Hilary step says:..."So, as YOU have made this heady declaration, I now suggest that you prove it."
***** I guess Hilary missed the last two threads. Smart move hilary, that is if you prefer to beleive all things happened from nothing.
But since you asked, I will be happy oblige and answer why I believe God has no beginning and no end. Though it has been posted before, it is my pleasure to repost again... just for you hilary.
1- Everything which has a beginning has a cause. This an understood and accepted principle in human civilizations throughout the earth. If it had a beginning, then somebody or something made it. Fairly simple. The computers each of us are using at this moment had to be made by somebody. Mine was made by Apple, for example. But if there were no name mentioned at all, we still know that somebody had to make it. Design begets a designer.
2- The Universe, including our earth (and all life upon the earth) had a beginning. Most scientists believe in the 'Big Bang" theory. While omitting God altogether, the common belief is that it did have a definite beginning and is still developing and expanding.
3- Therefore, the Universe, that had a beginning, must also have a Cause. That Cause, in my opinion is God.
4-The bible, in my opinion, is a reliable source of information. It claims to be authored by God. There is an abundance of evidence that it could be authored by God. As briefly listed on another thread (now defunct) here is a very short list of reasons why I believe the bible is from God and thus a reliable, trustworthy source of information today:
"For me, the idea that all four of gospel writers just made up these accounts about Jesus Christ is not something I quickly buy into. The way they claim to have changed their lives, leaving many significant occupations and other personal things behind, leads me to believe they sure found something powerfully persuasive in this person called Christ. They also admit their mistakes which only adds to their credibility in my mind. Likewise the bible writer Paul; he certainly had something dramatic happen to him. He claims to have had a vision of Christ himself, became blind, went to Ananias as instructed and received his sight back. Then completely changed his direction from a persecutor of Christians to becoming an ardent member, one of the foremost of the apostles actually, spearheading the preaching of Christ to the Gentiles. The apostles did not even trust or believe him initially, which again, only adds to the believability in my opinion. I guess all of these writers could have just made these things up. That is possible. But it is also possible they happened just as were written. And if so, then we have some very interesting events taking place that would support Jesus' claim to be God's son, representing God himself. And if so, then what he says about God, about the earth, the future, life... can be and should be seriously considered. I would consider such a source as very reliable. Very trustworthy, *IF* these accounts about him are true.
The many prophecies written that had exact fulfillments adds ever more weight to possibility of the bible being more than just some good book. The bible's statement that the earth is round, and that it hangs upon nothing, though men at that time believed the earth was flat, again adds value to the claim that it is from a higher source than men. Are all of these just mere coincidences? It is possible, I guess. But it's also possible that these facts give evidence that the source of these prophecies and scientific accuracies is from a much higher source than humans, who cannot predict the future with any kind of certainty. There are not only a couple of such prophecies, but literally hundreds which exact, detailed fulfillment.
There is secular testimony as well, that Christ did exist and did perform miraculous events. The calendar we use today is based on the very year he was born. Just a coincidence? A person that really did not exist at all, or whose accomplishments were greatly exaggerated? Possible, I guess. But possibly not. The scriptures contain numerous accounts of miracles where people were brought back to life, sick and dying were healed, people were miraculously fed whether from food falling out of the sky or a few fishes feeding thousands, olive oil and bread jars that never ran out and other examples. Sea's were parted, were walked on and calmed down upon commands. You do not hear stories like this today, with hundreds of eye-witnesses to collaborate. This collection of books is available in over 2000 languages today. It the worlds best selling book of all time. The information contained is also very practical for those that wish to believe it and apply it. The Golden Rule for example. Children obeying their parents is another. Husbands loving their wives as their own bodies makes good marriages even better. And answer when mild turns away rage is a proven valuable principle in life. Jesus sermon on the mount in Matthew chapters 5-7 is still considered by many to be the greatest speech ever given. Priceless gems for many.
Is it possible then that this bible is from God? I believe it is possible, and even very probable. If so, if it is from God himself, then the very question as to how life arrived is answered. Because it also tells the reader that God himself made these things that we see today. No soup-like conditions that somehow evolved into the beautiful yet complex systems we see surrounding us today. It answers many of man's perplexing questions. Does it answer everything? No, it does not. Yet it does say there are new scrolls to be opened. It talks about everlasting life being possible for those that believe and apply God's sons teachings in his life. A life where death and pain and mourning are things of the past. Not the kind of life we see today. It promises these things we see causing pain and death and heartaches will be done away completely and permanently. That is a beautiful hope. Many other answers, too many to list here are given as well. If the bible is true then, the human race has much to look forward to.
