I have one request for you BR25; simply take the time to just examine the WT Society honestly. You have nothing to lose. If it is the truth, then you will only become more certain of this. But most all JW's will not do just that. They do exactly what the WT Society says, and believes what they say to believe.
I was just like this for 15 years. I was not a disgruntled Witness. Had much oversight, responsibilities kids and wife in the organization. But then I ran into some really damaging facts about the Society.
Here is my own disassociation letter explaining exactly what happend and why I had to leave.
I respect that these things may not be concerns for you. But I hope that you at least consider them in some reasonable context and can see whay manay do leave the JW faith.
The fact you are here shows a willingness to at least go against what the men in NY tell you to do. You know you should not be here of all places. That is in print.
If you do decide to examine the faith honestly, then I would like to recommend you purchase these two outstanding books.
One can walk away from the JW's and still be an honest Christian. I would like to believe I fall into this category. My relationship with my Heavenly Father is more intimate now than ever before. I am labeled and completely shunned by all JW's today. And I live on an island, so you bump into each other quite often over here. My one step son will not even speak to me, nor his mom, my wife, who quit going to the meetings almost one year ago. My two other kids have also left, with my step daughter just leaving last weekend. She was a Regular Pioneer one year ago. She told us that she was just not happy as a JW.
We have all found a freedom that is worth all of the negative response from the Witnesses over here.
I hope you can find this freedom too.
Feel free to e-mail me privately if you have any thoughts or questions.
Wish you the best,
Posts by Vinny
by BR25 insorry if i that is the wrong spelling.
i just want to say that i used to be judgemental of athiests, but as a jw backer everyone on here finds nothing but wrong doing with the orginizations.
well i am sure i can find wrong doing with other churches and their teachings as well.
You are welcome, Perry.
Feel free to e-mail me whenever things get out of hand over here. I have been spending much more time exposing the JW's as of late.
Plus, been back on track with my own biz workload.
[email protected]
Take care.
All the best,
Vinny -
by BR25 insorry if i that is the wrong spelling.
i just want to say that i used to be judgemental of athiests, but as a jw backer everyone on here finds nothing but wrong doing with the orginizations.
well i am sure i can find wrong doing with other churches and their teachings as well.
However BR25, I have a few thoughts and questions for you. I WAS a JW too. I was also an elder and very loyal, baptized Witness for 15 years. I left just one year ago.
Contrast this with the WATCHTOWER SOCIETY now. They too claim that what is written is food from God, and that this organization is the ONLY place to go for eternal salvation:
1919 "Is not the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society the one and only channel which the Lord has used in dispensing his truth continually since the beginning of the harvest period?" {WT Apr 1 1919 6414}
1933 "To feed or teach his people the Lord has used the Watch Tower publications.. No man is given any credit for the wonderful truths which the Lord has revealed to his people through the Watch Tower publications." {WT Dec 1 1933 263}
1939 "It should be expected that the Lord would have a means of communicating to his people on the earth, and he has clearly shown that the magazine called The Watchtower is used for that purpose." {YEAR 1939 85}
1942 "The Watchtower does not consist of men's opinions" {WT Jan 1 1942 5}
1957 "Jehovah has established a very definite channel of communication through which he deals with his people .. It is vital that we appreciate this fact and respond to the directions of the 'slave' as we would to the voice of God." {WT Jun 15 1957 370}
1969 "Jehovah's organization as directed by his 'faithful and discreet slave' class should influence our every decision also. {WT March 15, 1969 172}
1979 [Of those living at the time of Armageddon, only Jehovah's Witnesses will be saved] {WT Feb 15 1979 30}
1913"Some have a strong desire to worship God, others have a weak desire, and others have no desire at all. ***This difference is due to the shape of the brain.*** Mankind are born with differences in this respect. -'Psa. 51:5'" {WR Mar 15 1913 5201}
1921 "The size of the nose, as also the size of the eyes, is not without significance. The small-nosed man cannot have a judicial mind, whatever his other excellencies may be. And a man whose nose upturns can no more be expected to administer justice than a pug dog can be expected to act as a shepherd." {GA Jan 19 1921 224}
1925 ".. about April 1, 1925, at which time we may expect the resurrection of the Ancient Worthies .." {MLND 110}
