What? No Chego?
Posts by Dagney
Purgatory and JWN
by wha happened? inwell hello everyone.. after some thought, i realized that i've created a middle world for myself, that is neither jw, nor included in the other 99% of the population.
in fact, living here in jwn is like a cong sometimes.
the rumours, the gossip, the clicks, it's all here, if that's what u want.. what's happened to me is that i'm almost in a jw state of mind with the small group mentality.
For Immediate Release JW-MEDIA.org post response to child sex abuse verdict
by BlindersOff1 inhttp://www.jw-media.org/usa/20120620.htm .
just plain old corporate denial.
let the games begin.. .
Their own words in the depositions tell a different tale.
Yes, let the games begin.
Conti Dep Pages
by dontplaceliterature inhttp://imgur.com/a/mlgkh#0.
can someone make it live?
i am posting from an ipad and it doesn't seem to be working.
Need your opinion/wisdom/insight
by sspo inwould you marry or live with someone who is vegetarian.
how hard would it be?.
i have been going out with a 53 year old lady, very nice, good looking,sweet but she can be a fanatic when it comes to what.
She sounds like she is vegan. There are many couples that make it work because they want to be together. I would say if it bothers you to the extent it affects your time together negatively, then it may not get better. And if she criticizes for not being the same...that's no good. But if everything else in the relationship is worth the effort, take some time to see where it goes. Sharing "likes" is definitely a plus, and easier; but the qualities of the person are what matters.
Candace Conti video on YouTube - let's send it viral!
by cedars ini've uploaded a video that discusses the dramatic jury verdict regarding the abuse suffered by candace conti, of which you are all aware.
if you're not yet familiar with the story for any reason, please check out my blog article on the link below.... http://jwsurvey.org/general-information/the-watchtower-punished-society-loses-legal-battle-over-child-abuse-case.
john hoyle suggested i get a youtube video out fairly quickly so that we can spread the message more effectively online.
Beautifully done. Just viewed this from FB. Tears.
I think most JW's are not as tuned in to exactly what the procedures are in these cases as we exJW's are, and the impact will be there. But elders/servants, and attorneys will know where there may be an error and do whatever they can to discredit the information. Do so want this to be water tight.
Thank you for your efforts in creating this. Well done.
My JW mum is in hospital
by nugget inmy poor mum fell over on sunday and broke her hip.
she was taken to hospital and yesterday had an operation to place a pin in the joint.
this was obviously a worrying time for all concerned and my dad let us all know what was going on.
Not a good time for drama, goodness! Nugget, wishing you and your family peace, comfort and healing.
Question for Barbara Anderson
by Dagney inas i've mentioned before, your contribution in the dateline program was it for me and the wbts.
i listened to almost the whole program last night and your insights are much appreciated.. my question is do we know how many settlements the wbts has made in the area of child abuse?
tia .
Question for Barbara Anderson
by Dagney inas i've mentioned before, your contribution in the dateline program was it for me and the wbts.
i listened to almost the whole program last night and your insights are much appreciated.. my question is do we know how many settlements the wbts has made in the area of child abuse?
tia .
@Shanagirl: I'm at work and cannot do so much searching. I believe at one time there were youtubes, but I can't check until I get home. It's a great program. That was it for me. What I remember from the time is that my JW friends watched it as well, and it didn't have the same affect on them as it did me. We seemed on the same page as far as the organization was concerned, but when it came/comes down to others criticizing the WBTS, it seems to turn them off. I guess my head was further out than I thought.
I'll check when I can. You might search this site and see if something pops.
by Mary ini haven't been on here much lately, but i read barb anderson's report on the court case in california the other day.
nice to see the borg finally getting what they deserve.. anyway, the daily mail has done a story about it and at the end you can give your comments.
i think there are a number of 'faithful witlesses' on there who are giving the "thumbs down" to any negative comments about the borg, including mine.
...My Vacation...
by OUTLAW in.
my vacation is over... .
............................ ...outlaw.
Welcome back! You were missed.