I'm in the same tough spot, tootired.
Fortunately for me, my parents have been aware that I've had doubts about things since I was 8 or 9. The doubts really progressed in my high school years and I was able to talk about it openly with them in the privacy of our home. One of my parents even admitted on several occasions that they have a hard time believing some of the claims (ex: trumpet blasts being fulfilled by some of our ...conventions??? lol!).
As expected, the conversation always reverts back to 2 inevitable outcomes:
"Well... we just need to have faith and stick to the work at hand. I mean, we are the only group that engages in a global ministry with a global brotherhood. This has to be god's one true organization!" [The underlying thought in this sentiment is 'faith thru works.' Gotta have that 'faith.' If you don't, work harder and pray--those will give you faith eventually. catch 22!]
"Well, even if this isn't the 'truth,' where else would we go?" [The underlying thought in this cath 22 is that no other religion is "as correct" as JWs. It also yields to the idea that we've all got so much time, money, resources and social commitments invested in this choice so to decide another option would be to abandon decades of hard work. Having grown up inside the organization, many JWs like myself and my family have such a strong distaste for other religions in "Babylon the Great" because Watchtower has called them out on their false teachings and hypocrisy quite handily. There really is no other church to run to for many JWs; which is why I believe so many exJWs become atheist or agnostic.]
Everytime I've had these conversations with my family, they go well only because I approach them in the context of genuous concern and searching. I usually begin by explaining how freaked out I am about something and wait for them to offer a listening and sympathetic ear. "Oh honey, you know you can tell us anything and we'd never judge or stop loving you." When I hear that, I consider that my green light and proceed. I never attack the WBTS or GB. I never question motives of the leadership or criticize the elders. I tell them I suffer anxiety and panic at times when I encounter a belief that just doesn't seem logical (such as the wacky suggestions in the Revelation--A Grand Climax at Hand book or how much of the bible cannot be verified at all by history, science or archeology--in fact, it's usually proven wrong by those fields of study!).
MY advice: start slow and try to get sympathy (or, even better, get empathy) before bringing anything up. If you go after 1975, Russell's pyramidology, Rutherford's wacky doctrines, failed prophecies of 1884, 1910 and 1925, the UN NGO fiasco, pedophilia policy, 607 vs. 587 or blood doctrine, that may flag you as having read "apostate propaganda."
I recommend bringing up the recent changes to "generation" and this ridiculous "overlap" idea. Or the "noo lite" from the annual meeting. I mean, think about it; they've given us a ton of fodder just in the last 2 years. These recent changes have upset and disturbed a lot of people inside--even old timers! Or target something broad enough like the creation account, flood account or looking at the bible through the lens of historical scholarship rather than a theological lens. Those subjects won't come off as specifically "anti-JW" because they call into question the entire spectrum of religions. Also, before initiating this discussion, ask yourself what your motive is. What's the goal? Do you simply want to explain yourself and your situation in order to preserve family ties? Or, is your goal to persuade them into changing their course as well? If you intend to "open their eyes" as well, I must advise you to proceed very carefully. The chances of that happening are very slim. And it's been my experience that people need to examine and find things out for themselves. If you present them with tons of bullet points on "why this is all wrong and the information I've discovered is all right," that will not end well. If they even listen, they likely won't absorb it. Don't try to force feed new or contradicting information to them! Rather, ask specific questions that force them to do further investigation on their own. Let them see things for what they are.
I hope my 2 cents helps. Good luck and keep us posted.