JoinedPosts by okie46
The J Dub Culture of Skirt-Wearing
by mummatron inthis is something that has always bothered me.
as a born-in jw i was raised as a little girl wearing skirts and dresses which is clearly quite normal in terms of gender-appropriate clothing.
however, the older i grew, the more i realised that all jw women and girls wore skirts to meetings and when out in fs, but would wear trousers in their everyday life.
Most Awkward, Embarrassing, Comical things you Experienced as a Witness ?
by flipper inmany of us i'm sure experienced embarrassing or comical moments as a witness.
some things we'd rather just forget , i'm sure, but some things helped us think on our feet, quickly in helping others .
here are a few of mine.
That is priceless "I forgot my damn bible!""" Absolutely love that!!
Most Awkward, Embarrassing, Comical things you Experienced as a Witness ?
by flipper inmany of us i'm sure experienced embarrassing or comical moments as a witness.
some things we'd rather just forget , i'm sure, but some things helped us think on our feet, quickly in helping others .
here are a few of mine.
Mr. Flipper, I was pretty embarrassed at the time, I was very shy at that age and my boyfriend was mortified. That was one of the weird things about him, he always worried more about what other people thought than about what I thought or felt. Unfortunately, there were some brothers standing at the urinals, but I got out of there so fast I don't remember seeing anything. I think my boyfriend/future husband was more embarrassed that it was me, like I did it on purpose or something. I wish I could say that it was the only time I accidentally walked into men's room, but I had it happen a couple of years ago again at a hockey game, so guess I am just one of those dingy type people in La La land, or as I prefer to think of it Happy-Go-Lucky.
As I have gotten older, I decided to hell with slips, a personal rebellion on my part, due in part to another assembly experience, when this sister came up to me and said "Do you know that you can see straight through your dress"?. Now my dress came nearly to my ankles and I was wearing a slip, and it pissed me off so bad that she was scrutinizing me so closely that she was looking to see if she could see through my dress and that she had the nerve to be so self righteous in the way she said it to me, that I decided right then and there that "As long as I live, I will never wear slips again". Now, I dressed so modest as a JW, that when I look at pictures of myself in my 20's and 30's, I looked dowdy and actually looked older than I do now. So I decided what is the big deal with people being able to see your legs through your dress or skirt?? Most people have legs and if you wear shorts, people see your legs, so big freaking deal, you saw my legs through my dress, whoopdy doo. Anyway, the poop incident with the kid was the worst though. Poor little guy, he is almost 30 now and still doesn't know about it!!
Another embarrassing experience, once again, in the bathroom at the hall, was when this elder's wife kept sticking her nose in my personal business regarding my children (I was single Mom at that time), and I got so furious that I pushed her up against the door and wouldn't let her leave the bathroom, until I had my say. Come to think of it, that was the same night as the skirt incident and the talk, probably why I couldn't stop laughing, you know, a stress reliever. I am actually mortified that I was going to try and fight her in the bathroom. Could you just imagine, two red heads going at in the women's rest room at the hall and the cops being called. Good lord!! Looking back at all of this, I can see why I did not make a good witness.
Most Awkward, Embarrassing, Comical things you Experienced as a Witness ?
by flipper inmany of us i'm sure experienced embarrassing or comical moments as a witness.
some things we'd rather just forget , i'm sure, but some things helped us think on our feet, quickly in helping others .
here are a few of mine.
Several things I can think of:
1) This happened when I was about 15 or 16, at our district convention, the men's and women's restrooms were right next to each other, Each one had two openings, an exit and an entrance, with no doors on either one, you just walked in around a curved wall into the bathroom. I was dating a brother in the congregation, wearing his promise ring, and we had been cruising down the hallways during intermission. We decided to both make a pit stop, he walked in one door and then a minute later I walked in the next door not realizing it was the 2nd door to the men's room, he was in there and heard the brothers laughing about some girl that had just walked into the men's room and did not realize it was ME. I promptly walked right back out and went into the correct door next door. Then when I told him, he turned beet red and told me how the guys were laughing about the girl walking in the wrong door.