For me, it does make sense. It does offer hope. It is worth putting my trust in. It does offer answers as well as a good measure of comfort. It is believable."
5- The bible tells us that God had NO beginning.
Psalm 90:2 ...Even from time indefinite to time indefinite you are God.
psalm 93:2... You are from time indefinite to time indefinite.
Isaiah 57:15 ....God is ‘the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity’
Revelation 15:3 ...righteous and true are your ways, King of Eternity.Revelation 15:3 ...righteous and true are your ways, King of Eternity.
If the bible is inspired of God (as I have sound reason to believe, by the reasons posted above), and if what it says is true that God had No Beginning, where then is the need for a Cause or designer? This is perhaps the crux of my argument then; NOBODY created God, because according inspired scripture, God had no beginning, hence eliminating the need for a cause altogether. This is the only example, the one sole instance where this principle would apply. All other features of the universe including the earth as well as all life on the earth, the spirit world and anything else anywhere, had a beginning and thus demands a cause. God, the intelligent designer himself, exclusively, is this one sole exception.
No human beings were there in the beginning of the universe to witness what exactly happened. Brilliant minds today can only guess and try to formulate theories. The bible says pointedly: "In the Beginning God Created the heavens and the earth". There is sound and reasonable reasons to believe, as many (including some of the most intellectual minds ever born) in Creation. That all life as we know it today was deigned by the only one who is not subject to time, the only one that never had a beginning. The only one that is not confined by space and bound by physical laws. Laws in which he created and therefore would not be subject to. None of which here is a stretch to either grasp, believe or understand. It makes sense to me. It is believable, logical and reasonable.
Some like to suggest, "well you cannot prove this, so you really cannot say with any certainty that you believe this". And for those that do feel this way, I disagree. I should add, I "respectfully" disagree. I have no problems with others that feel differently than I. But I can believe and do believe in the existence of God, through more than just faith itself. Though faith is an integral part of this equation too. In fact it is needed to a degree. But there is also EVIDENCE, logical PROOF that an Intelligent Designer is responsible for all features of life today. Complex, intelligent, purposeful systems that reflect the intellect of that designer himself. There are numerous court cases that have gone to trial where all of the evidence is circumstantial. Perhaps no body has been found. Still, today's technology now allows trace evidences and other signs to give very convincing testimony that a crime was committed. Juries have been thoroughly and unitedly and fully convinced to convict criminals based on such outside, circumstantial evidence exclusively. Likewise then, there are numerous "evidences" that all life arrived due to the hand of a Master Designer. The complexity and uniformity, the order and structure, the harmony of system after system, feature after feature, from the smallest molecules to the incredible living breathing life forces surrounding us all, to the incredibly complex earth where so many systems are just perfectly balanced all working together to allow life to exist are evidences to me that somebody surely must be responsible. The far more complex, far more powerful and awe inspiring universe with star after star, planet after planet solar system after solar system all beautifully organized, with inconceivable, unimaginable amounts of power and energy, give further testimony, in my mind, that these things did not just "happen" through some unguided series of accidents. Just some fortuitous combination of circumstances. A blind fluke of good fortune?
As Einstein astutely stated, "God does not play dice with the universe". So though we cannot see God, we can see EVIDENCE that he does indeed exist. Just as we cannot see our own brains or gravity, or oxygen etc... the evidence that these things are nonetheless real is overwhelming. For myself then, evidence that God exists is even more powerful. The evidence supports this belief for me.
After an examination of much evidence, I am 100 percent certain that these things surrounding us are the result of a Superior Designer. In my mind and in my sincere opinion God DOES exist. And He is responsible for my being here right now. I owe him the gratitude he so deserves. I thank him for letting me live and exist. Sure I am also here because my mother and father married, had intimate relations and I was born. But that process in itself is so complex, such an outstanding system of design that, for me, the credit rightfully goes to the Creator himself. This is why HE deserves the credit; my parents had me because a masterful designer created this process called REPRODUCTION. In fact there was very little on their part, to be truthful. He is worthy of worship in my mind. My questions as to how life arose are answered.
