People know what can cheer you a wee bit Grace, heck those pics of Tom cheer me too.
Rest and feel better soon. That's a nasty injury. Sending all good things your way. You are dearly loved. Xoxox.
i went to shut my door ( it has ice in the ledge) i shoved it with my side ugh!!!.
if i laugh or cough i near die with pain.i went to the hospital for xrays.
it is a torn muscle.
People know what can cheer you a wee bit Grace, heck those pics of Tom cheer me too.
Rest and feel better soon. That's a nasty injury. Sending all good things your way. You are dearly loved. Xoxox.
it's looking like the end if near for mr. dorner..... <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>.
Plenty of people see plenty of injustice and they don't go around writing manifestos and killing innocents.
He saw a cop being dirty. Poor him. He was picked on in school...poor him. It happens every day. Some people choose to try to make things better. Some people decide to make others pay for whatever went wrong in their life. Life is not fair to most.
There is NO excuse for his actions, ever, no matter what he's been through. The truth about it all lies somewhere in his statements and the official statements. I think he wanted to be something he couldn't have. Poor him. They were right all along not to keep him.
richard e. kelly has just contributed another moving life story to jwsurvey.. here is the link....
i'm sure many of you will be familiar with danmera's brilliant and thought-provoking youtube videos.. for those who don't already know her story, this article should fill you in on the struggle she went through as a young woman thanks to her jw upbringing.. the fact that she has emerged through all of that, and blossomed into such a valuable member of our community, is truly inspiring.. .
Great story!
a friend from the board (he forgot his login) is in dc for business for a few more days.
he's a former elder, and has his immediate family all out.
he asked me to post here if anybody in the area would like to meet up.
Thank you. I'll pm his email.
a friend from the board (he forgot his login) is in dc for business for a few more days.
he's a former elder, and has his immediate family all out.
he asked me to post here if anybody in the area would like to meet up.
A friend from the board (he forgot his login) is in DC for business for a few more days. He's a former elder, and has his immediate family all out. He asked me to post here if anybody in the area would like to meet up.
according to the docket, wts was notified that their opening brief has not been timely filed.
their appeal will be dismissed if there is no further activity by february 22, 2013.
Wow. Interesting. Thank you DNCall.
i don't closely follow this show, but this week's episode (bad blood, season 9 episode 13) was captivating for me as an ex-jw.
one of the story lines centered on a 19-year-old boy whose family is jw (but he is obviously a fringe jw) - brought into the emergency room after a serious skateboarding accident by his friend who was totally unaware he was jw.. the episode summary along with a "watch this episode" link is linked below.. i found most of the jw storyline quite realistic (except for a "we believe prayers can yield miracles" quote from one of the jw's - i think it was the mother).
after the parents refused a blood transfusion for the boy, the resulting chaos and philosophical arguments were riveting to watch..
Ah! Thanks G.
regarding worldly people, shows or toys?
etc...what quotes annoyed you the most?.
for me it was "well, you have to remember, they're worldly"... "don't trust anyone who isn't in the truth" "they may be nice but they are not friends of jehovah"... just a few to name.
When my nine year old self refused to eat cooked carrots:
Mom: "What if you are in prison during the great tribulation and all you had to eat was cooked carrots, THEN what will you do?!"
Me: "I'll eat them then."
What strikes me NOW is how normal it was back then it was to talk to kids about going to prison and total destruction of 99.999% of the earth's inhabitants. We didn't even blink an eye back then.
Another great mom line was: "Just think...ALLLL these people are going to be destroyed." (When looking at a large crowd.) She was a nice lady and she it didn't phase her a bit.
Strange strange religion.
used to be werewolves and vampires.
thinkin' "twilight" did that in - just saw a commercial for a cartoon where the star is a teenage vampire.
even the zombies are becoming friendly (seen a trailer about a zombie who falls in love and so reverts to "living" again).
American Horror Story. Except it's so over the top now it's comical.
i don't closely follow this show, but this week's episode (bad blood, season 9 episode 13) was captivating for me as an ex-jw.
one of the story lines centered on a 19-year-old boy whose family is jw (but he is obviously a fringe jw) - brought into the emergency room after a serious skateboarding accident by his friend who was totally unaware he was jw.. the episode summary along with a "watch this episode" link is linked below.. i found most of the jw storyline quite realistic (except for a "we believe prayers can yield miracles" quote from one of the jw's - i think it was the mother).
after the parents refused a blood transfusion for the boy, the resulting chaos and philosophical arguments were riveting to watch..
I wanted to record it but I had other things recording at the time. I wonder if there is a way to watch don't have huluplus.