Interesting thread and responses.
I think the WTBS move to video is brilliant. As they see the need to dissolve more and more congos, they could have a standard weekly meeting direct from mother for everybody to watch on TV and not have to physically attend a night meeting. WTBS can report their made up numbers without anyway to verify, and appear to still be going strong. They are half way there already.
They are really trying to figure out a way to keep the adherents engaged to feel what they are doing is relevant, with the least amount of investment from GQ - all under the guise of "simplification" and "Jah providing what is needed at the proper time."
People seemed to be thrilled at the relaxed demands of FS, trolleys/carts, tablet witnessing, reduced hours, and it appears more and more social as the demands ease up. At least that is what I see when I check people out on FB, I could be wrong. As the demands relax, they are less critical of mother.