Now hilary, I have answered question. It is time for you to answer mine.
Please tell those following this thread just how these very complicated systems in the universe and the earth, along with all life forms upon the earth ORIGINATED. Just how did they START? If Science cannot create life, from non-living matter, in a controlled, scientific environment, nor give life BACK to a dead person or animal (though having all the parts needed right in front of them), then how could all these very things come to exist without ANY intellectual force behind them at all? Just FELL into place?
Sure, there is a red corvette just sitting in North Dakota somewhere too..
Posts by Vinny
Lore says:..."On the contrary, there's nothing perfect about it. I don't live in a perfect world, I don't have a perfect body, and I don't exist in a perfect universe. Do you?"
: )
I showed that one off for quite some time.
The human body is an amazingly complex design. ALL PARTS working together in near perfection make life possible. While imperfection ALSO EXISTS TODAY, the very fact of the matter is that it would be impossisble for the human body and brain with its many systems to just happen all on its own.
You choose to focus on the word "perfect" being used rather than the meat and substance of the arguments presented.
And we all know why... -
"Perry, where does your god begin and end? Or does it?"
NVRGNBK says:..."This atheist makes no claims about the origins of The Universe."
That is YOUR BELIEF. Sorry that vinny the theist had to teach nvrgnbk what the little atheists have to believe. Which also means you believe that vette happened all on its own too, with all parts in place; gas, key in ignition ready to roll.
This is now stuck on your forehead for life. If you don't know that illustration, let me know. I'll gladly post it here againh for you.
This is just more lose-lose for the atheists.... -
by BR25 insorry if i that is the wrong spelling.
i just want to say that i used to be judgemental of athiests, but as a jw backer everyone on here finds nothing but wrong doing with the orginizations.
well i am sure i can find wrong doing with other churches and their teachings as well.
"Atheists are the smartest ones here"
Yet even though intelligent scientists (who can send man to the moon and back, make computer chips etc) cannot make even the SIMPLEST life form from dead matter, while in a controlled setting, you then want to sell us on things like the HUMAN BRAIN just happend to be the result of this same DEAD MATTER, TO PRIMORDIAL SOUP, TO POLYMERS ***WITHOUT ANY INTELLIGENCE AT ALL***.
That the EARTH itself with all of its perfectly balanced features such as different atmospheric layers, with protective ozone layer, with just the correct amount of gases needed to sustain life. (.Oxygen, Nitrogen, CO2, argon, water vapor and other smaller trace gasses), water cycles, weather systems, eco systems, food chain systems, microbial systems, photosynthesis, tides due to a perfectly located and spinning and sized moon at the precisely needed location and too many others to list here, just happened to be the result of an unguided BIG BANG.
Your arguments have no hope at all. THEY HAVE NO LEGS AT ALL.
Let's imagine that you are completely alone in the middle of North Dakota somewhere, surrounded by nothing but mountainous wilderness, no people, no buildings, just you alone and the wilderness for hundreds of miles. And right there in the middle of it all you suddenly walk up to a brand new looking Red Chevrolet Corvette, unlocked, with the keys in the ignition, a full tank of gas and one road taking you out. Now, it would in my opinion be nothing short of preposterous, actually INSANE to even entertain the mere possibility if someone were to try telling you that THAT brand new looking Red Corvette just happened to get there, on its own, without any intelligent designer behind it whatsoever. That somehow, some way it just happened to be some product of "blind chance" without any intellectual forces behind that ready-to-drive automobile.
