It's been said that that guy is an idiot. Who said it? Me!
Now that is a good quote.
an elder in my hall prefixes his sentences with this phrase: "its been said...", usually followed by some ridiculous bullshit; an example: "it's been said that mans greatest accomplishment has been the worldwide preaching work".
i guess all scientific and medical advances are secondary.
anyway, his last one was this: "it's been said that by reading the awake magazine one can get the eqivalent to a college education.
It's been said that that guy is an idiot. Who said it? Me!
Now that is a good quote.
recently i got married.
now my brother called me and said out of respect he was letting me know before hand that he would be there but not the reception.
i made it very clear that this was not cool.
Recently I got married. Now my brother called me and said out of respect he was letting me know before hand that he would be there but not the reception. I said no way. I made it very clear that this was not cool. Yeah it was cool he was coming to the ceremony (I don't see how I've been trained so bad to think that my own brother coming to my wedding is a favor to me but you know how that is) but here is why that wasn't enough...
Some background... I have seen this man be DF'd over and over. Not going into details but it wasn't anything little. ANY of the times. Now he's back there and judging me who was DF'd 12 years ago for fornication. EVERY single time he was out I was by his side. Keeping him company when witnesses would come over and he'd have to hide. Going to the movies covertly because he had no other freinds etc....
Not only did he not come but he stopped my 17 year old neice from coming. She was crying and everything.
Now the thing that gets me is I know that he is seeing some "worldly" woman (he's married to the kinda witness who you just hate. They have been married like 10 years and I have never gotten a hello. Nor has my wife, who was never a witness. Nobody is alowed over their house. Even the family members who are not DF'd) He's been seeing this lady for a while. But that's not my buisness. I wouldn't care if it wasn't for the attitude towards me. I was DF'd for the same thing he's doing now. But worse because with him it's adultery too!
My point is I was trying to DF him from me. Cut HIM off. But I can't seem to do it. He is still my brother. If he was a serial killer, he'd still be my brother. Has anyone ever tried this and if so did it have any effect?
Remember handing out a tract on the way into the diner? Time started...
And forget about working in anyones house for a side job. (landscaping, general repairs, etc.) That never went smooth. I've never heard "We never agreed on that" or "something JUST hapened can I pay you next whenever?" so many times in my life.
And the kicker is the elder my dad used to go pick up from the bar because he was too wasted and get him home so he'll be rested for the next day's talk. (Numerous occasions) I was a kid at the time so it was like whatever.. Now it's like waaaaa?!
I'll have to say to be fair, this elder I'm speaking of was very nice to me and seemed a great guy. I'm not knocking him. Without the elder tag he did nothing wrong. Just another mislead person.
All of us are dishonest sometimes. It's natural as humans. It is only when you claim divinity and preach the contrary that it turns ugly.
when i got off for lunch today i decided to go to the walmart deli and get something to eat.
it is a huge store, groceries, a bakery, mc donalds, a bank , eye center, beauty shop, a great deli, and a huge garden center.
i had taken back a 80 gig hard drive dvd recorder ( i couldn't figure out how to hook up <smile> and had received 238.00. i picked up a couple of things in the store then went to the deli.
"Thanks Again JEHOVAH, you are a great and wonderful God. "
Is he reading this thread?
Do you really think he would watch out for you're material possesion but not for the child screaming in hunger pains while watching his mother being raped by guerilla soldiers? hmm
i'm curious to know when the territory card system came out.
any ideas?.
in some congs i have been in, the territory servant is printing out the maps in color for each car group.
Those "do not call sheets" always seemed to come up "missing" somehow. I almost got beat up by some crazy dude because I knocked on his door after he screamed at the last 20 people who came. He was promised never again a few times. I was only 10 years old at the time. Pretty scary. It's crazy how kids get put into those situations. A 10 year old and an old lady in the middle of nowhere.
do you think they are doing this because they truly love the satan character and want to please him or do you think they do it for complete shock value.
to basically do something that makes what is defined as good in society (christian religion) angry that someone would do something so wrong.
personally, i do not think there is one satanist out their who truly thinks that they are worshiping a being that is real, or actually something that could benefit from their worship.
