Snake snakes snakes!!
They're really scary just writin this post i am clutching my pillow omg how bad is that! i really really dont like them i shudder at the thought of one and when i hear the names or someone makes the sound...they are icky even pics i see i scream and when i see one move oooo!
I was in the cinema last week and the trailer for snakes on the plane came on i hid in my coat and still screamy coz i could hear em ewww it was aweful.
In my last year of high school we went to a theme park with a Zoo in and my bf at the time thought it would help me if i went into the reptile house to face my fear! Oh my was i scared i like ran to the door screamin and he like dragged me by the hand. I was like oooo theyre gonna get me and hes like they're sleeping and i replied no its not its pretendin hopin to fool me :)
Even my mum got me the other day when she took me into a bet shop
And and and to get me to get the internet at my home instead of usin my sisters she lied and said she was looking after someones snake for a while and then when i ordered the internet told me it was a lie T_T
Have no problem with spiders at all im the spider catcher of the house ^__^