2) It was the Circuit Overseers visit, my oldest son was a baby, in diapers till. Unfortunately, he also had diarrhea that day. He filled his diaper while we were listening to the CO's talk. I got up to take him to the bathroom to change him, not realizing that the poo was running out of his diaper and leaving a trail on the floor all the way to the bathroom. My husband then got up and was trying to clean up the mess behind us using wet baby wipes. I did not realize till I came back out with the little one all cleaned up.
1) My daughter was still nursing, I was wearing a skirt and blouse and was out in field service. I had been nursing her in the car and had forgotten to zip my skirt back up. When I got out of the car to take the next house and stood up, my skirt promptly fell to the ground, thank goodness I had a slip on. It was hilarious and I could not stop laughing, so someone else had to go up and get the door.
4) I was giving a talk once in the second school, I did not realize that when I sat down in the chair that my skirt and slip had flipped up over the arm of the chair on the side facing the audience and I was giving everyone a full on view of my legs, and everything under the skirt. A sister was desparately trying to get my attention to let me know, I finally realized it and pulled my skirt down properly. Then I had a fit of giggles and could not stop laughing and was unable to finish my talk because I couldn't stop laughing.
Apparently, I am 1) pretty goofy and 2) an exhibitionist?
Why do JWs mostly go door to door in the mornings?
by asilentone init might have been better if jws go door to door in the afternoon instead in the morning.
fire away your comments!.
1. Because if they can't sleep in then they think no one else should be able.
2. They figure people are more receptive when their brains are fuzzy headed from being woke up out of a sound sleep by a complete stranger.
3. Because they are inconsiderate and do not respect other people's privacy and personal space.
4. Because they like to torture people by waking them up early Saturday morning, the only time many people have to sleep in and relax and do as they please each week.
5. Because the devil makes them do it.
Long list= Brothers who have ripped you off! $$$ has this happened to you?
by Witness 007 in1. the elder i was in a bissness with decided a hand shake was not a contract, and paid me $500 dollars instead of the $3,000 he should have....i felt so stupid, but quit with him and treated him like a disfellowshiped person since....also he would pay me half a days wage when i worked from 8am till 3pm ???????
when told about this he said sorry but "couldn't work out how to re-emburse the lost hours.".
2. my elderly mum sold some furniture when moving, to a sister who promised to pay from her single parent pension in small installments........nope!
Yes, about 11 years ago as a single mom of 3 with no child support from my JW Ministerial Servant ex-husband, I sold my car to a witness family that I had known since I was 12 years old, they promised to pay it out in 3 intallments. I sold them the car cheap, it was old, but dependable. The entire family was on disability, not because they were disabled, but because they were lazy dead beats who just didn't want to work. They never paid me a dime for the car and their son went out drinking one night and wrecked the car. I never even gave them the title to it, the deal was they would get the title when they paid it off. I only asked for $750 which was to be paid in 6 payments. They obviously never registered the car in their name or updated the tag.
Speaking of car deals, the car I bought after I "sold" the above mentioned one, was bought from another witness family. After taking out an installment loan and buying the car, I found out that it had a cracked engine block, which they knew about beforehand and said nothing about. This sucked because it meant that the engine needed replaced immediately. I could not afford the payments and the new engine to fix the car, so had to make payments on a car, I could not even drive. On top of that, the son that sold me the car, had the nerve to ask ME to co-sign on his loan to buy the car that was replacing the lemon he sold me. Thank goodness I said "No".
Create your perfect world
by Layla33 ini know we have some very imaginative people, so let's pretend we are "god".
we see how much of an economic crisis we are in, how politics is making people fight from all sides, so many religions and they are all fighting against each other, in fact, every difference can be a breaking point for division.
create a world that is functional, realistic and economically sound.. it can be as short or long as you want, but i think it would be a good place to come up with some ideas and possibly create a reality that even in our own lives, can make a difference..
What I have always wondered is why do we have to pay for food when you can't live without it, the earth doesn't charge us to grow it?
Who decided the earth could be divided up into little parcels and fenced in and then you have to pay money to live on it?
Why does the bible preach love but J.W.'s ask for money, oh excuse me, they pretend not to ask for money, but they actually do?