1926 "[White rulers as in Britain have the] superior mental, moral, or physical force .. [but be warned, power is slipping as the] powers of the colored races are expanding" {WT May 15 1926 483}
1984 "Generally rapists try to get a woman in some isolated place where people are not around. At times they have a weapon and threaten to use it if the victim does not co-operate. Should a Christian quietly submit? No.. the rapist is asking a person to break God's law by committing fornication. Under such circumstances a Christian is obligated to resist. -1 Corinthians 6:18.. 'If I gave in and he raped me, I would eventually die and have no hope of a resurrection.'" {AWAK Feb 22 1984 24-7
1989 "Before the 1914 generation completely dies out, God's judgment must be executed." {WT May 1 1985 4}
The end of the system was predicted, in writing, in these years: 1874, 1875, 1881, 1888, 1914, 1915, 1918, (could occur in 1920), 1925, ("resurrection of Princes" in 1929), 1932, 1940, ("any day now" in 1942), ("why not now" in 1951), 1975, and before the generation that was born in 1914 dies, which was dropped in 1996 after it was clearly another false prediction. Every one of these predictions, in writing, has proved false. People sold homes, gave up opportunities to start families, secure employment, gave up opportunities for an education and instead spread a message of doom that was simply untrue with each prediction made. All of these failed.
Despite the numerous errors in doctrine, medical mistakes, weird science end of the world false predictions and unscriptural blood transfusion bans that fill its pages of history, the society still demands full and complete support of its policies and doctrines today. Notice this comment from a 5/1/72 WT (page 272): "That they [Jehovah's Witness] must adhere absolutely to the decisions and scriptural understandings of the Society because God has given it this authority over his people."
So, in the end, we have what many would consider as extremely damaging facts that undermine the Watchtower Society's claim that it alone is God's one true faith on earth today. That core belief is in my opinion the GLUE that keeps everything else together. Without THAT foundation of belief that this religious organization IS the one truth on earth, everything else involved with the religion begins to fall apart. The willingness to be loyal despite doubts lessens and lessens.
This is also why the Watchtower Society strongly discourages any kind of out-of-house critical examinations. These examinations often expose the very poor historical record. It is also, in the opinion of many, why those that formally leave the faith are considered apostate and have to be shunned. This shunning policy minimizes the possibility of critical information from being shared with other JW's.
When I personally learned about the mistakes on Vaccinations and Organ Transplants it simply damaged the credibility of the organization as a whole. It was at that point that an honest, THOROUGH examination of the Watchtower Society began on my part. An examination that only made things much, much worse in the end. If this is God's true and only channel, how then can they be so wrong, so often, on doctrine, medical issues, end of the world predictions, and yet still demand complete obedience from its members or face risk of complete shunning? This is also why I chose to leave the faith altogether one year ago. The bible has no such list of wacky opinions, medical blunders or false prophecies despite being written thousands of years ago. The Watchtower history on the other hand is FILLED with these very things; wacky ideas, medical embarrassments and many false end of the world statements. All written within the last 100 or so years. This is a huge problem.
In addition to all of the past mistakes and embarassing writings, there is also still the CURRENT list of issues. Here are just a few:
CURRENTLY Witnesses cannot formally leave the WT Society without being shunned and punished by all JW's, including your own family for the rest of their life.
CURRENTLY NO brother wearing a beard is allowed congregational privileges. This policy is actually a CONTRAST to bible teachings
CURRENTLY NO Witness is allowed to celebrate his or anybody's birthday without risk of expulsion. This policy is found nowhere in the bible.
CURRENTLY NO Witness is allowed to vote without risk of being expelled. This policy is found nowhere in the bible.
CURRENTLY NO Witness can celebrate Mothers Day Fathers Day, Thanksgiving, New Years Day 4th of July or many other holidays without risk of being expelled. Not found in the bible.
CURRENTLY NO Witness is allowed to work as a police officer or any other occupation where he carries a firearm and remain exemplary (or be used in the cong). Not in the bible. Used as a protection and to maintain order.
CURRENTLY NO Witness that plays sports in school, becomes a cheerleader or joins after school clubs is viewed favorably.