That all the parts just "happened" to come together absolutely perfectly through some kind of Big BANG/Abiogenesis/Evolutionary etc etc.. series of events. A cosmic primordial "soup" if you will that eventually turned into that beautiful automobile, ready to take off. Who of us out here would even consider such an outrageous suggestion as this? Okay sure, these processes just happened to turn into eight perfectly designed and gapped spark plugs, placed precisely into their sockets, tightened down exactly as needed. The spark plug wires too just happened to fall into place connecting to all eight plugs, while coincidentally also connecting to a computer chip, a continuously self calibrating one (that happened to just come together o its own by the way), designed to tell it exactly how often to fire those eight perfectly placed spark plugs. Of course, the steering wheel just by CHANCE happened to be in the right location, while also connecting the front-end with it's front axle, ball joints, tie rods and perfectly synchronizing the movement of the tires. The tires by the way also all happen to be perfectly sized, with identical tread, perfect air pressure (how did air pressure even get in there by the way??) made of just the right rubber material, while perfectly balanced and with perfect alignment all by itself. All along the way to turn those tires somehow a power steering pump made itself, with belt and fluid with it's case and cap filed just where it needs to go. The doors so one can get inside the car are perfectly fitted and actually open with the lift of a handle. An armrest also somehow conveniently evolved, while still looking and smelling brand new. Of course rather than just look at this beauty, it actually runs and will even automatically shift into different gears because low and behold there is a TRANSMISION too. One that somehow and some way just perfectly connected with the motor which somehow and some way has eight pistons, a crank shaft, fuel injectors, cam shaft, a perfectly sealed even (though removable) head so that the transmission actually has something to shift for. Of course you need high octane, fresh, clean, combustable GASOLINE to run the entire thing, but low and behold it has a full tank of just that. How bout that? (And how's the gas TANK get there?) In fact believe it or not, the fuel tank has a fuel line as well, that just so happens to be connected to a fuel filter which leads it right to eight perfectly fitted and located fuel injectors, which somehow and some way are attached to the ENGINE itself that is still perfectly situated in the front of that automobile that just happened to be formed by itself through through blind CHANCE.
Unbelievable there is also a hood, with an outside and inside hood latch that allows you to look at the motor that evolved on its own. All the while fitting perfectly and symmetrically into perfect place. In another incredible act of CHANCE, there is a gas pedal too that when pressed carefully lets that amazingly complex machine (that just happened by series chances) to move forward. Of course once you did get in it and realized this amazing machine can actually take you wherever you wish to go, you have another serious problem; whoops, how do you STOP IT? Big problem. Well lookey here!... there is a BRAKE PEDAL right next to the gas pedal that just so happens to connect to four disc brakes that also are perfectly hitched to brake rotors, and calipers that are coincidentally just perfectly hooked up with those perfectly rounded and symmetrical tires that we already discovered earlier. And through some act of evolutionary coincidence, this braking system has a MASTER CYLINDER that just also happens to have the perfectly positioned brake lines, filled with just the correct kind and correct amount of brake fluid. Of course if it were instead power steering fluid, or transmission fluid or gasoline in them there brake lines it would not work one bit, and may even catch on fire, but since it has the exact consistency needed for brake fluid, it works like a charm. How bout that!
There are several clear windows to look out from as well. Sure need those; glad they just happened to FALL INTO PLACE where they did too. Pretty amazing how the elements and other external forces just happened to get that red shiny paint job only where it is and not on the windows, would have a problem there for sure. And guess what else, inside it has heat and ac and rear defrost and windshield wiper blades, a fuel gauge, temp gauge, tachometer with speedometer, with perfectly located knobs that even say heat and ac and wiper speeds. How did that get here on it's own? Amazing aint it? And for some strange reason it needs to have some little piece of metal to turn the thing on, I believe they call it a KEY. Low and behold THERE IS A KEY, with the exact correct notches already in the perfectly located steering wheel. How bout all that, what an amazing coincidence!
Obviously I could continue on with this for pages and pages folks. I am sure you can see the point. (Try as you may to AVOID the point), It would be silly, foolish, absurd, outrageous, strange, weird and just impossibly IGNORANT to believe ALL of these things just happened by blind chance, without any intelligence at all, creating one single, ready-to drive Red Chevrolet Corvette. If nobody on this board could be convinced of such a foolish idea with one automobile in the middle of nowhere, how then could people POSSIBLY believe that a FAR, FAR MORE complex universe and earth, filled with far more complicated life (than that single corvette) could possibly just happen by itself, through some evolutionary process, with absolutely no help from an intelligent source anywhere?
