Big fan here.
I was melancholy for a year after he passed.
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in
i admit i have a soft spot for leonard cohen's music.
i had a customer come in who sings for funerals, he just told me his most requested is cohen's "hallelujah".
a good friend used to sing it at christmas in her church!
Big fan here.
I was melancholy for a year after he passed.
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in
i’ve been out for many many years.
i still like to know the latest jw news although i find myself not as excited by things..
I'm interested in what is happening to the corporation, lawsuits etc. and just somewhat in doctrine change.
Left 18 years ago, but it still affects me with family in, and exJW friends with family in. Been meeting new exJW's also which keeps the discussion current.
would you stop buying nike products because you didn’t like their politics?
conversely, would you give business to a company because you liked their political stand on a matter?
would you stop watching an entertainer because you disagree with their political perspectives?
Usually politics no. If there are some sort of actions that I don't like, then I most likely will choose to spend my money elsewhere. Like Jimmy Johns is a trophy hunter, which I abhor. So my personal decision is not to eat there. How he votes isn't the issue.
this week, while talking with some old friends, i realized that there were at least 14 kids from a congregation in which i grew up that all left the jws.
that is, 30 to 35 years ago, there were at least 14 kids going to the hall that were of the same “generation” (5 to 13 years old).
in the last 30 years, they have all left “the truth”.
I just reconnected with a dozen or so from my teenage hall a few years ago, and we are talking 1970-1975 era. Of the ones that we know of, 60-70% left, and left way before me. I think of the ones that are still in, I think a good percentage of their kids and grandkids have left.
I saw several elders at a memorial service a month ago, we were all teenagers together. I am telling you, they looked so weary, and tired. They looked beat up, not kidding. I know they know it's BS, and don't know what to do about it. - facebook live today at 11 am pst.
the zalkin law firm - in la today, big news conference about a childhood sexual abuse survivor filing a lawsuit against the jehovah's witnesses..
Dun dun dun!
in view of the statements below by the wtbts hierarchy, how on earth can u.s. supreme court judges possibly be conned into accepting jw lawyers' claim/defence of clergy-penitent privilege in the $35m lawsuit?.
if you don't have a clergy, how can you have clergy-penitent privilege?
has no one in the u.s.a. pointed out to the judiciary that they're being duped?.
I watched an interview with Zalkin on Cedar's channel this morning, and he said WT will lose this. He said you can't bring a new argument to the USSC that hasn't been argued in each of the courts before appealing to the Federal court. It is just not the way it works.
I think this is going to be fun to watch.
august 14th 2019 marks the date that new york state will allow civil litigation for child sex abuse claims against all institutions and individuals for a period of one year, regardless of how long the abuse has occurred.. i'm curious how this will play for wt.. any opinions?.
It's gonna be a bad week for WBTS.
beautifully written essay by amber scorah.
her words ring so very true.
Beautifully written essay by Amber Scorah. Her words ring so very true.
were you so indoctrinated that you just couldn’t leave?
was it due to family pressure?
was it your friendships that you didn’t want to lose?
I didn't think I was strong enough to live well without my family and friends, therefore I wasn't strong enough.
If I had left when some of my friends did I know now I would have been fine. If I had only trusted in myself more. Outside the religion others said I could do it. I did not believe them.
Just stupid.
august 14th 2019 marks the date that new york state will allow civil litigation for child sex abuse claims against all institutions and individuals for a period of one year, regardless of how long the abuse has occurred.. i'm curious how this will play for wt.. any opinions?.
Wow. And they'll save a ton of ice cream money on flights since it's right there in their home town state!