CURRENTLY ALL Sisters are expected to wear dresses to all meetings and field service. No pants, jumpsuits, shorts etc. allowed. Not found in the bible.
CURRENTLY NO Witness can play the lottery without risk of expulsion. Nowhere found in the bible
CURRENTLY NO Witness is allowed to participate in Martial Arts or Yoga. This policy is found nowhere in the bible.
CURRENTLY NO Witness that owns his own business can perform any services on church or military institutions. This policy is found nowhere in the bible.
CURRENTLY NO JW that averages less than double digits in the ministry qualifies for congregational responsibilities. (You can dip occasionally below but not on an average basis).
CURRENTLY one cannot accept a whole blood transfusion without being disfellowshipped even if dying is the likely result. Yet one can accept certain fractions of blood, even though other smaller oftentimes more vital fractions are not allowed. JW's do use these fractions taken from the worlds blood supply, often in great quantity, yet are not allowed to donate blood back into this very same blood supply they have taken from. And CURRENTLY Witnesses are not even allowed to withdraw and store their OWN blood for surgery or other emergencies.
CURRENTLY there is the Watctower's official website page of hypocrisy where all others are encouraged to examine their own faith, be willing to make a stand, even if different yet if a Witness does this very same thing they will be expelled.
CURRENTLY no bible study is told of all the past medical mistakes that cost thousands of lives, nor that the JW's mis-predicted the end of the world a dozen times, nor that thousands of brothers went to prison for refusing alternative service for 50 years before being made "conscience" matters. They are also never told that if you choose to leave the organization you will be shunned for the rest of your life unless you come back in full agreement with all current teachings. Nor are they ever told they cannot disagree with any current teachings. Bible studies will never know these things. I have personally found this out the hard way.
What do these sad things say about the organaization repsonsible for printing/enforcing them?
Vinny -
by BR25 insorry if i that is the wrong spelling.
i just want to say that i used to be judgemental of athiests, but as a jw backer everyone on here finds nothing but wrong doing with the orginizations.
well i am sure i can find wrong doing with other churches and their teachings as well.
Lore says:..."So these explosions don't form cities, instead they do EXACTLY what the big bang theory says they should."
This big BANG also just happened to result in a variety of LIVING THINGS on this earth, with ITS OWN amazingly complex varieties of different systems such as digestive, circulatory, reproductive, elimination, immune, neurological etc etc... -
Hilary who??
She wiffed and now runs away whining for vinny to find her posts. She says my arguments were debunked already, but then she does not show where, how or anything else.
So who's hilary?? -
Satans helper says:..."your arguement is fatuous, a star is a very large hydrogen bomb - a hydrogen bomb that creates other more dense elements through nucleur fusion.
What's that sound? it must be your head exploding as your arguement crashes around your ears"
*******You need to learn to spell and to learn to make sense. Cause both LACK above.
What BURIES ATHEISTS is that you say all things just happened by themselves, with no designer whatsoever involved. By series of random chances. All from nothing.
Huge HUGE problem ATHEISTS.
So then how did Life, earth with universe get here?
I say An Intelligent Designer made it. I do not know how he made it... and do not care really. You say you have no clue, but somehow they all formed by themselves, from nothing at all.
Big difference folks.
So then, how did red vette in woods with gas and keys get there again?
I say, Chevy made it, but I have no clue how... and don't care really.
You say, I have no clue how, but it somehow formed all by itself. Big difference and completely ignorant, foolish laughable nonsense.
That is why I put the Red Vette on your laps in the very beginning.
It could be be computer instead. Is all the same to me.
The chances of that red vette, or this apple computer coming together ALL BY THEMSELVES is NILL. The more complex the feature the more intelligence is needed.
Like I have said many times, the more complex the feature, the more you need intelligence behind the cause.
A little baby can throw paint on a canvass. But look at a master's painting, and then you know without a doubt there was something special behind that work of art. Look at the more amazing earth with an array of wonderful things. Sunsets that make your jaw drop. Food that is wonderful to smell and taste. Beautiful turquoise waters and a white sandy beach with coconut trees are an exquisite sight for me. Mountains and valley and waterfalls and beautiful forests and flowers on and on... they reflect the hand of an amazing Supreme Artist. At least for me they do as well as 95 percent of the human population.
