethics" is gone. Would Jesus have joined the UN as an NGO? This is the real crux of the matter.
Yes, the WT will change and become less of a cult, just like the Mormons and others. Because they HAVE to. But the original meaning of the religion is lost, and the old-time zealots with it. Compromise is the new keyword in the Watchtower.
Randy Watters
' -
More Rand Corp.Info
by OUTLAW inas some of us know wbts owns 50% of rand cam corp.i was watching cnn and they said rand corp operates a military think tank.does anyone know anymore about this?...outlaw
Here is an older post rescued from H2O: by Amazing [Anointed] on September 15, 2000 at 15:58:37 {ytkgB1hrLU0hi4VK0MIQASIIcexUto}:
Hello Everyone:
Many may recall down the Board that it was reported that the Watchtower Society owned an interest in a corporation that made or designed components for military use that was used in the Persian Gulf War "Smart Bombs." (Correct me if I have erred here.)
So far I have not confirmed whether such military applications or contracts have been involved, then or now. However, after checking SEC filings in 1995 and 1992, (after the Gulf War in Feb-Mar 1992), I did not find any statement showing Watchtower ownership at that time.
Further, the "Company" was originally organized under the laws of the State of Oregon on July 27, 1992 as Sky Technologies, Inc. (After the Persian Gulf War ended.) This does not mean that the Society owned or did not own these shares prior to that date, or that their current ownership precludes that REGI now makes components or designs systems for the Military. All this means is that my information is inconclusive on that aspect.
Rand Cam Engine Corp. is a privately held company whose stock is reportedly owned 50% by The Watchtower Society, a religious organization where beneficial ownership of the 5,371,900 shares registered in the name of Rand Energy Group Inc. has been attributed to The Watchtower Society and Mr. (*) who retains voting proxy. Evidently Mr. (*) donated the shares to the Society who now owns them. While not confirmed, Mr. (*) may likely be a JW. [* I deleted the personal name of this individual because it is not essential to this discussion.]
Here are the latest figures I have confirmed:
While the corporation is 'private' it uses the NASD symbol "RGUS" for REGI US INC.
Exchange: OTCBB (Over-The-Counter)
Previous Close: 0.437 on 9/13
Volume: 0
Currency Units: US DollarThis US Corporation is majority owned by a British Columbia Corporation based in Canada. Of the US stock, the Watchtower Society is 50% owner as of the date of the filing I read which is addressed to the Securities Exchange Commission in Sept. 1999. I am a little confused how the parent corporation could be a 'majority' owner, yet the Watchtower Society still own 50%. But that is the data as shown on the filings.
I would think that if the Society only owned a small share that was donated, it would seem inconsequential to its standing as a nonprofit religious organization. People give assets such as this all the time to religions.
HOWEVER, the Watchtower Society seems unique in that it denounces investments in the old system and its journal Awake! for many years claimed that it was 'free' to publish 'truth' because of being "unfettered" by commercial interests. In times past, the Society has even forced branches to divest interests in various profit making investments. After which, they even held Conventions where they read a resolution apologizing to Jehovah for their 'sin' and publicly repented of this 'unclean' act before all onlookers.
Now lets think about this for a minute: 5,371,000 shares valued at $0.437 per share equals $2,347,127 in stock ownership. This is just one company we know about. But, the interesting situation is that the Watchtower Society owns 50% in the US corporation as reported, even if not a 'majority' interest. Is this not a clear powerful position to influence company policy? Even if the British Columbia company holds the major role, would not a powerful voting block such as this at least help 'influence' the actions of what the company builds and sells? And even though the voting is by proxy, it is done by the person who donated the stock to the Society. Therefore, would not his votes reflect sympathy and loyalty to the Watchtower Society teachings, policies, and beliefs unique to Jehovah's Witnesses?
Interesting. What do you think? - Simply Amazing
Net Soup -
my rewards
by Dogpatch infew people enjoy their work as much as i do.
here is a sample why.
to all of you who have websites, i know you get similar notes and cards.
Few people enjoy their work as much as I do. Here is a sample why. To all of you who have websites, I know you get similar notes and cards. Don't forget to be thankful for the simple things . :-))
Randy Watters
Net Soup! -
Wow, Was This Really 28 Years Ago?
by Englishman inthis friday, december 7th., is our 28th wedding anniversary.
her ladyship and i intend to visit our favourite restaurant, dimitri's, for a slap-up greek meal plus a considerable quantity of excellent wine.. its a time when we like to reflect on our life together, the lows as well as the highs that we have experienced over the years.
mainly, our life has been one of laughter and fun.
the best to ya!