Yeah, no kidding. But they thought they were doing what was right. Maybe a contributing factor is they were both regular pioneers.
Posts by Dagney
I just noticed a major omission in the list of DF'ing offenses
by JeffT ini noticed this on slimboy's list of things that can get you df'd, and i checked it against the "flock" book.. .
there is no mention of blood transfusions!
i know they are downplaying this, but have they stopped df'ing people for it altogether?
I just noticed a major omission in the list of DF'ing offenses
by JeffT ini noticed this on slimboy's list of things that can get you df'd, and i checked it against the "flock" book.. .
there is no mention of blood transfusions!
i know they are downplaying this, but have they stopped df'ing people for it altogether?
Yes sbf. Two cases. Both involving members confessing a guilty conscience of falling in love, one a nonJW, the other a married sister. NO immorality had occurred. They were counseled to not see the person/be alone. When they did and confessed, again no immorality, they were DF'd for "going against counsel." Two different congregations, same circuit.
I just noticed a major omission in the list of DF'ing offenses
by JeffT ini noticed this on slimboy's list of things that can get you df'd, and i checked it against the "flock" book.. .
there is no mention of blood transfusions!
i know they are downplaying this, but have they stopped df'ing people for it altogether?
Did somebody mention "Going against counsel?"
Problems with the "Bogus AWAA Fan Page"..
by OUTLAW ingood afternoon jwn... .
i`ve spent the morning and part of my afternoon... getting to the bottom of... why names were added to the awaa fan page... it`s a dangerous thing to happen in our world... faders can be outed,we can lose,family,friends... the results can be an absolute disaster... .
aawa "did not" create the facebook awaa fan page.
I was on the real page and I did not join. Anybody who knows me in RL knows I am a no bulls**t no drama person.
The story doesn't add up. I know the names. I read the comment about adding the 1000 FB people rather than sending PM's to "invite" them because it was too much work. But it's boring and tiring. Too bad.
Good luck with all that.
Problems with the "Bogus AWAA Fan Page"..
by OUTLAW ingood afternoon jwn... .
i`ve spent the morning and part of my afternoon... getting to the bottom of... why names were added to the awaa fan page... it`s a dangerous thing to happen in our world... faders can be outed,we can lose,family,friends... the results can be an absolute disaster... .
aawa "did not" create the facebook awaa fan page.
The page I saw was not a bogus page. Very mysterious, lol. Need the name Outlaw. You may PM me.
Problems with the "Bogus AWAA Fan Page"..
by OUTLAW ingood afternoon jwn... .
i`ve spent the morning and part of my afternoon... getting to the bottom of... why names were added to the awaa fan page... it`s a dangerous thing to happen in our world... faders can be outed,we can lose,family,friends... the results can be an absolute disaster... .
aawa "did not" create the facebook awaa fan page.
How can we find out who the person is? I would like to FB unfriend them. They violated and disrespected our relationship.
Sad. In FB I have hundreds of exJW friends, initially it started from just a few people from here, meaning JWN. But it's grown to friends of friends. I've never had a problem until now. And I have to say, I have not accepted invites from Christian exJW's who have more extreme fundamentalist things on their feeds. We would not be a good match.
AAWA is here!! (The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists)
by cedars in
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
wha, you are in the friends also. lol. who's on first?
AAWA is here!! (The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists)
by cedars in
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
Try this?
LOL. Mrs. J I am going to message you on FB.
AAWA is here!! (The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists)
by cedars in
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
FB is my place to keep in touch with my friends and family. And it works just fine for me.
Mrs. Jones, the name is in the title of this thread. (May it rest in peace.)