The reality is, I would have a better chance of selling somebody on that car that just formed by itself, through a Big Bang/abiogenesis (the supposed origination of life from lifeless matter) and then evolved with all the perfect pieces fitting together, than on the UNIVERSE and EARTH itself just happening to form themselves as well as all life forms upon the earth. A human being is far, far more complex that that car. With our immune systems, lymphatic systems, digestive systems, cardio systems with heart chambers and blood vessels, nervous systems, joints, muscles, tendons, brains with billions or neurons, eyes that see, ears that hear, nose that smells, fingers that feel, skin that sweats, mouth that tastes, chews and swallows. Feet, legs, knees that move and bend. Reproductive systems that can create new life etc etc on and on. The complexity of one human being puts that new Corvette to shame. Millions of time more complex. You get a scratch on that new car and you will visiting the body shop. Scratch or hurt yourself, and the body has the ability to actually heal itself. And you really hope to convince me it happened all by CHANCE, with no designer, no intelligence behind it all? Some primordial evolutionary soup like process, which resulted from a big ole BANG? We haven't even started discussing the complexity and incredible order of our UNIVERSE yet. Or the earth , how outstandingly complex yet perfectly harmonized it is. Photosynthesis, clouds and rain, the perfect tilt and rotational speed of the earth, perfect location of the sun, the moon, our orbit speed. The atmosphere, ozone layer, perfect amount of oxygen in the air. Gravity, food cycles, fire; all happened by blind chance? No intelligence required? Sorry atheists, but you are DEAD IN WATER here.
Lets talk about science for just a moment. The science where many get there beliefs that there is NO GOD, no maker because they cannot prove he exists. If science is so smart and such a trustworthy source, why cannot science then create life from non living matter? It has not been done. ANYWHERE, EVER. Not only can it not do such a thing as make life from non-living matter, even if all the parts are already there, in human form, animal form or any form, science cannot even PUT LIFE BACK to the BODY that just lost it prematurely through accidents, disease or any other disaster, or death through natural aging? With all the parts ALREADY TOGETHER, in front of these scientists, they are still helpless and cannot make LIFE exist. Yet they insist that ALL life as we see it today, just happened by some series of chances, without ANY help from any intelligent source. How reasonable is this? Let me answer that for you, IT'S NOT REASONABLE AT ALL.
This is why I believe in an Intelligent DESIGNER, a Creator rather than some abiogenesis/evolutionary/Big BANG series of processes resulting in all that we have today. It makes perfect sense. It is reasonable, it is logical and rational. To believe everything we see just happened BY ITSELF is none of those things in my sincere and honest opinion. Science cannot even feed the poor nor cure the worlds problems either. It has not even cured AIDS, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, alzheimer's, fixed global warming, the ozone layer and tens of thousands of other issues. And people wish to put their FULL TRUST in science when it comes to believing in a God or not? Sorry, I am not convinced and do not buy any of what they are selling. It is actually laughable to believe all things originated from nothing, all on their very own, without any intelligence behind it
When I look at the entire picture then, the fact that ANY kind of intelligent design around us today requires an intelligent designer. The simple truth that it would be absurd to try to explain a red corvette, a house or even a number 2 pencil (structured, purposeful things) as having just ARRIVED from out of nothingness. The facts that this earth, the universe and all upon them are very complex, very organized, highly structured and simply demanding in all reasonableness that an intelligent creator be the one responsible for such incredible, organized, purposeful DESIGN. That science itself cannot even create life out of non-living matter, nor from dead, former living matter and has far too many holes in its theories and is far from a source worth putting all trust in. Adding it all up for me then, I cannot get away from the inescapable conclusion that there IS A GOD responsible for all of the many features we see around us right now.
There is NO LOGIC and NO REASONABLENESS to atheist claims that all intelligent life and all organized systems and planets and stars galaxies just happened to fall into place without any intelligent force behind it.
There is just no way that it is even remotely, plausibly even MINUTELY possible that ALL of those marvelous features coming together at one time is due to a series of random, evolutionary, unguided CHANCES. When I look at an incredible startlit sky, in my mind there is not a chance that these all happened to be formed by a similar series of just aimless, arbitrary, haphazard, hit-or-miss events; a rolling of the dice if you will. They are extremely organized, finely tuned and intricate. They have clearly been PUT there and brought into motion by SOMEBODY.
