I've been thinking about all this.
First of all, I too think it's a good idea to have some sort of organization that represents the the values of the exJW around the world. JWN has accomplished much as far as providing a place for people to read and research, and maybe meet others, but I see need for something more.
On my FB feed today was a post by one of the members of AAWA. He, like 99% of the us, has a sad story resulting from the shunning policy that the WBTS enforces. I read about 30 comments of others, with snippets into their stories as well. I also read the anger and frustration at the responses here at JWN toward AAWA. I'm not sure they understand this thread, and the violation of the privacy issue from the last week. Most of them don't read here, and stated that they wanted to read about what they were hearing regarding the lack of support for AAWA. And, well, I get it now.
AAWA is giving them an avenue to do SOMETHING other than posting on a DB board. And it makes them excited and feel good. I get it. I saw it through their eyes and I had an "Aha" moment. It appears the board members are truly busy getting things started there. And remember, they are spread out all over the world.
What happened with the FB groups is appalling as far as I'm concerned, and my opinion has not changed. The people added should be notified in the very least, if they are not going to remove the page. That is a serious breach of trust. I think the original set up of the FB page was not done malicously; whoever did it didn't understand all that was involved. The resistence to make it right was surprising. Yes, it is probably fixed now as far as visibility, but by the comments made here they show they still don't get it. That is dissappointing, because I assume the majority of the members of the board voted to leave it as is. But that is their business, I run my business differently. If you are going to use social media, or any media for that matter, I hope they have good counsel and carry liability insurance.
I took a little time to look at the 4 FB exJW groups that I joined. I seriously never go to the pages; I check FB to see family and friends and recipes mostly. I could see on each of the groups different boxes, some could add others to the group, some you had to email, some you clicked a box and a admin or mod would add you, which I actually did today with a new group, not AAWA. I am guessing perhaps one of the reasons AAWA is leaving the 1300 group added members is so maybe they can see the activity they are doing and will participate. Again, just a guess. The comments of "our numbers are growing by leaps and bounds" when they were manually added, well, that doesn't add to the credibility of what they will say in the future.
The information regarding the corporation, ai yi yi. Boy, in this day and age I sure hope everything was done above board. I work for a "worldly" company and we don't take a ***t without consulting an attorney to make sure we comply with every law and regulation of the land. So, I wonder what will happen there.
Lastly, I think AAWA is going to grow and be just fine. I recognize there are many people who want to do something, have their voices heard against the WBTS. It is not simple to run a successful business. Mistakes are always made...you just try to make fewer smaller ones. They may not think so, but this FB debaucle was a valuable lesson.
Tylinbrando, congratulations and kudos for your efforts in getting that slimebag behind bars. Well done.
The end.