RIP Jonathan
Posts by Dagney
Comedian Jonathan Winters Died Yesterday at 87
by BizzyBee inalways loved his comedy - very inventive.
in his later years, he was a fixture around town.
he'd hang out (sometimes in front of the market, or at an executive services office in the village) and do comedy routines and banter with anyone who came by.. .
Problems with the "Bogus AWAA Fan Page"..
by OUTLAW ingood afternoon jwn... .
i`ve spent the morning and part of my afternoon... getting to the bottom of... why names were added to the awaa fan page... it`s a dangerous thing to happen in our world... faders can be outed,we can lose,family,friends... the results can be an absolute disaster... .
aawa "did not" create the facebook awaa fan page.
Oh thank you Mr. Flipper, but I'm fine. I was off by 4/8. I'm not sure who saw what in my feed, but I haven't heard a thing. Although I wondered if my old BS had seen "Anti-Watchtower Activist" in my feed or however it works and was mad at me because I didn't hear from her until today. But she was moving. rebel8 is the one that was outed, and I hope that can be repaired.
My former bible student has her pinky toe still in the org, but she doesn't like to rag on the WTBS. She still has friends inside. But I want them to be drawn to the groups I'm in and not get weirded out by a title they may find offensive. There are friends who have wives and children who are still in. It may not work that way, but that's what I think. And even though it's been implied by several during this debaucle, that nobody is doing anything about helping people out of the WT but AAWA, that is not true. Why even make such a statement?
Nice talking with you on Sunday.
Problems with the "Bogus AWAA Fan Page"..
by OUTLAW ingood afternoon jwn... .
i`ve spent the morning and part of my afternoon... getting to the bottom of... why names were added to the awaa fan page... it`s a dangerous thing to happen in our world... faders can be outed,we can lose,family,friends... the results can be an absolute disaster... .
aawa "did not" create the facebook awaa fan page.
Dagney, It sounds like you're talking about the FB "Fan Page". They are the only pages that have the "like" feature...button, and yes, if it's been "liked" you will see the news feed on your profile and everyone else will see you "liked" that page on the news feed.
But what's interesting is that you didn't press the "like" button, but it happened anyway, then you "un liked" is that correct?
That is correct.
Problems with the "Bogus AWAA Fan Page"..
by OUTLAW ingood afternoon jwn... .
i`ve spent the morning and part of my afternoon... getting to the bottom of... why names were added to the awaa fan page... it`s a dangerous thing to happen in our world... faders can be outed,we can lose,family,friends... the results can be an absolute disaster... .
aawa "did not" create the facebook awaa fan page.
She is also the one who was defensive when Dagney and others confronted her about being added with consent. She is the one who said "What, are we supposed to PM 1,000 people and invite them? That's too much work!"
fizzy, I did not post on their site. What happened was there was a newsfeed where Bo posted. I thought, "oh, that must be the new group." I followed the link and of course was on the timeline. That is where I saw the conversation. I did NOT realize I was a member. I just followed a link, like I do every day for recipes/design/whatever.
It sort of bothered me what was said. It wasn't until the next day I noticed at the top of the timeline I saw "Liked," and then "Unfriend" did I realize I was in the same boat as rebel8.
Edited to add: Then I immediately removed myself.
Problems with the "Bogus AWAA Fan Page"..
by OUTLAW ingood afternoon jwn... .
i`ve spent the morning and part of my afternoon... getting to the bottom of... why names were added to the awaa fan page... it`s a dangerous thing to happen in our world... faders can be outed,we can lose,family,friends... the results can be an absolute disaster... .
aawa "did not" create the facebook awaa fan page.
REad it and weep Mrs. it and weep.
Remember when I told you to not be added was a GOOD thing? This is why.
Beer, cake...I need
Problems with the "Bogus AWAA Fan Page"..
by OUTLAW ingood afternoon jwn... .
i`ve spent the morning and part of my afternoon... getting to the bottom of... why names were added to the awaa fan page... it`s a dangerous thing to happen in our world... faders can be outed,we can lose,family,friends... the results can be an absolute disaster... .
aawa "did not" create the facebook awaa fan page.
I just got a message from another exJW who read this thread. She gave me another name. She saw the group add in time and was able to block it on FB.
Again, it appears it was not a secret group at least in the beginning. If it was changed after the **** hit the fan, then just say so! Tell the truth so we can regain trust in our fellow exJW's involved with this.
Problems with the "Bogus AWAA Fan Page"..
by OUTLAW ingood afternoon jwn... .
i`ve spent the morning and part of my afternoon... getting to the bottom of... why names were added to the awaa fan page... it`s a dangerous thing to happen in our world... faders can be outed,we can lose,family,friends... the results can be an absolute disaster... .
aawa "did not" create the facebook awaa fan page.
Here is what rebel8 (sorry reb) said in the original AAWA announcement thread (sorry didn't grab the page#):
One request--it's not nice to add your Facebook friends to groups without their permission. I got added and outed.
If the groups was secret as cantleave/AAWA is saying, how did this happen.
See here's the thing...I think everyone wants to trust and believe what AAWA is saying. The problem is, the things that are said don't add up. I just want the truth.
THIS IS THE PROBLEM AAWA!! It's not right/good business to add people without their permission! You think it is okay, but we are telling you it is not!
(I need chocolate cake.)
Problems with the "Bogus AWAA Fan Page"..
by OUTLAW ingood afternoon jwn... .
i`ve spent the morning and part of my afternoon... getting to the bottom of... why names were added to the awaa fan page... it`s a dangerous thing to happen in our world... faders can be outed,we can lose,family,friends... the results can be an absolute disaster... .
aawa "did not" create the facebook awaa fan page.
Some of those who joined added their friends. If those friends are already friends with EX-JW's who are active on EX-JW sites are they not already putting themselves at risk?
cantleave, it is my understanding from Juan, that if you were in a FB group, someone else in that same group could add your without you knowing to the AAWA group. They didn't have to be a FB "friend."
Again, people were outed. That is a bad thing. I was added without my choosing, to me that is a bad thing and a good thing for AAWA.
Problems with the "Bogus AWAA Fan Page"..
by OUTLAW ingood afternoon jwn... .
i`ve spent the morning and part of my afternoon... getting to the bottom of... why names were added to the awaa fan page... it`s a dangerous thing to happen in our world... faders can be outed,we can lose,family,friends... the results can be an absolute disaster... .
aawa "did not" create the facebook awaa fan page.
"We only did it for a library card, honest! ~ Cedars
Ok, you have to admit that was funny.
Problems with the "Bogus AWAA Fan Page"..
by OUTLAW ingood afternoon jwn... .
i`ve spent the morning and part of my afternoon... getting to the bottom of... why names were added to the awaa fan page... it`s a dangerous thing to happen in our world... faders can be outed,we can lose,family,friends... the results can be an absolute disaster... .
aawa "did not" create the facebook awaa fan page.
@cantleave: I'm doing no such thing. It's been like pulling teeth to find out what the heck went on at AAWA. We've been told 1000-1300 were group added. Not "hey, I found a great vegan page and added you! "
Again, the group add of hundreds of people without their knowing is just fine with AAWA.