The many systems that allow LIFE ON EARTH to exist likewise are organized, they are purposeful, intricate and again are finely tuned with other systems. AGAIN, by some merely accidental, casual, fortuitous, stroke of luck? That simply is not reasonable or logical to myself nor most other people. I have examined both sides of the evidence. For me there is just NO WAY these things happened without the guiding hand of intellect. For you and some others they may have come together by mere chance or in fact did come together by mere chance. I disagree. I have read the textbooks, have seen the arguments from scientists like Richard Dawkins. I consider such attempts to use abiogenesis/evolution as the explanation to explain how life arose to be far, far-fetched, and one giant stretch after another. Nothing has ever been duplicated. It bypasses the "Every beginning has a Cause" universal principle. It seeks to eliminate God altogether and then build around that premise in what many consider to be embarassing, feeble attempts of explanation. It fails miserably in my opinion and the opinion of billions of others as well.
You see folks, a perfectly spinning, tilted and orbiting earth did not EVOLVE, like you claim all OTHER LIFE on earth did. Neither did the atmosphere including ozone layer on earth, the water cycles, nor did the moon, sun and stars EVOLVE as you state in your explanations above. Nor did many BILLIONS of other things similar. Your argument, like I said, is LOSE LOSE for atheists. Again, this is why all atheists that you see today, anywhere, have a little red corvette stuck on their forehead. You cannot ignore it. It is always there.
In the simplest of terms then:
If through some cosmic "BIG BANG", ALL of the billions of stars in our own organized, orderly Milky Way Galaxy, as well as the BILLIONS of other organized and orderly Galaxies with their billions of stars came into existence. And if inside our very own organized and orderly galaxy, in what is known as our own orderly SOLAR SYSTEM, we have at just the right distance from our perfectly sized SUN, a perfectly located and sized planet EARTH, that also rotates at the perfect speed of 24 hours (needed to sustain life) as well as orbits around the sun at the perfect speed of 66,600 mph to keep it in that precise orbiting pattern and not sucked into the gravitational pull of the sun itself. And if this perfectly located, spinning and orbiting EARTH also has perfectly, purposeful and finely balanced SYSTEMS upon it (NEEDED TO SUSTAIN LIFE) such as different atmospheric layers, with protective ozone layer, with just the correct amount of gases needed to sustain life. (.Oxygen, Nitrogen, CO2, argon, water vapor and other smaller trace gasses). And if this same, orbiting, spinning, perfectly located EARTH with perfect atnosphere for life, located perfectly inside the universe with many billions of organized galaxies ALSO has a variety of unique, perfectly balanced SYSTEMS AND FEATURES such as water cycles, weather systems, eco systems, food chain systems, microbial systems, photosynthesis, tides due to a perfectly located and spinning and sized moon at the precisely needed location and too many others to list here.
And if UPON this perfectly located, spinning EARTH, with it's many perfectly balanced features and systems (found in the middle of an organized orderly universe), there also happens to be a variety of LIVING THINGS on this earth, with ITS OWN amazingly complex varieties of different systems such as digestive, circulatory, reproductive, elimination, immune, neurological etc etc, that just happened to originate from NOTHING AT ALL, through some BIG BANG, into an organized gargantuan UNIVERSE, with a perfectly located, spinning, orbiting EARTH located within that universe, that just so happened to come WITH the many FEATURES needed to support life, along with all these many varieties OF LIFE FORMS that supposedly arose from lifeless matter, primordial soup, to polymers, into complex living things including human BRAINS and beyond; then FOLKS if all this happened, ***ALL ON ITS VERY OWN***, without any INTELLECTUAL SOURCE anywhere, then THAT RED CORVETTE showing up in the wilderness with gas, keys and everything in place is a PIECE OF CAKE. That Red Vette, all on it's own, is easy as counting 1,2,3 when compared to all THESE OTHER things arising from and existing because of a series of what can only be described as FAT-CHANCES, ALL ON THEIR VERY OWN.
This is why you athesists are STUCK with red corvette on your foreheads for life. It applies, it fits, it works. For those of you that want to TRY wiggling off the hook because red vette aint living, breathing, self-replicating life form, you are then BURIED by the fact that neither is the earth, moon, sun, and stars or universe living, breathing, self-replicating life forms. Neither is atmosphere, water cycles, photosynthesis, weather systems etc living breathing self-replicating life forms. But I already addressed that in the other threads.
Is why I also used the bomb-explosions never turning into a New York city with buildings, plumbing, door knobs and yellow cabs. This is just plain old, laughable nonsense, passed down to people that want to cut out the reality that there is a God.
Is also why so few humans ever buy into it.
Nope athesists are sure many things all right, but they sure AIN'T the sharpest tolls in the shed...