All the universe is in amazing order. The human body is simply incredible. Cut youself and it can heal itself. Just get the food and enjoy eating it, the body does the rest for you by breaking it down and using it for living. Want kids? You know what to do. But then amazing things happen to make that little one into a human being. We love other people. We have a conscience. We all have some built in desire to search for and worship something. We speculate and contemplate many things many times.
There are just too many things to ever believe that these just happened by some series of chances and lot's of luck making everything we see today. Just NO WAY that can happen.
Sorry but atheists really have not done very good at all here.
Is why Albert Einstein was not an atheist as well. Is why he said "God does not play dice with the universe".
Yet you want us to believe that the far more complex universe, earth, life including the human brain just happend this same way BY LOTS OF LUCK.
Sorry to tell it to you how it is. -
Lore says:..."Coming from a man who thinks that an automobile is an accurate parallel to biological organisms, an insult to my intelligence doesn't meen a whole lot".
"This is why you athesists are STUCK with red corvette on your foreheads for life. It applies, it fits, it works. For those of you that want to try wiggling off the hook because red vette aint living, breathing, self-replicating life form, you are then BURIED by the fact that neither is the earth, moon, sun, and stars or universe living, breathing, self-replicating life forms. Neither is atmosphere, water cycles, photosynthesis, weather systems etc living breathing self-replicating life forms. But I already addressed that in the other thread. I am only repeating myself here AGAIN. This is why Almost Atheist failed in presenting the argument correctly. Is why atheists arguments above have no legs at all.
Is why I also used the bomb-explosions never turning into a New York city with buildings, plumbing, door knobs and yellow cabs. This is just plain old, laughable nonsense, passed down to people that want to cut out the reality that there is a God.
Is also why so few humans ever buy into it."
Your own red vette stuck on forehead aint too attractive, sorry to say....
Can't get many girls looking like that Lore.
: ( -
"Where is God right now and what is He up to?"
by BR25 insorry if i that is the wrong spelling.
i just want to say that i used to be judgemental of athiests, but as a jw backer everyone on here finds nothing but wrong doing with the orginizations.
well i am sure i can find wrong doing with other churches and their teachings as well.
Poor satans little helper. He thinks he has theists in a corner cause he asks, "who made God".
I am so scared folks.... : )
Well, since you showed up on the other thread, I will let you read the answer on that one. No need to spank the atheists on both threads...
Nevermind, lets play spank the atheists on both threads.
**** This is such an old, sophomoric argument from atheists. I've already answered this before in other places. But to appease you, I will address here again:
First of all, it is my personal belief that:
1- Everything which has a beginning has a cause. This an understood and accepted principle in human civilizations throughout the earth. If it had a beginning, then somebody or something made it. Fairly simple. The computers each of us are using at this moment had to be made by somebody. Mine was made by Apple, for example. But if there were no name mentioned at all, we still know that somebody had to make it. Design begets a designer.
2- The Universe, including our earth (and all life upon the earth) had a beginning. Most scientists believe in the 'Big Bang" theory. While omitting God altogether, the common belief is that it did have a definite beginning and is still developing and expanding.
3- Therefore, the Universe, that had a beginning, must also have a Cause. That Cause, in my opinion is God.
4-The bible, in my opinion, is a reliable source of information. It claims to be authored by God. There is an abundance of evidence that it could be authored by God. As briefly listed on another thread (now defunct) here is a very short list of reasons why I believe the bible is from God and thus a reliable, trustworthy source of information today:
"For me, the idea that all four of gospel writers just made up these accounts about Jesus Christ is not something I quickly buy into. The way they claim to have changed their lives, leaving many significant occupations and other personal things behind, leads me to believe they sure found something powerfully persuasive in this person called Christ. They also admit their mistakes which only adds to their credibility in my mind. Likewise the bible writer Paul; he certainly had something dramatic happen to him. He claims to have had a vision of Christ himself, became blind, went to Ananias as instructed and received his sight back. Then completely changed his direction from a persecutor of Christians to becoming an ardent member, one of the foremost of the apostles actually, spearheading the preaching of Christ to the Gentiles. The apostles did not even trust or believe him initially, which again, only adds to the believability in my opinion. I guess all of these writers could have just made these things up. That is possible. But it is also possible they happened just as were written. And if so, then we have some very interesting events taking place that would support Jesus' claim to be God's son, representing God himself. And if so, then what he says about God, about the earth, the future, life... can be and should be seriously considered. I would consider such a source as very reliable. Very trustworthy, *IF* these accounts about him are true.
