Yes! That is a very good analogy. I felt lost, like the world passed me by, and felt like I didn't fit in anywhere. the same time deliriously happy to be out and free.
i was listening this morning to the experience of sonia "sunny" jacobs, who was on death row for a long time, until her case was properly dealt with.. she explained that upon leaving prison after all those years it was amazing !
"the colours!
" she said, in prison all is grey or black , but outside in the free world, so many colours!.
Yes! That is a very good analogy. I felt lost, like the world passed me by, and felt like I didn't fit in anywhere. the same time deliriously happy to be out and free.
can we hear from any of you that went through it?.
do you have power yet?.
are you staying with friends?.
I have a warehouse in NJ with about 60 employees. It is just south of Newark, about 1 mile in from the ocean. The employees are just devasted. :-((( No power, cold, huge trees down, flooding. They, as well as everybody, have been in our thoughts every minute this week. Power came on today at the warehouse and many came to work even though their homes were without. No phones today but we had email. The warehouse manager said he was worried about his house; heard people from other neighborhoods were scoping out the houses in damaged neighborhoods.
robert king is alive and doing well..
What a tool. {{{{shivers}}}}
i was just making a comment on a christian's youtube and someone said this:.
i just realized?
ur an ex jw and dont believe in god no point in making a reply to u... .
But what you said seemed like a deciding factor for you was that your life wasn't any better off when you gave up God which affirmed your nonbelief.
No. The deciding factor for me was specifically the issues with the Bible writing, the OT god and stories being, just well stories, and not being able to reconcile suffering humanity with Jehovah answering only JW's prayers, counting the hairs on everybody's head and knowing when a bird falls. That suffering humanity always bothered me, even when I was a witness. It just so happens life has been significantly better without god.
I just don't have faith in god. It is all about truth. It has nothing to do with rewards.
Frankly, my argument with JW's over the years is if god loves the world soooooooooooooooooo much, then why are his instructions so vague and no two believers in 100% agreement in anything. It is clear to me there is no such god in that scenario.
i was just making a comment on a christian's youtube and someone said this:.
i just realized?
ur an ex jw and dont believe in god no point in making a reply to u... .
JWs are great at making athiests. First they prove all other religions wrong, then they prove themselves wrong
Wow. That is good.
Does this mean your faith in God is contingent on how many blessings he brings into your life?
To the contrary. I always felt blessed, have no complaints. But I could not reconcile why other lives were not "as" blessed. Wasn't their life as valuable as mine? I think so. If there was a god, he wasn't doing a very good job of being a good god, from the beginning down to today. Those poor Canaanites.
i was just making a comment on a christian's youtube and someone said this:.
i just realized?
ur an ex jw and dont believe in god no point in making a reply to u... .
If you would have told me I'd end up with a belief in god, I would have told you were out of your mind. I prayed to "jah"fervently for several years after I left JW, and remained actively "christian", readin' my Bible every day, listening to xtian radio/TV. I was raised a traditional JW "in," scared of lying science, the name it.
While reading the Bible, I felt all warm and fuzzy with the New Testament. Then I started reading the OT, and preceded to pretty much dislike god. The Genesis account, the Flood, Job/universal sovereignty and other accounts just made no sense whatsoever. I cannot see a loving god there anywhere. I read a book about bible writers and started investigating science, and I was done with god. It was weird, but I was done.
I find it interesting also how many exJW's have gone from "Jehovah is everything" to no god. From feeling Jah was helping in every aspect of our lives and completely ignoring 7 billion other lives. But truthfully, with most of the exJW's I know, and I know quite a few, that is by far the majority.
Sometimes I think it is JWs just have too much church in their lives and are burnt out. For me, it wasn't that. It was god didn't turn out to be the guy everybody said he was. And my life is no worse without him.
i have posted on here a little, and i thought i should probably introduce myself the best i can right now.
i stumbled upon this site and told my sister about it.
then, sometime later she started discussing things with me that's she has seen or read (she's in therapy, as well, which probably has made her kind of rethink things).
LitC: Welcome! We sure do understand what you are going through. There are numerous accounts here of how people coped and were successful...all different and still very much the same.
It's a strange and unfamiliar life when you are going through the transition of leaving. It can take years. But it is so very worth it to do the work to survive being raised in a cult and escaping. All will be well if you keep moving forward.
We all want to save our loved ones. Some on here have been successful. Most have not. If people do not question anything, it is almost hopeless. Be sure to focus on yourself first. As you grow strong and are happy, it is the very best example to your loved ones. The very very best. It makes them question even though they may not do it verbally.
Wish you the best and look forward to your posts.
it was reported to me in an e-mail that richard rawe of soap lake, washington has died.. many of you might remember him and god rest his soul.. outaservice.
Fight well fought Richard...RIP.
why, he even has gone to some meetings at their kingdom hall!
someone calls with a large wedding tent that they would like to donate and set up in the kingdom hall parking lot for the public memorial on friday.
i was amazed how people who came that didnt even know whitney, but simply felt a need to be here and comfort the family.
This is viral. Even I'm receiving it in my email. Probably with a secret wish "see Dag how bad everything is out there!!! See how great we are!!! Don't you want to be us??"
I feel so bad for the family and the senseless loss. Just terrible. But I then I get angry. Something good ALWAYS comes from Jehovah...EVERYTHING bad comes from Satan. I can see by the email responses the JW's are getting all riled up about the "witness" they gave in this tragedy.
Heavy, heavy sigh....
i love this show.
been hooked since the first episode.
for anyone who follows, i captured a bit of tonight's episode.
Me me me!!! Love it.
Except I keep forgetting to not eat while watching. Seeing Deb in the bloody tub almost did me in.