I don't really believe in capitol punishment but this is an exception. I don't believe in hell either but people that do this should go there.
JoinedPosts by searching4truth
A New Low For Humanity--This Is Sick
by Justitia Themis inhttp://www.cnn.com./2006/law/12/07/baby.microwave.ap/index.html.
WOW, just dug out my old Queen albums
by zagor inhow easy it is to forget those great claissics.
i can't believe almost every song on any of those albums was a hit.
just remember some of them.
Queen is awesome. For some reason they always remind me of rollers skating.
Lying is fine!
by Gill inin this article of the watchtower, february 1st 2007, we get some very typical watchtower double talk.. 'why be truthful?
' is the article.
page 6 says,.
that explains why you are always on so late. And I saw that you were beating me at posts the other day so I got jealous and have been posting like crazy.
Lying is fine!
by Gill inin this article of the watchtower, february 1st 2007, we get some very typical watchtower double talk.. 'why be truthful?
' is the article.
page 6 says,.
Gill your right they have no rights to info they ask for
Schism lol. aren't you married? Take out your unclean thoughts on him.
Lying is fine!
by Gill inin this article of the watchtower, february 1st 2007, we get some very typical watchtower double talk.. 'why be truthful?
' is the article.
page 6 says,.
Sleeping is ok Schism we will still be here tomorrow.
Lying is fine!
by Gill inin this article of the watchtower, february 1st 2007, we get some very typical watchtower double talk.. 'why be truthful?
' is the article.
page 6 says,.
but thats ok cause it's "spiritual warfare".
Hey that also makes it ok to tell lies to elders.
80's Metal
by troucul ini'm downloading songs for a 80's metal cd.
i got cinderella, white lion, europe, autogragh, asia, poison, trixter, white lion, enuff z' nuff and ratt.
am i missing anyone?
Warrent, scorpions, pink floyd, alice cooper, and who can forget kiss
The BEST Batman movie you will never see!
by Nathan Natas in"grayson".
I have to agree with it being a little cheesy
Dress Code and Conduct Policies?
by onlycurious indo jw's have a dress code in general and for field work?
the gals i know always look put together.
i live in a hick town where it pours rain and is muddy.
we had one CO tell the sisters it was indecent if they didn't ware stockings with there dresses
Where are you in your recovery process?
by Nicolas inhi everyone and happy new year.
it's been a long time since i posted here, i've been lurking for a while too but now i would like to share my experience.
i would also like to hear your experience.
I am still all messed up. Even though this board provides alot of encouragement I still feel very alone. I still have overwhelming feelings of helplessness because I no longer "know" that whatever I am doing is right or wrong. Everyone that I looked to for guidance in life is jw. Only my uncle and one friend are out and know my thinking on the wts, my mother knows a little bit and I have started talking with another friend a little. Everyone else just thinks I am df for fornication and will be back soon and everything will be fine. I still plan on going back for their sake and then fading. I can't sleep at night thinking about it all. I feel I have no real sense of direction. My mairrage is ending which adds to my being all messed up and lack of direction. Sometimes things seem to be getting easier but then others I think I just fooling myself. I live with the constant battle of do I think something because thats what the wts brainwashed me to think or is that how I really feel on the subject and most of the time its the brainwashing. I have had bouts of anger and bitterness, but not so much anymore. Now for the most parts I think jw are a bunch of very misguided people and thats sad. I am adjusting slowly and no trying to rush it.