JW's still believe they are God's only choosen channel on earth.
Yes, but they now believe that they were chosen only in 1919.
this story of how jesus supposedly inspected earth in 1918 and as a result chose the bible students to be his people in 1919 (since they were the only true christians) is rather important to me.. we have discussed previously to some extent how they at that time believed a lot of things that jws no longer believe; for instance they still celebrated christmas and russel was the entire faithful and discreet slave.. however - the reason i raise the topic again, is to ask what things did they believe in 1919 that one could say would truly separate them from all other denominations?.
i guess they used the name jehovah.
i guess they didn't believe in the trinity(?).
JW's still believe they are God's only choosen channel on earth.
Yes, but they now believe that they were chosen only in 1919.
this story of how jesus supposedly inspected earth in 1918 and as a result chose the bible students to be his people in 1919 (since they were the only true christians) is rather important to me.. we have discussed previously to some extent how they at that time believed a lot of things that jws no longer believe; for instance they still celebrated christmas and russel was the entire faithful and discreet slave.. however - the reason i raise the topic again, is to ask what things did they believe in 1919 that one could say would truly separate them from all other denominations?.
i guess they used the name jehovah.
i guess they didn't believe in the trinity(?).
Well, at least in 1917 they believed that they had been chosen as God's channel of communication already from the start:
The WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY is the greatest corporation in the world, because from the time of its organization until now the Lord has used it as his channel through which to make known the glad tidings to many thousands, which glad tidings the whole world soon shall know. (wt 1917/1/15)
And in 1921 they still believed that the time of the end started in 1799, not 1914:
"The time of the end" embraces a period from A. D. 1799, as above indicated, to the time of the complete overthrow of Satan's empire and the establishment of the kingdom of the Messiah. (The Harp of God 1921 p. 231)
hello guys, todya i recieved an email from an old friend of mine within the jdubs... he did the usual jdub thing get married really young and as such we lost touch.. he since found me on facebook and has been bugging me about my decision to leave, i talked to him a little but his mind is completely closed and irrational so i was having little success saving him from the cult and as sich i decided to end the call.. by saying "your happy and i'm happy so lets leave it be and aggree to differ" - however he wont let it rest this is his email: any help in responding would be most appreciated!!
ps... how ironic that he should mention george orwell when he lives within a cult that epitomizes the 1984 book!!
seeing as you never botherered ringing me back or texting i thort id email you.. .
I had a judicial once where I was told that I was in the situation i was in (having been touched up by a brother) because of the way I dressed!!
You should have told them that the brother didn't touch you. You touched the brother, because he was dressing in such an attractive and irresistible way.
my understanding is that if armageddon comes when you are dfed, you are dead.
of course there is the standard jw caveat for that "only j can judge".
my dfed brother was committed early this morning to the psych ward.
Only Jehovah's Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd," as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil. (Watchtower 1989/9/1)
A DF'd one is not a Jehovah's Witness, so disfellowshipping is in reality a death penalty.
hello guys, todya i recieved an email from an old friend of mine within the jdubs... he did the usual jdub thing get married really young and as such we lost touch.. he since found me on facebook and has been bugging me about my decision to leave, i talked to him a little but his mind is completely closed and irrational so i was having little success saving him from the cult and as sich i decided to end the call.. by saying "your happy and i'm happy so lets leave it be and aggree to differ" - however he wont let it rest this is his email: any help in responding would be most appreciated!!
ps... how ironic that he should mention george orwell when he lives within a cult that epitomizes the 1984 book!!
seeing as you never botherered ringing me back or texting i thort id email you.. .
"You don't believe that the JWs are brainwashed. Typical for brainwashed cult-members is that nothing ever could make them leave the cult. Whatever they discover, they will find ways of excusing it. Can you think of anything that would make you leave the organisation?"
there used to be three videos under "child abuse" in the right column.
the one that isn't linked from there anymore is the "progressive understanding" video.
My computer has been monitoring the video page for the last couple of weeksThat is what I am talking about! What program you use?
The Website Widget (click here).
this is too important to bury within an old thread.
that thread hashed over several items of interest which you may want to read by way of a refresher: .
is gail bethea-jackson truly a doctor as the watchtower site claims?
The video has been removed.
there used to be three videos under "child abuse" in the right column.
the one that isn't linked from there anymore is the "progressive understanding" video.
There used to be three videos under "Child Abuse" in the right column. Now there are only two. The one that isn't linked from there anymore is the "Progressive Understanding" video.
And at its original location http://www.jw-media.org/vnr/2122827332/717263.htm we now only get a "page not found" message.
My computer has been monitoring the video page for the last couple of weeks, and only this evening (European time) it alerted me about the change. So this must have happened sometime between (probably) 15 and 22 hours UTC on the 26th of December.
Gail Bethea-Jackson stated that the WTS took her out of context in the edited video, and that she had now contacted an attorney to have the video pulled. And only a short time later the WTS pulls the video, an action that only serves to substantiate Gail's claims when we tell the JWs about the incident. :)
Good job, Fatfreek!
Fatfreek's thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/148574/1.ashx
the wts never really mentioned what it was.
i ran across this article of the official jw website today.i vaguely remember reading it when it was first printed inthe wt.
the nuclear physicist (with a doctorate from a unnamed school)telling his story unabashedly defends the witness world view and stand on scientific fact and recorded history.http://www.watchtower.org/e/20040122a/article_01.htmit was articles like these that successfully kept my doubtssubmerged for many years.
here are some of the more interesting quotes:when my wife informed me of this arrangement, i immediately opposed her.
The provided links tell us that Williams is not a nuclear scientist, his field is optics. Also see http://www.physics.aamu.edu/Faculty/Williams.php