Creationist Theme Park: "Ark Encounter"

by leavingwt 91 Replies latest social current

  • leavingwt

    Say hello to Ark Encounter.

    Kentucky Governor Unveils Plans For Creationist Theme Park Complete With Full-Sized Ark

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    A joint project between Beshear and Answers in Genesis -- a Christian organization that also built a similar attraction, the Creation Museum -- the park will reportedly cost at least $150 million and create 900 jobs, according to the news release.

    Beshear's spokesperson Kerri Richardson declined to comment beyond what was in her office's news release on the project.

    The amusement park, named Ark Encounter, will include all the modern recreation amenities, including: a full-sized wooden ark, a "walled city much like was found in ancient times, a replica of the Tower of Babel with exhibits, a first-century Middle Eastern village" and even outdoor parking. The park is scheduled to open in the spring of 2014.

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  • miseryloveselders

    They stand to make a TON of money. There's no business like show business, especially with good pious Christians as your audience.

  • bohm

    "a first-century Middle Eastern village" and even outdoor parking."

    Just what kids want nowadays!

  • oldlightnewshite

    Is everybody in the US like Ned Flanders? Jesus!

  • tec

    I think it looks cool. Just seeing all these replicas of biblical places and stories would be fun, for kids and adults.


  • sir82

    What does a "first century middle easten village' have to do with Noah's ark, which theoretically took place several milennia prior to the 1st century?

    Since apparently evolution is false, will they show the compartments Noah used to store the 400,000+ unique species of beetle?

    Will they show a diorama of Cain hunting a dinosaur?

    Inquiring minds want to know!

  • tec

    compartments Noah used to store the 400,000+ unique species of beetle?

    I have learned (thank you) that kinds and species are not the same thing.

    Just sayin'

    Also, while I suppose this (the park) will probably turn into some creationist/evolution stand-off, it doesn't have to.


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Is everybody in the US like Ned Flanders? Jesus!

    I don't know. Do you believe everybody in the US is behind the idea of Creationist theme park?

  • zoiks

    I would have loved this when I was little. I wonder if my parents would have brought us to something like this even if it was associated with 'false religion'?

    Now, all I can do is shake my head.

  • Mythbuster

    Where is the Sodom and Gomorrah section?

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