Hey Zev,
I don't know what to tell you about your wife, my husband (fortunately) is not a witness so he's totally loving my new "personality".
Try to show her what real love is about and even if things take a worse turn she'll be able to recall that you were a better person without the witness jacket on. I hope things work out for the two of you. Don't push it too hard though, it just doesn't seem to work unless they want to see it.
I'm having a harder time with my parents. I do understand the necessity of getting counseling. I've been debating this back and forth in my mind for weeks now. There is just nobody who I can confide in who'll understand what I'm going through. I"ve told one non jw friend and she can't believe that I was involved in such a thing. That really makes me feel stupid and gullible and I'm afraid to mention it to anyone who wasn't a witness.
Get a counselour and let me know how it goes, maybe I'll get the guts to do it too.