You're right but this guy is JUST as bad if he worshipped Fred Flintstone. Too many people like him hide behind being a Satan worshiper and usually don't know a damn thing about it. (Other than stuff you can google in about 30 minutes) I've met people who were into Wicca and other related things and it's not what you think. I don't know too much on the subject but this killer is no representative for them. He's just crazy that's all.
it's been a while since this topic has been brought up.
use it as a chance to see if there is someone you might know from years past.
1973-1976 --- lakeside, ca??
Burlington, NJ '75-'95
currently making the rounds i guess.... .
experience from a circuit assembly in ft. worth texas :.
a brother interviewed 4 people.
Thanks Nathan I am so happy to have found this site. I found this and other sites similar to this on Russell an Rutherford etc. etc. etc. yesturday morning and I lie to you not I have been reading ever since. I didn't sleep last night! With the pyramid grave and the watchtower quotes....
I must have been absent the day they tought all that!!! The internet is a blessing for us all. Thanks everyone for the info.
currently making the rounds i guess.... .
experience from a circuit assembly in ft. worth texas :.
a brother interviewed 4 people.
Did you guys ever here the one about the kid born into "the truth"?
Yeah, it goes...5 years old the kid gives his first talk. Everyone does nothing but praise him. 3 times a week from then on he gets treated like Michael Jordan when he steps into the hall. "We got a future preacher on our hands here", they say with a giant grilled cheese smile. Only, the young "preacher" doesn't realize that praise is only paper thin. HOW COULD HE? Day in and day out the SAME information is fed to him. (Now I see why there were all those talks about a child's mind being a sponge, and teach them from birth.) It's true! Who would have known if you tell a child something every day and shelter them from ANY outside opinion they will be obedient?
To shorten this up a bit let's skip through all the heartache starting 6 months after his baptism at 14 y.o., and go to the meat. 19 years old and his "worldly girlfriend" is pregnant. ( the best thing that ever happened to him by the way for more than one reason) Of course the young "preacher" was brought before the unflawed ELDERS. (so scared at the time now it seems silly) He would not agree to leaving his wicked harlot of a woman and the devil child produced so he was DF'd. Had he lied and said he was sorry it would of been O.K. But the young man maybe still remembered his teaching and gave it to them straight.
Now the boy was on his own. Out in the world without the least bit of "real world" teaching. Only the grand story he was fed regularly. What did the baby bird do when the door of his sheltering parents opened? HE FLEW!!! Never slowly introduced to the world he experianced E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G! At once! NOT healthy.
So in conclusion, everything turned into severe drug addiction. (still his fault, no excuses) And what was that guiding light that finally woke our young "preacher" off of that sidewalk after 5 years of homelesness? Can ya guess? It was ALL that teaching an that in depth knowledge of the organization. Oh, not that it was time to write his letter and get back into the flock! But it was that same teaching that opened his eyes to a NEW light!!! He realized that there was another way. Who know's what the other way is but that's not important. What was important is that there IS another way! No more shame, he's not crazy after all.
Our young man has been clean from Heroine for 5 years!!! He's an intrugal part of his son's life once more! His mind is free! Yeah, those same "brothers and sisters" with the grilled cheese smiles no longer look his way. They even turn away at the sight of him. Even knowing the strides he took to save his own life and live pure, not even a hello. But that's O.K. he's free. It was a long road, but he is free.
i've always tried to teach my kids to follow aesop's fable of the 'sun and the wind', i.e.
try the gentle persuasion method for achieving your goals rather than head on aggression.
however as with most things in life there is a time and place for both.
No you are doing good katie kitten. I only wish I knew that back then. It would save me alot of problems. It seems it would be better to be "frowned upon" than "marked". To this day I still see people at my parents' house that knew me from birth and I can't even get a "hello". It hurts.