I hate that 70% of the United State's economy is based on retail sales aka shopping?
My perfect world would not be based on possessions, prestige or the stock market. Money would have no importance, you would not need it. We would all have our parcel of land, we would have group gardens and farms and bartering and trade between communities and different parts of the world would enable all people to have what they need. Our lives would not be based on accumulation of possessions, but on inventing ways to live and improve health and renew the resources that have been destroyed by chemicals, pollution, greed and disregard for nature. Love and respect would be the basis for all relationships, therefore, wars would not be fought, everyone would have what they need. We would design our homes and vehicles to use non polluting, renewable sources of energy. Our lives would be simple, healthy and the earth would return to a state of health, the ozone layer would return because all people would reduce their carbon imprint. Our children would be calm, healthy and childhood would once again become a time of innocence and each child would realize that they are loved and wanted, they would not ever have to experience going to bed hungry, or not have clothes to wear, or be sick and not have proper treatment. They would not have to fear being hit or yelled at by over-stressed parents or caretakers, they would not be abused or used as slaves. They would be valued and learn by example, they would be taught how to use their powers of reason to make decisions instead of spanked and yelled at or ignored. Old people would be respected and cared for, families would once again live in close proximity to each other. Science would still be a part of lives, it would be used to find solutions to cancer and old age. The whole pace of the world would slow down again, this would reduce anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, strokes, alcoholism and drug abuse. Most important of all, those jack asses in Washington would stop jerking around with daylight savings time, because it is starting to get on my nerves. Gotcha!
E-mail from friend alerting me to emergency instruction from GB
by Wasanelder Once inhere's a paragraph from a friend who is active.
they say it's important that we fill out this form about emergencies... poor fools.
"hi, i have been meaning to tell you that the society is telling us to fill out an emergency form that the book study conductors have and return it to them in case of an emergency.they will then give us a brochure to have that will tell us where to meet and what to have in our bags so we can grab them and leave in a hurry.
I think this information is another way for them to intrude in your personal information and have more control over the members. A most interesting question is the one asking if you are baptized and for family contact numbers. I think it is just another way to stalk faders so they can spy on them, as we know they have been guilty of doing many times over and then disfellowshiping them. I don't believe they really give a rats behind about protecting the congregation during emergencies, (other than to put on a show for the "unbelievers"), because I have personally been inside of a kingdom hall as a Tornado Warning Siren was going off outside to warn us of an approaching tornado. Now when a tornado warning siren goes off, everyone knows it is time to find shelter or crawl into a ball and cover the back of your neck, because a tornado has been spotted approaching the area where you are. The speaker would not even stop giving his talk, they had a brother look around outside and he said he didn't see any tornado, so the speaker told us to remain in our seats and continue listening to the speaker. How idiotic! It is also ironic that this is one of the key events that helped me to see how ridiculous this organization and it's way of thinking is. I made up my mind right then, that would never happen again to me.
Where have you turned to?
by Robert7 ini am very curious, since i am myself trying to figure out where to turn to, if anywhwere.
(i am still debating if i am truly an atheist at heart and religion in general turns me off at least as of now) where have you turned to since you left the wt?
i would imagine that many people who became witnesses had spiritual needs (which is ironic why i am feeling atheist, lol) but have you gone to other churches, stopped going to church, become atheist, etc?
Finally-Free that is hilarious, Rocco is some preacher
I visited a couple of churches, but they were a turn off to me when they passed the plate and berated members from the stage for not giving more money to the church. I just couldn't feel anything at all for a while, didn't know what or who I believed in. I felt lost spiritually, could not pray at all, didn't know who to pray too. Lately, I have become very interested in zen buddhism, I like it because it focuses on how life is a continual process of trying to be a better human being and it focuses on not being judgemental but loving to those who might offend us. It encourages compassion not shunning. I just have a real problem with organized religion and how focused on the doctrines of man they are.
The movie..."The Green Mile"
by zeroday ini have watched this movie a hundred times and everytime i cry such a powerful display of humanity...
I also love this movie, it shows how we make assumptions about people, just by looking at them, or by listening to what others may say about them, without getting to know them as a person. It shows how we have no clue about what is really inside their heart.