The many prophecies written that had exact fulfillments adds ever more weight to possibility of the bible being more than just some good book. The bible's statement that the earth is round, and that it hangs upon nothing, though men at that time believed the earth was flat, again adds value to the claim that it is from a higher source than men. Are all of these just mere coincidences? It is possible, I guess. But it's also possible that these facts give evidence that the source of these prophecies and scientific accuracies is from a much higher source than humans, who cannot predict the future with any kind of certainty. There are not only a couple of such prophecies, but literally hundreds which exact, detailed fulfillment.
There is secular testimony as well, that Christ did exist and did perform miraculous events. The calendar we use today is based on the very year he was born. Just a coincidence? A person that really did not exist at all, or whose accomplishments were greatly exaggerated? Possible, I guess. But possibly not. The scriptures contain numerous accounts of miracles where people were brought back to life, sick and dying were healed, people were miraculously fed whether from food falling out of the sky or a few fishes feeding thousands, olive oil and bread jars that never ran out and other examples. Sea's were parted, were walked on and calmed down upon commands. You do not hear stories like this today, with hundreds of eye-witnesses to collaborate. This collection of books is available in over 2000 languages today. It the worlds best selling book of all time. The information contained is also very practical for those that wish to believe it and apply it. The Golden Rule for example. Children obeying their parents is another. Husbands loving their wives as their own bodies makes good marriages even better. And answer when mild turns away rage is a proven valuable principle in life. Jesus sermon on the mount in Matthew chapters 5-7 is still considered by many to be the greatest speech ever given. Priceless gems for many.
Is it possible then that this bible is from God? I believe it is possible, and even very probable. If so, if it is from God himself, then the very question as to how life arrived is answered. Because it also tells the reader that God himself made these things that we see today. No soup-like conditions that somehow evolved into the beautiful yet complex systems we see surrounding us today. It answers many of man's perplexing questions. Does it answer everything? No, it does not. Yet it does say there are new scrolls to be opened. It talks about everlasting life being possible for those that believe and apply God's sons teachings in his life. A life where death and pain and mourning are things of the past. Not the kind of life we see today. It promises these things we see causing pain and death and heartaches will be done away completely and permanently. That is a beautiful hope. Many other answers, too many to list here are given as well. If the bible is true then, the human race has much to look forward to.
For me, it does make sense. It does offer hope. It is worth putting my trust in. It does offer answers as well as a good measure of comfort. It is believable."
5- The bible tells us that God had NO beginning.
Psalm 90:2 ...Even from time indefinite to time indefinite you are God.
psalm 93:2... You are from time indefinite to time indefinite.
Isaiah 57:15 ....God is ‘the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity’
Revelation 15:3 ...righteous and true are your ways, King of Eternity.Revelation 15:3 ...righteous and true are your ways, King of Eternity.
If the bible is inspired of God (as I have sound reason to believe, by the reasons posted above), and if what it says is true that God had No Beginning, where then is the need for a Cause or designer? This is perhaps the crux of my argument then; NOBODY created God, because according inspired scripture, God had no beginning, hence eliminating the need for a cause altogether. This is the only example, the one sole instance where this principle would apply. All other features of the universe including the earth as well as all life on the earth, the spirit world and anything else anywhere, had a beginning and thus demands a cause. God, the intelligent designer himself, exclusively, is this one sole exception.
ADDITIONALLY, aside from the bible, Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which has tremendous experimental support, standing the test of time many decades later, states that "time" is linked to matter and space. The way that man keeps track of time, for example is based on the physical universe. Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years are all related to the earth's rotation around the sun. Time itself then, it is believed, would have begun along with matter and space with the beginning of the universe. Hence, *If* an Intelligent Designer Created the universe, he would also be the creator of time? Being the Creator of time, he would NOT be limited to the time "dimension" that HE himself created. He is thus outside of time. He would not be limited by time or space (dimensions again both of which he created) and thus once again, not requiring a cause for his very own existence. . Because all of us personally live in the dimension of time, it can be impossible for us to fully understand anything that does not have a beginning or an end. He, simply put, always existed.
