MASH, Ordinary People...
Posts by Dagney
Donald Sutherland RIP. THE Donald
by Slidin Fast incertainly amongst the best actors ever.
probably the best.
kelly's heroes and don't look now a couple of my favourites.
Retirement Planning for ex-JW's
by Simon inthis is something i think about a lot, possibly because i'm just getting older.
it seems that not only should i finally one day decide what i want to do with my life, but i should also be planning for retirement.. hands up everyone who feels their future has been royally screwed by the wts experience?.
if you were a good jw and followed the wts advice you could well be finding yourself facing middle or even old age without much or anything put aside in retirement savings.
Hi Simon - I really enjoyed your post. I agree, you CAN start late...only I did about 13 years ago. Nothing exciting or creative, other than maxed out my 401K every year, and did invest with a crazy BK Wamu stock that is recovering years later in a nice additional nest egg. If I had only (famous last words) just consistently contributed to my 401K when we started it, I would have at least double what I have today. But I didn't see it, I didn't have the vision and nobody to blame but me.
I am still working full time, very close to pulling the plug in the next few months. I can't wait, but also nervous about not having a paycheck...I've never not worked. I am looking to find a retirement tax advisor and FP, to give me some expert advice. I follow a few groups, to gather intel and avoid costly mistakes. I would like to use some funds for some stock purchases, but I'm a buy and hold type gal, at least for the moment, just too busy with work to have something with timing issues. I do track my balances daily, which is easy as I do this for work so I do the same for my own at the same time.
One thing I always remember someone told me years ago, "it's not what you earn it's what you spend." Watching those subscription fees that sneak into your credit card, the coffees and eating out really adds up, especially now. I love eating out, but pretty much keep it to special times with friends and family. As you get a little older shop for special deals with internet/phone/TV/insurance even some tax breaks.
Oh I just thought of something. On the retirement planning FB page, someone wrote "run from a retirement advisor who tells you when you ask what their fees are 'if you don't make money I don't make money.'"
And son of a gun if one local guy tell me just that!
2x2 Secret Christian Religion & Child Sexual Abuse So Similar To J.W.'s
by IWant2Leave inis investigating this group because the allegations are so pervasive!
jehovah's witnesses are being investigated in states such as illinois & pennsylvania.
i think that a federal investigation will come about soon.. there is so much negative news about the witnesses now that can't be hidden.
It has to do with transparency laws during a campaign once a candidate enters officially into an election.
Former Lancaster, PA Elder convicted of child sexual abuse of multiple victims .......
by WingCommander inanother creepy pervert elder convicted of multiple counts of child sexual abuse in pennsylvania.
this guy moved from puerto rico to lancaster, pa in the 1990's, worked his way up thru to being an elder, and then used his position to babysit families with children and abuse them.
he then denied everything, but when some victims went to the police, he fled back to pr, where us marshall's eventually caught up to him and arrested him.
At this point, they went into autopilot, claiming they study the bible, blah-blah-blah. I asked, "Oh really? Are you giving out bibles today?" No response (deer in headlights). "No, you're not. You're handing out literature created by MEN. (they both actually had paper literature, shocking!) You obey and worship MEN."
Love this^^^ Great response WC.
Who Was The Biggest Jackass Circuit Overseer You Ever Met?
by Sea Breeze inthere was on older white-haired circuit overseer in houston around 1989 or 1990. last name started with a w i think.... not sure though.
even the most brain-dead robotic elders told me he was offensive.
In the U.S.A. a C.O. by the name of Lou Razor. Believe me...this guy lived-up to his name
Ain't that the truth. {{{shiver}}}
Really a jerk.
Waking Them Up When They Feel Safe
by KerryKing ingood morning all, i would love some genuine advice please.. i have an old friend who is still in the org, but has never been the very staunch type.
however, she is going through a very rough patch in life, (past deeds from youth caught up and now is in prison) and i reached out to her by old fashioned snail mail.. by her reply she sounds more pimi than ever and finding some sort of comfort in the literature.
would i be wrong to attempt to wake her up, would that actually be a cruel thing to do right now?
I personally would not send her anything or try to wake her up unless she asked you why you left, or expressed doubts or questions.
I would be a friend since she is going through such a difficult time. There is always time for that later. By maintaining a relationship where she feels free and safe to talk with you, it leaves the door open for those types of discussions when the time is right.
My $.02.
40 Years Ago Today: May 15th 1984 "1914 Generation" issue was released. False prophecy, thy name is WatchTower.
by WingCommander init's incredible how this cover, and also this "series" of watchtower's is burned into my mind.
i was almost 5 years old when these were released.
“1914 and you” — may 1, 1984 watchtower.
I actually do get it. ATM I think I was feeling a little sad for my brother and the delayed gratification etc. And his wife is very very ill, and it's very hard for them...their choice I know. Their life within the congregation is pretty good, I think. They are looked after more than most it sounds like. It works for them.
I left in 2001 also and never regretted it for one second. It was difficult, but it was the surest decision I have ever made.
40 Years Ago Today: May 15th 1984 "1914 Generation" issue was released. False prophecy, thy name is WatchTower.
by WingCommander init's incredible how this cover, and also this "series" of watchtower's is burned into my mind.
i was almost 5 years old when these were released.
“1914 and you” — may 1, 1984 watchtower.
All we can do is be thankful we got Out of there.
I was talking with my sister last night about this very thing. We are so grateful to be out. Our brother and his family are still in, many many health issues and facing just a few years more of not so golden years.
They can't understand why we left, and we can't understand why they would stay with all the false predictions and prophecies.
Redding Drama
by Bill Covert inif any one was so inclined to go back to 2013 on the site and locate the posts on the note takers reporting on the 2013 convention [the release of the rnwt and gb demanding obedience] there were two note takers who reported on the main talk "human apostates" that there was a new tactic being used, letter writing to the publishers homes.
the main subject of those letters was a elder joe moore.
on 12-26-2007 i taped court case #149893 to kh doors.
Oh for Pete's sakes.
I know Balamsass and 3rd gen personally. You are FOS.
Branch dedication London
by ExBethelitenowPIMA ini’ve been invited to the dedication at chelmsford.. it’s crazy here, several thousand ex bethelites here for lots of events.
all hotels booked.
big marquee.
Any Paul Gillies sightings? Beard?