In my mind the watchtower society are the bigest false prophets to come down the pike. And from these you should flee!
JoinedPosts by jaguarbass
Who are false prophets?
by KW13 inare the watchtower society false prophets?
well it says in the bible, should someone make a prophecy and it not come about then that individual is a false prophet.
jesus said no one would know when the time of the end was.
Does the GB truly beleive they are being used by God
by sspo in.
what do you think?.
i have a hard time accepting the fact that intelligent men truly beleive the creator has a special arrangement with them and somehow they are being used in a special position because of one scripture about the faithful and discreet slaves.. they should all be locked up in a nut house for beleiving that.
Its a pyschotic condition refered to as illusions of grandeur. I have an aquaintence who suffers from this. He is a security guard but hes convinced hes a lawyer.
What reaction would the JW's have if you walked into the Kingdom Hall?
by JH in.
for those who didn't attend meetings for a while, imagine that you just walk into your kingdom hall 10 minutes before a meeting.
what would be their reaction?
For me its been so long 1983, so many changes, people come and go, people die, Plus my hall was disbanded. No one would no who I was. I couldnt go back. It would be my worst night mare.
This is just so sad
by troubled mind insince we have faded from the hall most everyone avoids us except for a couple of young ones that will stop by for a visit .
last night a young woman in her twenties came over we talked about several things, and she brought up that a while back she had seriously thought of suicide .
i asked if there were reasons as to why ?
The bizzare emotional frustrations we humans put ourselves thru.
Whats your goals:
by jelly injust as a way to get a dialog started what do you people consider you 2 most important goals: one can be thoecratic and the other more pragmatic.
for example mine would be to (1) make all the meetings, ( sometimes i dont wake up on sundays until 5 or 6 pm) (2) get into better shape.
jelly isnt just a nickname its a description.
secure my retirement 2 maintain my health and fitness
Are Witnesses okay with Fantasy Football leagues?
by free2beme ini was wondering about this, as fantasy football leagues are becoming big this time of year.
i have people i work with who live by these things, and even spend their entire breaks tracking information or text messaging friends to make changes.
it is not always about gambling, but often it is and in any case it takes a lot of time to work it.
I would guess the friends would be against them. The only thing they are really in favor of is going out in service, quick builds and attending assemblies.
Most people are burned out on all organized religions
by free2beme ini know we always think and talk about how when we left the witnesses, we felt burned out on organized religion as a whole.
we felt it was caused by our time as witnesses, and the burn out we felt from knowing so much about other religions and our "suppose" knowledge on the bible.
here is the thing, since leaving the witnesses and talking to people who have never spent any time in the witness religion.
If there is a higher being is he, she it or a committe, even worthy of our faith? Maybe we are part of some science progect. Or maybe we are all God and were having a human experience to amuse ourselves. A visit to the pleasure planet. Like Wally world. aka Disneyland
Most people are burned out on all organized religions
by free2beme ini know we always think and talk about how when we left the witnesses, we felt burned out on organized religion as a whole.
we felt it was caused by our time as witnesses, and the burn out we felt from knowing so much about other religions and our "suppose" knowledge on the bible.
here is the thing, since leaving the witnesses and talking to people who have never spent any time in the witness religion.
religion is the worlds greatest con game. As ones intelligence matures and grows it becomes unpalatable.
Are some people better off staying in the WTS?
by HalfWayThere ini read this forum alot.
though i don't post very often, i thought i would share the following thoughts.
my mother is 70, and lives alone (my parents separated and divorced about 23 years ago).
I think some people who dont want to use their brains are better to stay in the troof than come out in the world and be a mindless republican, stuck on stupid, voting and giving this country a joker like George Bush to deal with.
Did you fall for the "hype"?
by seahart inanyone here fall for the (what should have been straight to video) hype of snakes on a plane.
i am proud to say i saw right through it.the studios are getting wise on how to use the internet to do the dirty work for them.
they must have saved a ton and maybe even made a little.
In my opinion 99% of the releases should go straight to video. But then I havent been to a movie in years. Last good movie I saw was "employee of the month" with Matt Dillon. It came out over a year ago. I see a new movie everyweek. I guess im just killing time. All the good movies were made 30 years ago, now they just do them over with new actors, over and over and over and over and over. Like the bible says, or was that John Lennon, there is nothing new under the sun, thats why we are so hard to entertain.