They help people win football games and Oscars.
Posts by Dagney
What do the Angels do?
by LovingLifeNow inso what exactly have they been doing now , with the exception of intervening thousands of years ago, what exactly do they do in heaven?
Apostasy Movie - Available on Amazon Prime Video (plus Review)
by Simon inin case anyone is looking for a way to watch it, it's on amazon prime video.. (apologies if it's already been mentioned).
Thanks for posting this Simon - I didn't know it was available on Amazon.
I finally watched it last night. Sigh. You feel for everybody. The mother is trying to do the right thing "she thinks" as a single parent, and keeping them isolated. The kids, well, both scarred from the JW smothering upbringing.
Just recently, locally here there was a tragedy with a young JW. Just awful. I was invited by the mother to attend the HUGE memorial, Bethel speaker flew out...yeah. I keep wondering if they have any thoughts "outside the JW box." Where was jah, there any cognitive dissonance...hello...anybody there....
Anyway, well done movie.
PS. The movie with Emma Thompson called "The Children's Act" regarding the blood issue is also free on Amazon.
Should Voters Be Made To Prove They Are Eligible To Vote?
by minimus ini believe that just because someone shows up at the voting booth, it doesn’t automatically qualify them to be legitimate voters.
i think it’s not unreasonable to provide proof that you are qualified..
For those who are athest, or non-christian, how did you come to this decision?
by Tameria2001 ini'm not asking this question to cause an argument or accuse, but i am honestly just wondering?
for those of you who are now atheist or non-christian, how did you come to this decision?
i hadn't given this much thought until about a year ago.
I was a faithful believer like most here, EXCEPT, there were all those niggles over the years of things that just didn't make sense.
Extreme cruelty of the Old Testament. It sucked to be a Canaanite. They didn't deserve to live in their own land; it should be Jehovah's! Some people die for touching the ark, others murder and commit adultery and receive far less sentences. Billions of people have died because Adam couldn't stand up to his wife? "Life is precious to Jehovah," he knows how many hairs are on everybody's head. Really?
I was a firm believer when I left, started doing some light research, which explained so many thing I wondered about, namely the inconsistencies in the Bible. The inspired word began to look less so to me. If it wasn't "God's Word" but man's, what's the deal with god? I grew distant from god, and it made no difference in my life one single bit.
My life has been fine, no horrible tragedies like so many suffer. Is god looking out for me and not others? I never thought so. Maybe it would be nice to have a sky daddy watching over you and helping you make that touchdown or get that job...but it doesn't answer for horrible atrocities man brings on himself. If there is a god, he is doing a terrible job.
Live well, be your brother's keeper, take care of things...that is as divine as we need.
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Why Do JW Speakers and GB Members Sound So Robotic?
by minimus ineveryone sounds like they came out of stepford wives.
is this supposed to be the way witnesses are to speak?
It's funny you say that.
I have been in contact for the past few years with former JW's I knew in my teens years. Most left late 70's and early 80's except for me of course. So I sent them the information of the Leah Remini special. One of the ladies who was in Bethel during the Ray Franz deal, and left soon after wrote me this morning. She said "I'm watching the show now. Are those the GB??? They are scary!!" LOL.
These guys are creepy.
They can't go off script as much as in the old days, everything is forever on the internet now!
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Remarkable similarities between JW JC & LDS elder meeting
by Dagney inact 1 of the podcast below are experiences between young lds women and their disciplinary meetings with lds elders and the aftermath.. it reminded me of conversations we just had in tahoe last summer from several who had to go before a panel of jw elders, alone, 13-14 years old, scared out of their wits in having to confess a wrong doing.
parents are unsupportive of their children, instead force these young girls into these confessional meetings.
the scars are deep and pervasive.. so the same with the ladies in this podcast.
Act 1 of the podcast below are experiences between young LDS women and their disciplinary meetings with LDS elders and the aftermath.
It reminded me of conversations we just had in Tahoe last summer from several who had to go before a panel of JW elders, alone, 13-14 years old, scared out of their wits in having to confess a wrong doing. Parents are unsupportive of their children, instead force these young girls into these confessional meetings. The scars are deep and pervasive.
So the same with the ladies in this podcast. Also the reluctance of an LDS elder to admit to the interviewer it how wrong these meetings are handled, and even to admit how harmful it can be to a young person, for life! It is just like the testimony at the ARC, and the JW lawyers in these recent court cases.
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Worst Fire in California history
by 3rdgen inin terms of destruction.
52,000 people are evacuated.
started thurs.
"Awake" 1973 says Witnesses should not play CHESS it's EVIL!!!
by Witness 007 inawake 73 march 22 p.12 "the spirit of competition between players can lead to unplesant some homes tensions linger long past checkmate...chess has been a game of war since it originated...the games conection to war is obvious....a play substitue for the art of war...there is a danger of stirring uo competition with one another even developing hostility with one another something the bible warns against....what effect does playing chess have on one?
is it a wholesome effect?
....there are questions regarding it that each one who plays chess should consider.".
Married for 30 years
by nugget intoday we celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary and my sons 16th birthday.
i feel privileged to be able to show my appreciation and love for both the men in my life without feeling guilt.
we left in 2009 as a family and have not regretted the choice.
John Ceder used my satire about annual meeting for real
by Gorbatchov insorry guys,.
the gorby satire fake report of the annual meeting with the coincidence about russia, is used for real in john cedars yt channel.. please concider it for well prepared satire.. and not much more.. g..