So basically Pluto is being SHUNNED??
JoinedPosts by okie46
Pluto is no longer a planet!
by SirNose586 inwell folks, read it and weep.
they've made it tough for you and me, they really have.
"my very elegant mother just sat upon nine...." nine what, you jerkpiece astronomers??
What Kinds of Weird Things were you banned from or not allowed as a child?
by mama1119 ini could not have a big new kids on the block pin, or wear any new kids on the block pins in puplic becuase it was considered idolatry.
i also could not wear my shoes without laces (it was cool back then) because it looked wordly.
what other strange theings besides the usual holiday/birthday stuff weren't you allowed to do?
My Mother was a witness and my Father was not.I was not allowed to make friends with any kids at school, and very few with kids at the hall, I had to stay home and cook, clean, do laundry and vacuum the house 3x a week. To this day, it has been hard for me to learn how to make friends.
No sports, school clubs. Although I was allowed to go to school dances and my freshman prom with a worldly boy, that was weird and confusing..
No dating until my parents thought I was old enough to marry, which is hysterical because I started dating a brother at 14 and then married him at 16.
After I married at 16, my husband would not allow me to watch Saturday Night Live, soap operas, Dallas or Dynasty. I also could not go to town unless all the dishes were washed, although I was still going to high school and working part time as a janitor and farm hand.
P.S. I could not watch movies like I am watching now "Haunted Honeymoon". In fact never saw my first R rated movie til I was almost 30 years old and I sneaked watched it.
Can anyone find anything wrong with this?
by agapa37 inthis is todays text!.
saturday, august 26.
[jesus will] be regarded in that day with wonder in connection with all those who exercised faith.2 thess.
Swamboozled, YOU GO GIRL!!!!
Yes Agapa that you keep trying to shove this watchtower crap we left down our throats. As if it will make us go back? What is the point? You turn more people off than attract them back.
Thank you Quandry, I appreciate the encouragement. School starts Monday for me too and stories like that make me feel empowered.
thank you Swamboozled, you are so sweet.:)
So is America finally getting wiser? Who still believes this nonsense?
by Jourles inwashington (afp) - for the first time since it began, a majority of americans believe the iraq war is not part of the war on terrorism, as us president george w. bush keeps insisting it is, according to a poll.. fifty-one percent of the 1,206 adults surveyed in the august 17-21 new york times/cbs news poll believed the two wars were separate, while 44 percent saw a link between them.
in june, opinion was split evenly at 41 percent..
rest of the story here.
It has achieved it's real objective - got American control of some oil. Does Bush and co. really care how many people suffer or how many poor Americans die because of it? Of course not. The real *problem* is that the American people refuse to coinsider CONSERVING energy and doing with less fuel like every other major western country can and has. This then dictates their foreign policy which is to trade peace for oil.
Simon, I agree with your point on the real objective being American control of oil. That is the same reason we were in Afghanistan, to make sure we had control so the area would be available for a huge pipeline to be completed. If the real reason was to capture Osama, would make that our main concern, not Iraq, since Osama is still on the loose.
YES, many American's refuse to conserve, instead buying bigger and bigger SUV's in which they mostly drive around empty, except for when their little family goes to the Country Club for dinner or they take the kids to soccer practice. I think many American's have reached a point where they feel they are entitled and refuse to make sacrifices, things like a huge house, huge gas guzzling vehicle are considered status symbols, not realizing that those things really mean nothing as to who you are and what kind of person you are and what you are contributing to society.
I wish we would explore alternative sources of power. I know some has been done regarding solar power, wind power, etc., but it is still cost prohibitive for the average family. With all of our intelligence, you would think we would be further along in making alternative power more widely available and affordable to the average person. I also feel that our foreign policy is to trade peace for oil.
I think part of the reason I am so pissed off is because I am sick and I can't even call my family to bring me chicken soup or keep me company. I hate being alone when I don't feel good. Yes neighbors and friends have brought me popsicles and tylenol and chicken soup, but the people I should be able to count on, my family shun me and on days like this it hurts me more than ever.
Sick as a dog, have had fever and chills since wednesday, fever of from 101 to 103 degrees, my joints and bones ache. I am also extremely angry feeling right now, this is not normal for me as I am usually happy go lucky, but I am pissed as all get out at two faced hypocrites in that damm organization who have screwed up so many lives and at stupid people who play mind games, even on this board. Whew!!!!!!! Can you tell I am Irish and a red-head?
The Bastard told on my dad
by Lilycurly inso...everything had been fine for a while.
i wrote my da letter, very clear and also very surprinsingly "apostate" according to the elders.
so at first, dad does what he's told is right and starts the shunning.
Dearie, I am so sorry, witnesses are of KGB mentality, they will turn people in without batting an eye, guess they think they get brownie points for their hoped for new system for it. Once you are out of the cult for a while you will learn that not all people are that way.
Now I know this is a little off topic but Agapa....I have a question about a comment you just made, it was: "But, if she were to leave and start dogging God and the way He is worshipped by us and speak negatively about Him to others and how we are a cult and the whole nine yards, then I would probably curb my associaiton with her. I would be very sad and hurt but It would be something I would have to do."
Your comment pisses me off because if you would feel this way about your daughter speaking negatively about god and the organization, then why in the world are you on this board associating with us who feel the society is a cult? I know it is a free world, and you may very well at some point see the truth about the society. But that comment is being two faced to me. This makes me so mad and embodies everything about witnesses that I hate. They say one thing and do another. I have been sick lately and may be a little punchy right now but I can't stand it when people say one thing and do another in secret.
Brother pain in the ass wants to come and visit
by buffalosrfree inmy wife told me she had been asked by a bother (elder type) in the congregation wanted to come by and visit me.
i told her thats fine as long as he doesn't bring anyone else with him and its not just right after he is out in service as i don't want to be used to garner time.
if he is really interested in being nice then come on by, but if not, not to waste his or my time by bringing someone else with him, if i don't know them they aren't welcome in my home, end of discussion.
Tell him to come on over but bring the ky jelly and some rubber gloves as it will make it easier to shove the magazines up his bum