Ok, so for some reason I didn't throw the envelope away until yesterday. I noticed it was rather thick, and a handwritten letter was inside. So I was wrong about the invite alone being tossed in an envelope and mailed.
It was a generic, "nice", inoffensive letter. I think I will write back, just a brief note. If you had one item to share with a person...what point would you like to make?
Points I thought I would make:
- First time in 10 years I've been living there an attempt was made for a "witness" in the complex.
- Born and raised a JW, family of elders and pioneers, left in moment of clarity during a WT study. I'm not DF or DA'd. I've been hearing the same predictions of how close the end is. The WT has it wrong or god has it wrong...it's not "new light" or "adjustments." Wrong is wrong.
Not sure what item I want to leave in their thoughts. Pedo issue? The doctrine changes? The pew report about the low retention of children? Shunning?
My intent is to respond kindly with a brief comment of a few words that might make her think or might make her share the note with others. No I don't have any grandiose idea that it will change her, but it is an opportunity I have to say something to a captive audience.
Any thoughts? Ideas appreciated.