Terry I enjoy your post, in fact I save most of them on word for future reference.
I have had many of the thougts you express through out my life, I have never been able to express them as eloquently
as you.
I observe that you and other atheist here have paved a very broad and spacious path away from God, a path that
I cant find words to contest. I come to realize, I can not win any arguments with atheist. I find there is a part of me
that agrees with your observations.
If these observations are true, I find them very disturbing and upsetting. I find them depressing.
I find them depressing because, this life will end and that will be it.
Life has been ups and downs, hills and valleys
but the good has overcome the bad.
I have been out of the tower for almost 30 years and havent done anything or wanted to do anything
that God cant get over. Like Joe Walsh says, "Lifes been good to me so far"
When I am on this broad spacious path the atheist have paved with very few bumps or pot holes all I can
see off to the side is a cramped narrow road that leads to God.
Is there something profound in that?