Say nothing. Ask about THEM. Go someplace -sightsee during meeting times. Say short prayers and mention THEM in the prayers.
If it comes up...say you where a bit stumbled...have no issue with god, the bible or Jesus..just some men (GB) and you are "Waiting on Jehovah" to fix it (at an easy chair ).
If it comes up they will be pissed someone stumbled you...if pressed...."I don't want to gossip". End of conversation. Works for far.
Take the high road be pleasant..respect their beliefs. my 2 cents.
Excellent advice. This has worked for me also. Always turn convo to be about them, work/house/hobby/sports/anything about them. I said I had no issue with the people/congregation, but with "the corporation." (I get baffled looks but they never question me.) When they say something is good about the meeting/assembly/Watchtower, I say "THAT'S GREAT!!! (Again baffled looks but the convo about it ends.)
For the time, I have no respect for the WTBS, in fact I detest it. But I show JW's respect for their right to believe, because I was there. If a JW does not show me respect, then I am D-O-N-E with them. Period.
Act with kindness and wisdom, it will go along way.