I cried when my babies went to school also. I was fortunate enough that I was able to stay home with the kids until the last one was in kindergarten. mrsjones,, my youngest was speech delayed also, he needed tubes in his ears and his Dad and I were dumb enough to let some in the congregation talk us out of it at first. Then when he was 2 and 1/2 we had them put in, at first when he started talking he sounded like he was speaking another language because before the tubes everything he heard was muffled. Afterwards, his ear infections stopped and he had about 4 years of speech therapy. He was smart as a whip though and the speech therapy helped him so much. P.S. He just graduated from Oklahoma University with a Geology and Petroleum Engineering degree. So proud of him.
JoinedPosts by okie46
My last baby just started school
by mrsjones5 in.
he's only 3. he got on the bus this morning and when he realized that i wasn't coming with him he started to cry.
i know the tears won't last for long because he really loves school, but it was hard seeing him go like that.. josie
Can we do "this" the next apostafest?
by Sparkplug intake a group of friends and put them in a tub!
but with a twist.
mmmmmmmm chocolate
And who is going to beat me, you??!!! I don't think so!
HAH!!!!!!!!! I will win, just look at my picture... you know I would win!!!!
Why do you think Mormons are more acceptable in society then Witnesses?
by free2beme inmormons think the garden of eden was in jackson county missouri.
they think that american indians are descendants of a tribe of israel that came to america and were turned red from their sins.
they think that jesus appeared to the indians.
Maybe part of the reason is besides being a more active part of society, they also celebrate Christmas, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir has one of the most beautiful Christmas concerts.
jgnat, you are so real in your responses. I always appreciate your candid, well thought out responses.
Men, women and toilet seat etiquette
by Gregor ini've never quite understood the big deal about men leaving the toilet seat up but since i hear so much about it i try to comply.
i do have a pet peeve.
sometimes when i lift the seat there are obvious signs on the underside that a female has used it and not bothered to 'tidy up'.
Most guys I have known just peed outside....JOKING!!!! :) I do think they should hold that thing, instead of just standing up with their hand on the wall and just trying to aim for the bowl. Yes, I know some do a pretty good job and it is a thing of honor to not miss. Re whether lid is up or down.....I fell in the toilet when I was 5 years old and got up to pee one night, my Dad had left the lid up. Ever since then i always check b4 I sit. Right now I don't have to worry about it though. I have always thought that who ever uses the toilet should lift or lower lid depending on their preference, it is no big deal... same thing with how the toilet paper is put on the daggum roll. I do think that whoever soils the rim or seat should wipe it down before they leave the bathroom, that is just cleanliness and courtesy. AND YES I AGREE... Women can be just as nasty or nastier than what they accuse men of in the bathroom. In the grand scheme of things, think there are more important things to do than worry about who does what and how the toilet paper is put on the roller.
P.S. I have always been jealous that I can not write my name in the snow. -
I am afraid I must say I know you as someone who likes to irritate, annoy people and stir the pot. Most here don't wish to be preached to and it turns people off, most all here have read the bible and studied much literature from the WT for varying lengths of time. You have to be still an active JW, because of the fact that you enjoy deceiving people and think you know more than everyone else. Don't start a post titled who knows me and then not answer it, that is not very loving and I think you are enjoying jerking everyone around. You may think you are helping people to reconsider leaving the organization when in reality you are turning more people away with the way you respond. Grow up and start showing the agape you claim to have in your heart. * That is all :(
I know who you are .... you are thirdwitness with another sign in name .... aren't you?
by vitty ini know we've heard a lot of horror stories about jcs and getting disfellowshipped.........................but what is your experiences of continuing going to the meetings to be reinstated.............what did it really feel like?.
did you mind being ignored or did you understand it and take it on the chin?.................................what were your familys treatment of you during the period of having to sit on the back row????.
when i saw ppl comming in late and leaving early .....................i just knew it was wrong, wrong , wrong to treat ppl that way.. in fact i got told off for smiling at a sister who i knew genuinly wanted to come back,( the pos wife told me ) i did it out of human feelings and was then blasted.. after she got reinstated, i was the first person she came upto and introduced herself.
I know we've heard a lot of horror stories about JCs and getting disfellowshipped.........................but what is your experiences of continuing going to the meetings to be reinstated.............what did it REALLY feel like?
It felt like I was inferior, invisible, like I had leprosy or something. It is very difficult, the waiting, waiting and being judged as to what is in your heart, if you are really sorry. How can the elders or anyone really know what is in someone's heart? It is discouraging to go to meeting after meeting and not have anyone acknowledge you. What is even worse, is when you are waiting to talk to the elders or waiting on a husband who has magazine duty to get done, and have people stand around you and talk about you and what you did wrong, like you are not even there. I personally feel that the local needs talks when someone is disfellowshipped or reproved are wrong. They just give people in the congregation fodder for gossip. It should be none of their business what happened or what you did wrong. It has also been my experience that people never forgive or forget what you did, they always look at you forever more as damaged goods, not good association and also as being beneath them. VERY PAINFUL EMOTIONALLY.
Ever tempted to reveal yourself?
by 5thGeneration in.
being from canada and still "active", i always wonder whether i know other canadians on this board.
trust me, some of you would know my family.. however, still being "active", i guess i'll have to wait to see some day.. anyone else same deal?.
hmm well I revealed myself somewhat wearing my hoochie shirt when I went dancing this weekend. :)
But on topic, sometimes I want to, but then again, afraid it will bite me in the butt some time. Of course, anyone that knew me will probably recognize my story. I can say that I am in Tulsa, OK... anyone from around there?
When were you conceived? (fun site - more info than you want to know)
by Double Edge in.
i'm passing along this fun site: http://www.paulsadowski.com/birthday.asp .
just put in your birthday and it will tell you so much information about yourself that you never knew..... (check the read-out all the way to the bottom)
Conceived on or about 3 November 1959
Your birthstone is Ruby
The Mystical properties of RubyRuby is said to open one's heart to love.
Your birth tree isCypress, the Faithfulness
Strong, muscular, adaptable, takes what life has to give, happy,content,optimistic, needs enough money and acknowledgment, hates loneliness, passionate lover which cannot be satisfied, faithful, quick-tempered,unruly, pedantic and careless.
Very interesting...