: ) -
Another boring thread with lots of athesists.
Atheists have no answers as to how life arises from nothing.
Atheists believe all things throughout the entire universe just happened to come together through some series of FAT CHANCES and lots of LUCK. Yet science cannot make even simplest life from non-life in the most controlled of scientific settings. Though atheists say all the universe, earth and life on the earth happened to come together perfectly, without any intelligence, even though intelligent scientists cannot make SIMPLEST LIFE from dead matter. This is more waste of time salami from boring atheists. I have been there and done that already. I laughed the whole time. My side still hurts from so much laughing.
The extremely complex HUMAN BRAIN TODAY,just happenes to be the result of polymers arising from some primordial soup-like conditions, resulting from a mindless big BANG without any intellectual forces anywhere behind these processes.
Folks, if you can buy into these athesists laughable explanations, then let me sell you some Mississippi SWAMP LAND.
Whenever I see atheists today, I see a red corvette stuck right on their forehead. It will always be there atheists. You have earned that.
It is your baby for good. -
Almost vomited this weekend
by sinis inwell, i grabed the pile of shit watchtower mags my wife has been bringing home and decided to look through a few since i had some down time this weekend.
i haven't read one in years... jesus christ i almost vomited!!!!
i cannot believe the shit they write!
I saw one from last month where the nice helpful JW brother was changing the flat tire for two women... with his SUIT and COAT and TIE still on.
heh -
If you are dissasosiated............
by Heather indo the elders have to reinstate you if you start going back to meetings.
i was told a while back that you would be treated as a person on reproff with all restrictions but now i'm hearing that if i go back i will have to wait to be reinstated.....this is such bullsh**.
i really don't want to go back...but my grandmother just passed away last week and i went to the service(it was at the kh) and was able to see my family that for 4 years now has bearly talked to me...and i go to see my 2 beautiful nieces...whom i would love to have a relationship with.....so i started thinking maybe i could go to a few meetings to be able to have something to do with them.....well i went today....i was so upset earlier that i went and smoked a bit to calm me down...heeeeeeee .....so anyway....i was soo irritated and bored all the f-ing answers that some of them come up with....i guess i just keep thinking about the other side...they really do think that those of us on the outside are miserable......i was more miserable today then i have been in years just sitting there trying to pretend.
Unfortunately it is true, you would have to go back through the six months (minimum) requirement of meetings etc to simply "qualify" for possible reinstatement. I disassociated just over a year ago, and was an elder, so have been there. You atre no different than if you were disfellowshipped. If you had just faded away rather than DA then there would be no problems at all getting back in, since you would have never left, in their eyes. Sorry, but this is how it has always worked. At least since 1980 anyway. vinny
Hi, it's me again
by fullofdoubtnow init's really great to be back on here, i've missed you all so much.
i'm home for the weekend, and feeling a lot better than i was earlier in the week.
i picked up an infection and felt really awful for a day or two, but it's ok now.
Have read all of Tervor's updates and been really moved by your experience altogether. Wishing nothing but the very best for the both of you. Good things can happen to good people. Even where you currently are right now. One little request if you don't mind: If you ever feel like getting around to it, I always liked your other mug shot. I am from Hawaii and liked that "shaka" photo. Don't know why, but I often liked to check that one out. It made an impression.
Or, I guess I could live with the current one too. : )
Hang in there!
Get well.
All the best,
Vinny -
"The Red Corvette" problem -- a disconnect in view points
by AlmostAtheist inin another thread, a poster brought up what he called "the red corvette" problem.
the problem, he said, is that if you are a true atheist, you must believe that a red corvette could simply form out of nothing.
if you believe life originated from nothing, then you must believe that a less-complicated machine such as a sports car could also have originated from nothing.
LTCMD.LORE says:..." These examples do simplify the requirements for the "original cell," but it is still a long way to spontaneous generation of life. Perhaps the first living cells were completely different from what we see today, and no one has yet imagined what they might have been like. Speaking in general terms, life can only have come from one of two possible places:
AAAahahhahahahahahahahaha. My side hurts whenever I have to read your stuff Lore. Seriously. You really posted this?
****** Here we go again. Our little 17 year old types without thinking. With quotes like this, who NEEDS VINNY? Thank you Lore. I can retire now. Lore is taking over for me. : )