No human beings were there in the beginning of the universe to witness what exactly happened. Brilliant minds today can only guess and try to formulate theories. The bible says pointedly: "In the Beginning God Created the heavens and the earth". There is sound and reasonable reasons to believe, as many (including some of the most intellectual minds ever born) in Creation. That all life as we know it today was deigned by the only one who is not subject to time, the only one that never had a beginning. The only one that is not confined by space and bound by physical laws. Laws in which he created and therefore would not be subject to. None of which here is a stretch to either grasp, believe or understand. It makes sense to me. It is believable, logical and reasonable.
Some like to suggest, "well you cannot prove this, so you really cannot say with any certainty that you believe this". And for those that do feel this way, I disagree. I should add, I "respectfully" disagree. I have no problems with others that feel differently than I. But I can believe and do believe in the existence of God, through more than just faith itself. Though faith is an integral part of this equation too. In fact it is needed to a degree. But there is also EVIDENCE, logical PROOF that an Intelligent Designer is responsible for all features of life today. Complex, intelligent, purposeful systems that reflect the intellect of that designer himself. There are numerous court cases that have gone to trial where all of the evidence is circumstantial. Perhaps no body has been found. Still, today's technology now allows trace evidences and other signs to give very convincing testimony that a crime was committed. Juries have been thoroughly and unitedly and fully convinced to convict criminals based on such outside, circumstantial evidence exclusively. Likewise then, there are numerous "evidences" that all life arrived due to the hand of a Master Designer. The complexity and uniformity, the order and structure, the harmony of system after system, feature after feature, from the smallest molecules to the incredible living breathing life forces surrounding us all, to the incredibly complex earth where so many systems are just perfectly balanced all working together to allow life to exist are evidences to me that somebody surely must be responsible. The far more complex, far more powerful and awe inspiring universe with star after star, planet after planet solar system after solar system all beautifully organized, with inconceivable, unimaginable amounts of power and energy, give further testimony, in my mind, that these things did not just "happen" through some unguided series of accidents. Just some fortuitous combination of circumstances. A blind fluke of good fortune?
As Einstein astutely stated, "God does not play dice with the universe". So though we cannot see God, we can see EVIDENCE that he does indeed exist. Just as we cannot see our own brains or gravity, or oxygen etc... the evidence that these things are nonetheless real is overwhelming. For myself then, evidence that God exists is even more powerful. The evidence supports this belief for me.
After an examination of much evidence, I am 100 percent certain that these things surrounding us are the result of a Superior Designer. In my mind and in my sincere opinion God DOES exist. And He is responsible for my being here right now. I owe him the gratitude he so deserves. I thank him for letting me live and exist. Sure I am also here because my mother and father married, had intimate relations and I was born. But that process in itself is so complex, such an outstanding system of design that, for me, the credit rightfully goes to the Creator himself. This is why HE deserves the credit; my parents had me because a masterful designer created this process called REPRODUCTION. In fact there was very little on their part, to be truthful. He is worthy of worship in my mind. My questions as to how life arose are answered.
Now ATHEISTS, I have addressed your questions. It is time for you to answer mine.
Please tell those following this thread just how these very complicated systems in the universe and the earth, along with all life forms upon the earth ORIGINATED. Just how did they START? If Science cannot create life, from non-living matter, in a controlled, scientific environment, nor give life BACK to a dead person or animal (though having all the parts needed right in front of them), then how could all these very things come to exist without ANY intellectual force behind them at all? Just FELL into place?
It has never been done ANYWHERE. Yet you want to just chalk up all these complex, massive, amazing features surrounding us today, up to just blind series of chances?
Sure, there is a red corvette just sitting in North Dakota somewhere too...
Sorry. But I am Not buying what you are selling ATHEISTS.
Sorry to have to post this twice folks. But you can thank satanslilhelper, cause he ASKED FOR IT TWICE.
: )