By the time these boys suffered the alleged abuse, it appears MJ was already a skilled pedophile groomer. Sooooo, my question is, where are the other victims? Could he also have been groomed? And how could there be this massive of a coverup by, well...everybody? I guess it can happen. And I'm not saying it didn't happen. There are just some gaping holes in the story that don't make sense to me.
I didn't care for how the director presented the program. The music, the editing, dunno...bothered me...can't quite describe what it is. AGain, not making light of the subject matter one bit...that is pure evil...horrible.
I agree, wacko jacko MJ is perhaps the biggest weirdo ever, and took liberties, and did things that were wrong, absolutely wrong wrong wrong. At this point, it still is the accuser's word against a dead man. And there is the money that Wade said he went for to make the Jackson family face up to who MJ really was. Okay...
I love his talent and music...don't feel like listening to it right now. .02.