I wrote my DA letter, very clear and also very surprinsingly "Apostate" according to the elders. You poor thing. The horse is out of the barn in your case. My mother and brother also wrote da letters with similar results. I recommend to others who want to leave this demonic cult to just walk away. Use passive ressistance. Bite your tounge, hold your piece. Dont answer the door or phone to Jws.
JoinedPosts by jaguarbass
The Bastard told on my dad
by Lilycurly inso...everything had been fine for a while.
i wrote my da letter, very clear and also very surprinsingly "apostate" according to the elders.
so at first, dad does what he's told is right and starts the shunning.
The Apostate and The Apologists
by The wanderer inthe cozy little establishment nestled in the upscale side of town is.
comfortably air conditioned, richly adorned, dimly lit with soft music .
to accommodate its clientele.
the waiter who disfellowshiped
the Watchtower Society, Thats a keeper, good line -
Name Things JWs Try To "Demonize"
by minimus inthe witnesses are always trying to scare the faithful by telling them that if they don't adhere to the teachings and lifestyle of the brotherhood-----that bad things are going to happen to them.
for example, they might tell you of brother regret who left the "truth", had "fun" in the "world" and then got aids.
now he's back in the "truth" but he only has months to live................can you think of other examples of how the witnesses try to spook the rank and file?
Everything is bad to the Jw's. Having fun and being alive is bad, Music bad, sports bad, money bad.
Service good, contributions good.
What Kinds of Weird Things were you banned from or not allowed as a child?
by mama1119 ini could not have a big new kids on the block pin, or wear any new kids on the block pins in puplic becuase it was considered idolatry.
i also could not wear my shoes without laces (it was cool back then) because it looked wordly.
what other strange theings besides the usual holiday/birthday stuff weren't you allowed to do?
I wasnt allowed to eat Milky Way Candy bars, Mars bars, Snikers, Three Muskaters bars. Because they had lethicin, which the wt said contained blood. They were the most popular chocalte bars In Northern, Ohio in the 60's. I couldnt buy beatle boots, I couldnt have a beatle haircut, I couldnt join the boyscouts or go to camp, or play organized sports, little leauge baseball or football, Couldnt celebrate the holidays, or birthdays at school I had to go and sit in the office durnig the celebration. Couldnt salute the flag. And I wasnt supposed to believe what many of my teachers especially science teachers taught. So I didnt take education very seriously. I didnt go to college. Which cost me financially as an adult.
Why do you have YOUR faith?
by FreedomFrog infaith is the belief in something that there is no proof in.
christians believe in jesus, pagans believe in goddesses, atheist believe in no god and so on.... so everyone has put their "faith" in something one way or another.
even if you have put your "faith" in you...what made you choose?
I think we need to have faith in ourselves. Even if we fail we need faith that well get up and go on. I dont know about faith in anything other than myself.
1. confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another's ability The above is a dictionarys #1 deffinition of faith. I think if you dont have faith in yourself, you will be lost.
Welcome Jehovah
by coolhandluke injehovah, .
oh how many times i've prayed to you and felt your scornful laugh from yonder skies, how you mock me and laugh at me.
my creation is for your amusement obviously, kinda like the celestial version of the sunday comics, only i appear in technicolor everyday for you.
Right on brother!
by Dansk ini find this forum immensely therapeutic.
posters here have helped me with personal issues as well as historical, religious, evolutionary, etc.
i think this is the best psychiatric forum for xjws anywhere, kinda like my own personal shrink!.
think this is the best psychiatric forum for XJWs anywhere, kinda like my own personal shrink!
Ian, I agree with your assesment
What's your present belief ?
by JH in.
without attacking anyone for their beliefs, feel free to state what you believe in right now.. personally, i still believe in a higher power, a creator, call him jehovah if you wish, a god that will put things back right eventually.
Everyone has a song
by Wordly Andre ineveryone has a song that reminds them of a particular moment in their lives, happy or sad or sometimes indifferent.
its only that when you hear that song it takes you back even catching you off guard and suddenly your back in high school or remembering someone you loved and lost.
how many of you have a song that reminds you of leaving the org.
Frozen Ghost Should I see. Check it out
cover my eyes and ears
til it all dissapears
how can you judge for me
what i should hear and see
you take away freedom of choice
take away the right to voice
my beliefs and and all my views
you take away my right to choose
(na na na na na naaaah...)
show me what should i see
(na na na na na naaaah...)
make my mind up for me
(na na na na na naaaah...)
show me what should i see
(na na na na na naaaah...)
what should i see
how can you censor my thought
what is right what is not
how is it you decide
what i should feel inside
quoting god as you discuss
what is right and wrong for us
you inundate us with your views
you take away my right to choose
(repeat chorus)
you take away freedom of choice
you take away my right to voice
my beliefs and all my views
you take away my right to choose
(repeat chorus )
...make my mind up for me
show me what should i see